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Pandora Hearts (155)

1 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-25 12:23 ID:HjaTDeR0 (Image: 500x313 jpg, 36 kb) [Del]

src/1340645006308.jpg: 500x313, 36 kb
Pandora Hearts is one of the most amazing mangas that I have ever read, to be frank. The art perfectly goes back and forth between very cute to very dark to fit with the situation. Admittedly, though, the first arc of the story is very decieving. However, as you get farther along, the story gets deeper and darker. Of course, you get perfectly placed gag episodes along the way, but even during those, that undertone is there. You can just feel the deeper aspects of the story coming together.

I have never read a manga with so many goddamn plot twists. You will WHAT THE FUCK!? so many times throughout this manga. All the characters you loved, you will hate, then you will love, and then you will hate them again. Everything you hear is a lie. Or is it? You'll never know. Things go from being lies to truth to lies to truth again. The manga can be confusing as fuck at times, but it's just so... Just trust me. You will never want to put it down. Everything is just so perfect in this manga.

I'll try my best not to spoil, but that doesn't mean you can come back and say I lied to you about who is who and what is what. It's not my fault they suddenly decided to switch all the characters around in this final arc.

The story starts with flashing back to the main characters and their relatives playing as children, then to Oz preparing for his coming of age ceremony. Oz Vesallius (also spelt Oz Bezarius) is the only male heir to the heroic Vessalius family, which supposodly saved the world during the Tragedy of Sablier. Rejected by his father with only his servant, sister, and uncle as friends, he forces a smile upon himself and grows a strong personality. However, duing Oz's long awaited ceremony, time is stopped, and the Baskervilles throw him into the Abyss.

But wasn't the Abyss a mythical place created to scare children? Sorry, Oz. I guess not.

After fending off many chains, or demons of the Abyss, Oz meets Alice, a dangerous chain called B-Rabbit with no memories. The B sometimes stands for Black and sometimes stands for Bloody - hence, the B Rabbit. They form a contract to escape the Abyss. Now accompanied by new mysterious people who were waiting for their arrival from the Abyss, Oz goes on a journey to find all the piece to Alice's memories. However, they all get far more than they bargained for, particularly when it turns out the 100 year hero during the Tragedy of Sablier was in fact "reincarnated" into Oz.

So much happens, I just... don't even. It's too much for words. Sit down and read this manga. The story is still going on. However, I'm pretty sure we're in if not nearing the final arc of the story. Everything is finally coming together.

Also, this thread was a remake of the old shitty thread. We needed a better thread dedicated to this amazing manga.

2 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-25 12:28 ID:HjaTDeR0 [Del]


I'm too lazy to remake to fix one error, even if there aren't any comments.

BITCHES, YOU NEED TO READ THIS MANGA. It's great for both girls and boys. There are hints to relationships of every sexuality, but the romance never really gets anywhere. The manga is more focused on the mystery and violence.

I hate that there aren't many good PH tributes on youtube. A lot of people like to couple characters together, but nobody has really grasped the violent undertone of the manga in an MMV yet. I'm up for suggestions :o

3 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-25 12:46 ID:HjaTDeR0 [Del]

Oh. I figured it's obvious, but I might as well say it. This whole series had a fuckton of inspiration from Alice in Wonderland. The majority of the characters are somehow related to either Lewis Caroll (the author of AiW) or AiW itself. I believe the "Abyss" is the Jun Mochizuki's version of the rabbit hole, and the rest of the story was twisted correspondingly. Aside from inspiration, though, the story isn't that much like Alice in Wonderland.

4 Name: Rizaya : 2012-06-25 12:50 ID:R4Mm8Gp9 [Del]

Sounds interesting. How many volumes is the manga? And is there a dubbed anime? If not i can watch subbed, i don't really care. But just wondering

5 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-25 12:59 ID:HjaTDeR0 [Del]

>>4 I do not reccomend the anime. It cuts off a quarter way through the manga with an extremely bad ending that has nothing to do with the actual story. Everything is left unfinished. I didn't watch the anime dubbed, but it should be. The art is average, as is the animation, and it doesn't properly showcase the story.

The manga is around 70 chapters, but I don't know the number of volumes. You can read it online at If you want to buy it, it's probably on Amazon.

