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LGBT Webcomics (19)

1 Name: Szyszus : 2015-08-22 17:41 ID:oMJ1ZwlO [Del]

I'm really into LGBT webcomics (especially gay ones, but the others also work for me :) and I wanted to ask, if anyone could recommend me an LGBT comic that has been finished already. Or all of these stuff are kind of a never ending story?

2 Name: hazel : 2015-08-23 21:28 ID:hk4XS6dm [Del]

the webcomic "scarfs" on tumblr is a good one. cute charming art. Interesting story.I can't give too much away but here's page one. A story about a girl who wears a scarf.

3 Name: PK : 2015-08-23 21:38 ID:hk4XS6dm [Del]

Never read any of these before but some seem cool

4 Name: Siren !SzqYl/82/w : 2015-08-26 16:52 ID:AceFzfZ4 [Del]

I think the best thing for the LGBT cause in media and art, is if you have more LGBT characters and plots without making it seem forced. When it seems casual or has a lot of substance it is better from a storytelling point of view, in my opinion. For example, there is a girl who lives a life of mystery, fighting demons in the night or some shit, and she also happens to have a girlfriend she loves and wants to protect. Then you have, girl who is gay says things about being gay whilst fighting (gay) demons in the night with her girlfriend. I think option 1 is better for LGBT integrity and storytelling integrity, as the sexuality is seen as natural like it should be! :) Thoughts are welcome!

5 Name: Live 2 Die !3Sd75li6/6 : 2015-08-28 18:30 ID:l9oIwkI1 [Del]

Tripping Over You Is really really really good for this. Sadly not quite finished, yet a fantastic read nonetheless.

6 Name: niaocat : 2015-09-02 11:25 ID:HYtfZacg [Del]

Seconding this rec. for TOY all the way. It's one of my favorite comics of all time! Adorable, REAL, engaging and enjoyable LGBT "coming-of-age" and "falling-in-love" storyline. <3

(I got to meet the creators at Phoenix CC this year and I basically fell apart like a fangirl, holy hell)

7 Name: EpicKT !wf5JJ352J. : 2015-09-02 21:47 ID:TWiPV0jf [Del]

Rain is pretty good! It doesn't have the best art, but the story is enjoyable. It's written by a trans girl and mainly focuses on the story of a trans girl named Rain. There's other LGBT characters as well. It's still ongoing with over 700 pages. I really like it.

8 Post deleted by user.

9 Name: Kuro : 2015-09-16 17:26 ID:yHkEno+4 [Del]

Hey, any recommendations?

10 Name: Ritvik Avancha : 2015-09-23 11:57 ID:CCpsKkn6 [Del]

Hey. I'm really into this stuff. Text me some pics of the comics

(904) 257-0855


11 Name: Saika : 2015-09-27 02:32 ID:z4N7OzAE [Del]

I Know of several gay type LGBT webcomics, but none of them are finished. Sorry. If you are still interested, then you can start reading Technicolor London. Even though it isn't done yet, you can start it. It also updates every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

12 Name: PandaFreak : 2015-09-29 04:15 ID:lDikiRMN [Del]

Yaoi comics I would recommend are, Nise X Koi boyfriend(This is the cutest thing...), Puchitto Hajiketa, Sick and star like worlds.

I'm sure you will enjoy...HEUHEUHEUHEUHEUHEU~

13 Name: Dollars : 2015-09-30 18:42 ID:ZT8n1L1N [Del]

Omg yaoi man is life I am just saying

14 Name: Saika : 2015-09-30 19:27 ID:/SJ8aS9E [Del]

>>13 Amen.

15 Name: Krys : 2015-10-01 01:45 ID:3/RK9owe [Del]

Amen x2
Yaoi is life, Yaoi is world!

16 Name: Saika : 2015-10-01 08:12 ID:/SJ8aS9E [Del]

>>15 True Dat.

17 Name: PandaFreak : 2015-10-01 09:32 ID:lDikiRMN [Del]

>>13 >>15

Such truth.

18 Name: Neko : 2015-10-01 13:11 ID:nPK7mhwW [Del]

I'm joining the BL coven XD
Try Junjou de Wagamama na Kare and Sekai wa Kimi de Mawatteru for small nosebleed-causing djs
btw, I'm still not clear about this even with years of reading, but are manga and comic the same or does comic refers to the western ones?

19 Name: Witty Name ἷ5 : 2015-10-01 20:47 ID:lRsAygoo [Del]

I remember there's a spanish comic called "Gaysome" i used to check. Dunno if it's still running...