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Captain America Comics? (4)

1 Name: Kanon : 2016-06-13 19:58 ID:ypA67wFi [Del]


So I wanted to start reading the CA comics, preferably from the beginning of his story, but I cant seem to find a website telling me which ones to read it what order? Also, the volumes all have strange numbers?

But yeah... I'd like to read ones by Stan Lee or Ed Brubarker?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2016-06-15 10:36 ID:Y+FSwetm [Del]


I usually use to get my bearings around comics things. There's also Marvel Wiki which is probably also useful. You can read parts of a character's story if you jump in at a later point in canon and are confused or if you feel like jumping over a story arc you don't like. You can also find how the issues are bundled in volumes/collected editions in case you want to actually buy something.

For seeing what you should read and maybe downloading things check out comicmastepost@livejournal. After the oneshots, team-ups, minis etc. it's pretty much in chronological order.

Starting from the beginning is probably complicated. Old comics are hard to read in my experience, but maybe you enjoy them more.

I started with Ed Brubaker's run, meaning Volume 5. But after a few issues Cap (spoiler) dies for a while and the story shifts to Bucky Barnes, so if you wanna read about Steve Rogers that might not be the best point to start... I made a thread for Bucky a while ago actually.

I haven't read that many Cap stories with Steve himself or any of the recent ones with Sam as Cap. So I can't really help you that much. But Volume 5 is usually considered a good jumping on point, especially if you've watched the movies. I didn't find it hard at all to understand and I hadn't read a single Cap comic before that. I heard Mark Waid's run (Vol 3 #1-#23) also had some good stories, but I haven't read them.

I hope this is somewhat useful for you.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2016-06-15 10:41 ID:Y+FSwetm [Del]

Captain America: Man out of Time by Mark Waid and Jorge Molina is also nice. It's a 5 issue origin retelling from 2011.

4 Name: Kanon : 2016-06-15 20:04 ID:ypA67wFi [Del]

Ill check them out!!
thank you ^w^