6 Name: Ayaka !.LlKAkH4Jk : 2012-06-25 13:03 ID:1WXChouV [Del]

Yaaay, a place to talk about PH without derailing any other threads!~ God I love this manga so much. <3

7 Name: bang-bang : 2012-06-25 14:32 ID:EJ59tfLM [Del]

I'm two chapters behind. Because going through a whirlwind of emotions each month wasn't working out for me. I don't know what I've missed, but a safe guess would be something horrible for all involved.

8 Name: rolling girl : 2012-06-25 15:57 ID:vhdWwkIJ [Del]

God, I love this series so much. I've been following it from the beginning :) So many twists, I never get bored and can never guess whats going to happen, love it. Nice to see a thread for it that's well constructed.

9 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-25 16:37 ID:HjaTDeR0 [Del]

>>7 Oh god. You just... YOU DON'T EVEN. Prepare for the worst.

>>8 I know o=o At first, I thought I knew everything. I thought I could predict everything that was going to happen. Well, fuck. I was wrong. Every time you think you have it figured out, it's fucked up again. I mean, com'on. Even Barma doesn't understand this plot XO

>>6 So... [Spoilers if you're more than six chapters or so behind.]


I mean, seriously. What the fuck just happened in this entire series, especially the last few chapters. I got so scared when Jack cast him so far back in his head. I'm happy that Oz has control again, but of course it was just to... you know.

Gil is going to fucking kill himself for that. No. Gil is too hot to be suicidal. I used to love Reo ;~; I can't tell if that's Reo or Glen talking in the last chapter. I mean, Reo might be going insane between Oz flipping a shit, Vincent's bullshit, and what happened to Elliot. I was never expecting that arc with Reo and Elliot. That whole arc was fucked up in so many ways.

Do you think Oz is going to make it? If he gets cast back into the Abyss as that stuffed toy, I... I don't know what I'm going to do with myself. Even if it means that the story could have a chance to start over again, I think the story has really reached it's climax and doesn't need that. So far, I think... I think Jun is going to fuck us all over and over again with a hot iron rod in the next chapter. I hope not, but he might.


I mean, thanks to that last flashback, that means... That means that Alice is already... UGH. But! THERE IS HOPE. During that flashback, Jack commented that there was a voice that didn't sound like Lacie or the two Alices. And remember when the white Alice (the Will of the Abyss) asked the current Alice why that was her name? Maybe there was more to that than the Will of the Abyss wanting to be the only Alice. Our Alice might be her own person... but... so far, it doesn't seem like it.

So many plot twists o=o I have no idea what's going to happen next.

And Break. Oh god, Break. I don't think he's going to last long. How has Sharon lasted so long, anyway? Her chain isn't that strong, and she's such a frail little bitch. Not gonna lie - I really hope they kill her off in the chaos. If she's the only one unharmed after all this, like she always is, I'm going to be fucking pissed.

10 Name: bang-bang : 2012-06-25 17:00 ID:EJ59tfLM [Del]

>>8 Worse than 65? Can anything be worse than 65?

11 Name: bang-bang : 2012-06-25 17:00 ID:EJ59tfLM [Del]

I mean >>9

12 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-25 18:27 ID:HjaTDeR0 [Del]

>>10 Whoah whoah whoah. There is plenty worse than 65. I mean, it was bad, but there's no denying that 59 is more heart wretching than every other chapter thusfar. The ones following it with Reo, 60-62, were pretty damn bad, as well. After that, I'd say that the more recent chapters, 70-72 would be there in the list, and /then/ 65.

I'm sorry, but that whole arc... 55-63, as well as the Elliot and Reo related episodes just... broke me. Rereading 59 would be the equivalent of emotional suicide.

13 Name: rolling girl : 2012-06-25 18:37 ID:vhdWwkIJ (Image: 239x94 jpg, 5 kb) [Del]

src/1340667425926.jpg: 239x94, 5 kb
God, I freaking screamed out "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!WHYY!!WHY WOULD YOU MAKE HIM DO THAAATTT!!!!" When Break told Gilbert to shoot Oz ಥ_ಥ Y U DO THIS TO MEEE, JUN!!!! FREAKING FEEELSSS. ALL OF THE FEELS.
*rant over*

14 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-25 20:56 ID:HjaTDeR0 [Del]


IT WAS REO, NOT BREAK ;_; Reo was using Glen's command (and/or Glen's soul was coming through) to control Gil, who used to be part of the Baskervilles and one of Glen's servants. Break went there to STOP that from happening..! THE SECOND HE GOT THERE, REO ORDERED IT, GODDAMNIT.


