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i am making a comic. (10)

1 Name: kylor : 2013-03-08 18:31 ID:QWTIH+y6 [Del]

I made the firs volume of a manga I am calling "shezeki"
Shezeki are dark beings who look and act like humans. They have weapons which they can pull from thin air at any time. Shezeki have no remorse and never hesitate to kill.
Anyway, the point of this thread is to ask if anybody knows how I might could submit this to a publishing company and possibly have it published.

2 Name: kylor : 2013-03-08 18:33 ID:QWTIH+y6 (Image: 640x1024 jpg, 77 kb) [Del]

src/1362789191631.jpg: 640x1024, 77 kb
By the way, this is a rough sketch of ayaki, the mane character.

3 Name: Sorachin : 2013-03-11 04:36 ID:3wHQ6ejS [Del]

Seems interesting :)

4 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-03-11 14:58 ID:dAYPbwoj [Del]

>>1 Gonna be honest with you. Don't quit your day job.

Just post it online if you wanna get something out there, but with what you have right now? Not nearly enough to be published respectably.

Publishers expect you to already have a draft to publish. Do you already have an entire volume to sell, even? You'd have to pitch the concept to them and have them look over your draft, and it'd be up to them whether or not it would be worth the money to print it.

If >>2 is any indication of its quality, stick to making it a webcomic if anything. Try fleshing out the idea for a while before jumping to conclusions.

5 Name: Kylor : 2013-03-11 18:30 ID:QWTIH+y6 [Del]

>>4 thanks for the criticism. ^.^
but i do actually have a full volume finished, and i hate this artwork. it was my first time trying to draw on my kindle, i will admit that my drawing ability is not great, but i would not go so far as to say it is bad.
still, this is only a dream of mine and i do not expect it to ever really take flight, i just use it to pass the time in class and keep my friends interested.

6 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-03-11 18:56 ID:dAYPbwoj [Del]

Oh definitely. You don't have to commercialize it to make something of it, of course.

It's not even necessarily the quality of the style that would be the issue; it's the professionalism of it that would stop you from getting it published.

I do encourage you to keep going with it, as I said in the last part of my post. An idea can get even better with age, so there's no rush.

7 Name: Baka ni Baka : 2013-03-11 21:55 ID:NFRJDOvo [Del]

disagree there. The quality does matter but more importantly for me is the the fact that you wish to create a manga? I presume you are somewhere other than japan? Because it's doubtful you're going to create a real manga outside a manga publishing company which sadly is located in that mess of islands.

Also if you hate that artowrk, give us a sample....your rather paltry sample is...pathetic really. sicne you're asking the amateur denizens of this website, you should really give us more information/artwork.
Honestly upon that paragraph of a plot and the's not very fleshed out...not really recommended for webcomic quality either much less the interest of a professional editor

8 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-03-12 04:11 ID:dAYPbwoj [Del]

>>7 Was I perhaps overly supportive?

I did say "not necessarily" in terms of the quality, in that, even if the art was decent, lack of professionalism would keep it from success anyway. OP hardly gave much to work with, and I don't consider myself a good critic for subjective quality.

It's just that webcomics have a really accessible starting point - in that, you can literally host your stuff on deviantart and call it a webcomic. I figured if that's all OP's got, might as well develop it somewhere.

9 Name: kylor : 2013-03-13 20:57 ID:QWTIH+y6 [Del]

I read on dark horse website that I don't really have to draw anything *happy* to submit a comic as a script. Then they hire a person to draw it for me. So thanks for the advice.

10 Name: kongo204 : 2013-03-14 03:31 ID:Org4BLWI [Del]

It sounds very interesting, but I would really love to see a sample of the actual art that you have put in. It's a pretty decisive factor for me.