Dollars BBS | Comics
















Person not saying there name (9)

1 Name: Manga : 2014-02-18 22:13 ID:QWxgLzV5 [Del]

Hello, me and my friends have been working on a manga how cool is that we even have designs planned and every thing, and also i am writing a Wikipedia pahe about it as well that will be up and running in a week or two so if you want more info search up The inn where I live.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2014-02-20 17:15 ID:Jp0kDBXR [Del]

Wow that sounds really interesting, I will be waiting to be kept updated :)

3 Name: Manga : 2014-02-21 05:05 ID:QWxgLzV5 [Del]

Thanks for the encouragement. I have gone over the start scene of the manga and have rewritten it so it is actually good. and the designs are coming are coming along nicely as well.

4 Name: Colorless Energy !O1jzujos12 : 2014-02-21 06:02 ID:xKaBM80w [Del]

A bit more of the plot line would be a good idea to post in the OP as well as a link to your Wiki page. If English is not your primary language, there are people here that can help you with that (I'm one). Otherwise, there's not too much on this thread that most people would find interesting. You've pretty much said "My friends and I are working on a comic and here's the title." I tried looking up the title and was unable to find anything. Please don't mistake this as telling you not to post something, I'm just saying that this thread could be better than what it is now.

5 Name: Manga : 2014-02-22 23:30 ID:PMhAb4c0 [Del]

I'm sorry the Wikipedia page hopefully will be up in a little over a week. So far all I can say about the plot that I am allowed (as it could change later but will hopefully stay along the same lines) Is that it is set in a town that is based of Fuefuki in japan. A small part of the plot that is set in stone is A boy by the name Eishiro Satou moves into the town due to his new job working at an inn (Sorry but the name escapes me) and meets a girl by the name of Koizumi Tomoko they become friends and join a hospitality club at school, the club disbands and they spend some of there school life trying to build it back up again. So far the genre is slice of life, Comedy Romance. and sorry for lack of info, and the final product will actually be a lot more interesting than I made it sound.

6 Name: Ajax : 2014-02-23 08:52 ID:ms/WDGEj [Del]

I'm going to college in a year and am hoping i can make some friends im graphic design to help me make my own manga ot comic. Who is publishing yours?

7 Name: Colorless Energy !O1jzujos12 : 2014-02-24 06:04 ID:xKaBM80w [Del]

>>5 Well, if you would like someone to look over and check it for spelling errors, some grammar checks, and suggestions on rewording things, I can help. I see in your posts that you don't quite have a complete grasp on the English language.

8 Name: Manga : 2014-03-04 21:51 ID:QWxgLzV5 [Del]

I'm sorry to say but my friend was hit by a car a few days ago, so we have not done anything to the manga things of gotten so hectic lately with school being a total bitch. But we have new people willing to help but on something new next time i post i will use a new name and everything but it will be about space... Till then...

9 Name: Concerned Dollar : 2014-03-13 16:37 ID:UAgIjpO4 [Del]

I am sorry that happened to your friend. Good luck, though.