15 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-25 20:57 ID:HjaTDeR0 [Del]

Reo fucking broke...


16 Name: rolling girl : 2012-06-25 21:35 ID:vhdWwkIJ [Del]

>>14 Oh, whoops! There was so much going on (and it was 5 in the morning when I read it) in that chapter...I couldn't keep track >.<

17 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-25 21:57 ID:HjaTDeR0 [Del]

>>16 Dude.

None of us could keep track. It's impossible to keep track of this manga anymore.

18 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-25 21:57 ID:HjaTDeR0 [Del]

That reminds me. Doesn't Navi read PH? >o<

19 Name: Bread!BREADU25mg : 2012-06-25 23:20 ID:N3crzK4Y [Del]

>>18 That woman has probably read everything by now.

20 Name: bang-bang : 2012-06-26 01:48 ID:EJ59tfLM [Del]

>>12 Well I meant in a 'holy fuck' shocking revelation kind of way, not in an emotional kind of way. That pretty much goes to Elliot hands down.

21 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-26 05:57 ID:HjaTDeR0 [Del]

>>20 ;_;

>>19 True that ;|

22 Name: Ayaka !.LlKAkH4Jk : 2012-06-26 11:18 ID:1WXChouV [Del]


This manga totally takes the cake when it comes to plot twists, so many times I was reading the manga and thought, "What the FUCK!?" Just... ahh. All my feels. ;__;

I read the most recent chapter yesterday, and I just... I FEEL SO SCARED. FOR EVERYONE. I don't even know how to feel anymore, except any respect I once had for Jack is now gone, that bastard. And that thing with Oz... I could never, ever have seen that coming. I feel so sad for him. All of the recent chapters have just been so heart-wrenching.

Jun has messed with us in pretty much every possible way, what with Elliot, and Gilbert being Glen's servant, and Oz being B-Rabbit... and God, I started tearing up in the latest chapter, with the flashback where Alice (the dark-haired one, not the Will) killed herself so the Will couldn't take over her body and help Jack mess with Oz even further. And Oz screaming that he didn't want to kill... Jack, why would you do that!? WHY!? For this, I will never forgive him. >:I

Oz has to make it. If he doesn't, I... don't even know what I'll do. Same goes for Gilbert, if he dies, I may have to go on a rampage. It would be like another Tragedy of Sablier. As for Alice, she WILL survive, she's got to. ;_;

DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON BREAK. I love that guy so, so much. But you're right, it looks like his time is running out, which breaks my heart. In the Headhunter Arc, when he was fighting the Baskervilles and it looked as if he was going to die, I was ready to plunge into hysterics. If he doesn't make it to the end of this story, I'd die inside. Honestly if Sharon died, I wouldn't care that much, since I don't feel she's even contributed much to the story in the first place. =o= Like you said, if Break dies and Sharon gets out of this mess unharmed, I'd be pissed as hell.

Honestly, I can barely keep track of all the shit that's been going on. It's total chaos. It's like everything we thought we knew about the characters we loved was all a lie. Just, everything... this manga's completely... ugh. Amazing, but it's messed with us all too much. Jun Mochizuki must be feeling pretty damn pleased with himself. :| (And he should be, having created such a masterpiece.)

23 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-26 11:54 ID:HjaTDeR0 [Del]

>>22 [spoiler alert]

I mean, I sort of like Oz's sadistic side when he uses Alice's powers, but it's so fucked up that Jack made him fight. Oz was just a cuddly little stuffed rabbit to keep the Alices' company, but JACK JUST HAD TO BE A LITTLE SHIT AND DESTROY THAT. I'm not even sure about what went on there. Jack likes Lacie, not Alice, right? So why was he telling the white Alice that he would come visit her if he's just going to find Lacie? And why would the white Alice do that to Oz if he was her only company in the Abyss? I can't tell if it's bad on Lacie's, the Will of the Abyss's, or Jack's part. Or all of their parts. I just... ugh.

