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Scott Pilgrim (27)

1 Name: Dosoct : 2013-10-18 09:52 ID:RFsHtszG (Image: 250x375 jpg, 30 kb) [Del]

src/1382107970003.jpg: 250x375, 30 kb
Has anyone read the Scott Pilgrim series? I really like it and was disappointed when I didn't see a thread for it (there was one in the movies topic but none in the comics)

2 Name: Meo : 2014-01-01 13:12 ID:DU5tQWeZ [Del]

I havent read the series, but I was thinking about trying them because I liked the movie c: Is there anywhere you can read them online? :3

3 Name: ichigo : 2014-01-04 16:34 ID:VuiW2Ssr [Del]

love the book and the movie! so freakin' awesome!

4 Name: dante : 2014-01-15 13:16 ID:XqYe8zX4 [Del]

wish am ozone would get scots precious little box set back in stock

5 Name: P.K. : 2014-07-25 03:53 ID:Cm6QhhP9 [Del]

I have the box set, the game, and the movie. I never run into others who also love the comics (which are the best), only people who've seen the movie.

6 Name: Subspace : 2014-07-26 12:03 ID:26ByDIqC [Del]

I read them, they were GREAT

7 Name: Hugebunny : 2014-07-28 03:07 ID:9njGBGhN [Del]

i've only seen the movie but sounds like I should get into the other stuff

8 Name: coal : 2014-07-28 21:22 ID:Cm6QhhP9 [Del]

>>7 you won't regret it if you do. Just be prepared since the movie left things out.

9 Name: Zaendle : 2014-07-30 01:49 ID:RbU6lcIm [Del]

Cool scott pilgrim :D

10 Name: Shiro W. : 2014-07-31 21:33 ID:rp+4goFb [Del]

they have them at my local library but i havnt finished the series.

11 Name: Clockwork22 : 2014-08-03 17:24 ID:JfUC3GST [Del]

It really was a great read... I really hope you enjoyed it throughly

12 Name: SlyazX !94nyoNFOQM : 2014-08-10 10:03 ID:RG/R/XYB [Del]

Scott Pilgrim^^ read the comics (not all, I have to admit), watched the movie and I love to get back to both :D

13 Name: Cat !730NZVTycI : 2014-08-17 13:37 ID:AK5j7Zp+ [Del]

I actually watched the movie first and got really obsessed with it. So I watched *cough* several *cough* times. Then I found the first comic at the library, and holy cow it is REALLY similar to the movie xD But I think Ramona and Scott had a bit more... You know, character, in the comics. Loved both really much though.

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15 Name: Live 2 Die !3Sd75li6/6 : 2014-09-02 13:31 ID:kgLLgVJZ [Del]

One of my favorite things to ever come out of Canada. Besides my families maple syrup. But that's completely unrelated.

16 Name: Tarquin : 2016-06-17 18:37 ID:ausPa4Vc [Del]

Just bought the 4th volume, really good so far!

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18 Name: Shiro !STB.3w25YA : 2016-06-30 20:53 ID:BqiDlBzH [Del]


19 Name: Fenin : 2016-07-07 08:21 ID:E8BHDlZw [Del]

I read it, and then I watched the movie.

20 Name: Jade Akuma : 2016-07-28 19:50 ID:fA2NvQY7 [Del]

I had first watched the movie and then decided to read the books which I only finished recently and I can say I would totally go gay for Wallace

21 Name: Naga saki : 2016-08-04 16:24 ID:/OtbYvE3 [Del]

Dude, Scott pilgrim literally changed my life, change music tastes, Plumtree is bae, gave me some entertainment, gave me the motivation to make comics, and start a band.

22 Name: hazel : 2016-08-08 04:16 ID:TToVo3yR [Del]

omf im such a scott pilgrim fan. i love the books so much. i just got the official colored versions recently and they're beautiful. the games really fun too, and ive come around on the movie, too.

23 Name: hazel : 2016-08-08 04:19 ID:TToVo3yR [Del]

found this site too. for my fellow dollars who like scott pilgrim already/ want to read it.

24 Name: Kazatuo : 2016-08-17 19:56 ID:bd0GF+rJ [Del]

Scott Pilgrim is one of the greatest comics ever, and thats coming from someone who owns over 100 trades. It's a life changer. It motivated me to finally go through with my web comic (Carl and Don), and got me to learn an instrument, it is amazing.

25 Name: Callimastia : 2018-09-11 04:44 ID:tUA7EfF9 [Del]

It’s funny cause I loved the movie then tracked down the comics and loved the comics more and even got the vegan lasagna recipe from it.

26 Name: Moonie : 2018-10-14 00:42 ID:v+hOOLTC [Del]

Brian Lee O'Malley is a genius. He has two other graphic novels out ("Lost At Sea" and Seconds) and they are absolutely fantastic as well. Not to mention that the SPVtW movie is one of the best comic to film adaptions that I've ever seen.

27 Name: President Funny Valentine : 2018-10-24 19:22 ID:Hv2/rSfu [Del]

I love the entire sp series I still have the game and play it regularly