You know, all we need now is for Lacie, the only really innocent character, to turn out to be alive, hidden in the Abyss, pulling the strings of all this shit. When you think about it, she's the only character who hasn't really been tainted by all this. I'm sorry, but if everyone else who went to the Abyss, even nearly dead, came back alive... why hasn't Lacie come back yet?

24 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-26 11:55 ID:HjaTDeR0 [Del]

I really hope Lacie rips Jack's soul apart and lets Oz keep his body. Seriously. If the end of this series turns out like the end of Princess Tutu (putting Oz in Ahiru's position), I'm gonna be pissed as fuck.

25 Name: Ayaka !.LlKAkH4Jk : 2012-06-26 12:36 ID:1WXChouV [Del]

>>23 >>24 [More Spoiler Alerts.]

Well, B-Rabbit Oz is pretty badass, but Jack using him to kill people when that's the last thing Oz would ever want to do is screwed up.
Personally, I don't think Lacie is at fault anywhere. She had nothing to do with the Tragedy of Sablier or the Oz stuff, Jack caused all that shit all by himself. I'm a little confused though, did he do that for Lacie or (the) Alice(s)? At first I thought it was so he could bring the world Lacie loved into the abyss, but if he expected Lacie to be dead anyway, why bother? Plus it later sounded like he was doing it for Alice.

Ugh, Lacie being the one pulling the strings is the last thing we need. Can't PH have at least one character that remains innocent throughout the whole story? >3< I really liked Lacie, too. (I'm actually trying to learn the song Glen wrote after her on piano, lol.) If she is alive though, she needs to give Jack a good bitch-slap at the very least, since I get the feeling she wouldn't be pleased with all the crap he's done for her sake.
On a side note, am I the only one who really likes Glen? Finding out he wasn't guilty of anything was a shocker for me, I have a lot of respect for his character now. It's like the impressions we get of him and Jack have completely switched, Jack being the evil bastard and Glen being the one who did all he could to keep the world together. It's a shame the anime didn't go far enough to include all that.

26 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-26 18:36 ID:nHXZ3eqi [Del]

>>25 I love Glen <3 Whether he's guilty or innocent, Glen is fucking awesome. He was one of those really kind, commendable characters, even during the beginning of the series. Whenever Jack talked about Glen at the beginning, he would say, "I can't believe that my best friend would do this. He wasn't like that before. It hurt me fighting him more than it hurt he." (That's not an exact quote, but the things he said were to that effect, at least.) Aside from what supposodly happened at the Tragedy of Sablier (as told in the beginning), Glen had always been portrayed as a likeable character.

[possible spoiler/new chapter discussion below]

What if Lacie turned into a chain? I mean... we have to think here... what chains weren't around before Lacie's death? I'm pretty sure that the Mad Hatter (Break's chain), D Mouse (Vin's chain), and Humpty Dumpty (Eli's chain) were the only chains not around. The Baskerville's chains were supposodly passed down from other Baskervilles throughout the years. B Rabbit's shadow was there back when Jack first met Lacie, which means that Oz has been around since before Alice technically made him a chain. The rest of the chains (aside from the few that you see in the beginning of the story as Oz is first learning about chains) are ones that have been around in the main families since long before Lacie even existed.

I think that Humpty Dumpty might have something to do with Lacie. There's been a lot of discussion that Elliot may have been Lacie's reincarnation and/or her part in making the second "Tragedy of Sablier." I mean, there was barely any docmentation about Lacie, and there was barely any documentation about Humpty Dumpty, either. Even if HD isn't her regretful soul, I think she is definitely related to the whole headhunter arc in some way, intentionally or unintentionally.

"At first I thought it was so he could bring the world Lacie loved into the abyss, but if he expected Lacie to be dead anyway, why bother? Plus it later sounded like he was doing it for Alice."

I know. He was also really shocked when Alice killed herself to protect Oz. I think he had eventually made Alice Lacie's replacement and had really started to cling to her as his new lifeline. Maybe he had gone so psychotic that the lines between Alice and Lacie were blurring?

Or maybe Alice and Lacie are actually the same people, rather than mother and child? When you think about it, their names use the same letters, and their appearances are almost identical. With such a different looking father, do you really think they would have come out looking only like their mother? That's just not reasonable. Maybe Jack subconsciously noticed this. Now that Alice is disappearing, he might consciously realize it and see that he was aiming to destroy the same person he was trying to find and protect.

27 Name: Ayaka !.LlKAkH4Jk : 2012-06-27 11:18 ID:1WXChouV [Del]

>>26 [Le spoiler alert]


Actually, that could easily have happened, since doesn't the power of the abyss eventually turn a human into a chain, if they're not killed by one first? I don't really see how Lacie could possibly have died peacefully in the abyss.
As for which chain, like you said, I think Humpty Dumpty is definitely a possibility. There's also Vincent's second chain, the one he contracted illegally with - Demios, I think it was? (Not certain of its name.) Although we don't really know much about Demios, other than she and Vince were the real Headhunter. So I doubt Demios could have anything to do with Lacie, but still, PH has done plenty of unexpected things already, so why not? :|

I think Jack definitely started losing it by the time he caused the Tragedy of Sablier. In a way, I do pity him, having lost Lacie after just being reunited with her after so many years, but in the end, I think he just got messed up in the head, and like you said, Alice and Lacie are very alike, both when it comes to looks (well, apart from the white Alice who probably took after the previous Glen, Revis) and even the letters in their names. However, I think Jack really had a stronger relationship with white Alice/the Will, since it's her that he demanded to see when he needed more power to stop Glen's chains (in the recent chapter), and since the Will is the one in the abyss, then technically the whole bringing the world into the abyss thing would also be for her.

I can see how Alice and Lacie being the same person would work. After all, isn't it also mentioned that the abyss can mess with age, so a grown person could come back out of the abyss as a baby? If Lacie somehow got out of the abyss, she might have aged backwards to Alice's age. That wouldn't explain the Will, though, being her twin, since she and Alice do look the same, the main/only differences being in hair colour and the way they dress, and personality.

28 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-27 11:43 ID:nHXZ3eqi [Del]

>>27 Oh my god. Humpty Dumpty.

I was rereading the kids version of Through the Looking Glass (the sequel to AiW) and...

[spoiler alert]

In the sequal, Alice starts off talking to her kittens. She has a black kitten and a white kitten. She goes on and on about how the black kitten is so naughty and how the white kitten is so nice and docile. During all this, she falls asleep while looking through "the looking glass" (mirror).

In the looking glass, the black cat is the Red Queen (remember how the Alice Oz deals with wears red?) and the white cat is the White Queen (hence why the Will of the Abyss wears white). All the nonsense goes on, and then at the end, she looks at the cats' mother, Dinah, and says, "Tell me, Dinah, did you turn to Humpty Dumpty? I think you did--however, you'd better not mention it to your friends just yet, for I'm not sure."

So... if Dinah is the mother of the kittens, and the two Alices symbolize those kittens... then wouldn't that mean Lacie symbolizes Dinah, the mother of those kittens and also the mother of the Alices? And if "Alice" thinks that Dinah might have been Humpty Dumpty... wouldn't that mean there's a possiblity Lacie is Humpty Dumpty?

But amongst all this, who would the real "Alice" be? There was that one voice that came out (as mentioned earlier about Jack saying it wasn't Lacie or the Alices), but if that voice isn't the Alice that Oz is dealing with, who is she, and where is she?

29 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-27 11:44 ID:nHXZ3eqi [Del]

inb4 triplets.

30 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-27 11:51 ID:nHXZ3eqi [Del]

Well, wait. Wouldn't there have had to have been a Will of the Abyss before the white Alice? I mean, the Abyss has been there for eternity, but the Alices have only been around for a bit over a hundred years.

31 Name: Ayaka !.LlKAkH4Jk : 2012-06-27 12:54 ID:1WXChouV [Del]

>>28 ...HOLY SHIT.

[Spoiler Alert]


I didn't know any of this stuff about Through the Looking Glass, but now that you've told me, the Lacie being Humpty Dumpty theory seems even more likely. PH is heavily based on Alice in Wonderland after all, the references are everywhere. So that may well happen.

If there is a 'real Alice', then perhaps we've yet to meet her, or she will turn out to be a character we already know but never suspected. [Insert mental image of Sharon grinning and saying 'I am the real Alice!' ...Ugh. That can't happen.]

I'm not sure about there being an original Will of the Abyss. Before the Alices, wasn't the abyss just... well, an empty place full of power? As far as I understand, the reason the Alices exist in the first place is that Revis wanted an experiment. He needed Lacie to have a child in the abyss, so that child could then grow there and then in theory gain the power of that abyss and be able to control it (hence the white Alice). I guess Revis just wasn't counting on Lacie having twins. Isn't white Alice at the very core of the abyss, where it is at its most powerful? I imagine before she came along, the power of the abyss would have just been there, without anyone in particular to control it. I'm not sure though, since it takes a lot of thinking for me to get my head round everything that's been going on. Honestly, I think I need to re-read like half the manga just to grasp it properly. :\

Gosh, I almost feel guilty for spamming this thread with long paragraphs containing immense spoilers. xD At least we've put spoiler alerts, so if anyone gets spoiled it's their own fault.

32 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-27 14:38 ID:nHXZ3eqi [Del]


[Spoiler Alert]


Well, Lacie having a kid in the Abyss was the only new thing. The Baskervilles had been making the red-eyed sacrifices for a long time to keep the "peace and order" of the Abyss. At first, the series suggested it was because of the Will of the Abyss' birth that the Abyss became a dark place. However, thanks to the more recent chapters, we know that it was still golden when Oz lived with the white Alice. It was only after, when he was "made" into a Chain, that the Abyss was swallowed by the darkness. So... techincally, the Abyss turning into that was Oz's fault. Therefore, if the Will of the Abyss wasn't (well, technically it was, since she "made" Oz, but it wasn't because of her birth) at fault, wouldn't that mean that the Abyss may or may not have had a leader before that? There's still a possibility.

Maybe Oz is the real Will of the Abyss? I mean, he apparently existed (although, without a solid form) since before all the other characters. It may be that his emotions and the darkness he felt from having to kill are what turned the Abyss into such a horrid place.

If Alice is a character we already know, I would be quick to think of either Ada or Sharon. Sharon is a little mysterious, but I don't think Alice would be such a main character if Jun was hiding it. It would be a character who we've only seen in a few episodes, hence, Ada. A character who more subtly affects the plot. Or, Alice could be a "Lacie" before Lacie. Just like how the Glens were reborn, their brothers/sisters were reborn and sacrificed. So... isn't it possible that "Alice" is the "original" sacrifice of the Baskervilles?

Also, lol. I don't feel guilty at all X\

33 Name: Ayaka !.LlKAkH4Jk : 2012-06-28 12:12 ID:1WXChouV [Del]

>>32 [Spoilers]


It's possible that Oz is the real Will of the Abyss, since he does have a strong connection with it, although he doesn't display as much power/influence over it as the white Alice does. So I'm not entirely sure that Oz is the Will. I guess we'll just wait and see.

Ada! I kinda forgot about her. It would make sense though, since she's a character that doesn't really stick out very much, which makes her a perfect character to hide something in. I think Sharon is just Sharon, since I just can't imagine her as having some other true identity, and she has no real connection with the Abyss (that we know of, at least) other than her Chain Eques (I hope I spelt that right). Somehow it just doesn't seem that likely to me. Then again, Oz being B-Rabbit didn't seem likely to me either, and we both know how that turned out. ._.

I suppose that could happen, but God, this is getting complicated. My brain hurts, lol. x_x Still, if that were the case, then each brother/sister of the Glens would have had to have red eyes, since that's why they were sacrificed in the first place. Honestly, I'm hoping that the Alice we know is the "real" Alice, since it would save a lot of complications, and I've gotten to really like Alice as a character. Although it's sad that she can't remember anything of her past; I'm particularly thinking of Cheshire, since he was such a close friend/companion to her and was always by her, and yet she can't remember it. :c

34 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-28 13:25 ID:nHXZ3eqi [Del]

>>33 [Spoilers]

Oh... fuck... bro, what if Alice DID die back then? And, you know, never came back? What if our Alice is searching for her own memories, but is really finding the memories of someone else?

Now that you say it, if the sacrifice of each "Glen" is supposed to have red eyes, and Elliot was supposed to symbolize Reo's sacrifice, why were his eyes blue? And what about Gil and Vin? Gil was supposed to be the next Glen, but then the Tragedy of Sablier happened. Still, he was the next one, and Vin was his sacrifice. So why is Reo being accepted as the current Glen when there's an undecided heir alive?

35 Name: Ayaka !.LlKAkH4Jk : 2012-06-28 14:17 ID:1WXChouV [Del]

>>34 [Spoilers]


...Well, shit. I never thought of that, and yet I've always wondered how Alice somehow ended up being alive as a chain after clearly being seen dead back there. What if you're right and the Alice we know isn't the Alice from back then? OH MY GOD, NOOO, TOO MUCH HEARTBREAK ;__;

That's a good question, I wish I had a positive answer to it though. Although, I think it's because Reo had part of Glen's soul in him or something like that. Does every Glen need to have a sacrifice? We know that Glen (Oswald, Lacie's brother) had Lacie as a sacrifice due to her red eyes, but what about the Glen before that, Revis? I'm not sure though, since I really do need to look over some chapters, particularly the ones involving Lacie.

Anyway, let's think about Gil. We know he used to serve Glen/Oswald, and then went into the abyss and came back out years later, to be accepted into the Vessalius family. Then he became a Nightray... ah, I still don't know. Maybe Reo just has more 'Glen material' than Gil or some crap like that, especially since I'm pretty sure Gil would reject his status as the heir, and we just found out he's servant to Glen/Reo, whether he likes it or not.

36 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-28 15:06 ID:nHXZ3eqi [Del]


[Spoiler Alert]


Well, you can't exactly reject being the heir to a family like the Baskervilles... but then again, the Baskervilles don't nearly have as much power or order now as they used to have.

Maybe they just accepted Gil into the Baskervilles too early. Or, perhaps, it was because Vincent only had one red eye? TBH, it's probably just because Glen chose Reo over Gil. OR, MAYBE IT HAS TO DO WITH THE FACT THAT GIL IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUCKING DEAD. Seriously. How many times does Gil have to be killed before he will die? He died during the Tragedy of Sablier (remember when Vincent brought him to the Will of the Abyss to be revived?), and he should have died the second/third episode when, oh, I don't know, Oz nearly cut him in half with an overly decorated sword? For god's sake. He was a small child. There's no way he shoyld have survived that. Gil just won't die. He's been injured so badly throghout other chapters, as well. I don't see how he always comes out fine.

37 Name: Ayaka !.LlKAkH4Jk : 2012-06-28 15:21 ID:1WXChouV [Del]


[Le Spoiler Alert]


OH MY GOD... VERY VALID POINT YOU MADE THERE, VERY VALID INDEED. Either Gilbert is freaking magical, or he's just very, very lucky. Honestly, the number of times he should have died but didn't... as you stated, the Tragedy of Sablier, getting slashed across his chest by Oz's sword... and then I'm pretty sure Cheshire did some fair damage as well, when he also swiped at him with those huge claws of his. And then didn't Gil get shot at some point later on in the manga?
Still, I'm not complaining, since Gil is one of my favourite characters. I'd be pretty sad if he died. Honestly, though, I wonder just what it will take to kill him off?

38 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-28 15:33 ID:nHXZ3eqi [Del]

[Spoiler Alert]


Didn't Oz's "dad" shoot Gil during the headhunter arc? I'm not sure. I would have to reread it... but I don't think my stomach can handle that arc all over again lol

That reminds me... how did Oz's father know about all that? I mean, I know he had something to do with the Baskervilles, but when did he meet Oz? Even if Jack's body was completely reversed in time, there's no way it could have been injected from the Abyss into a woman, right? And if it was, how would Oz's "dad" have known? Was he the one who dragged him out in the first place? Or was Oz taken in after and given fake memories? I'm sure that all of it will be explained in time, but I still can't help but wonder how Oz's childhood really went. There's no way he lived a normal kid's life inside someone else's body.

39 Name: Ayaka !.LlKAkH4Jk : 2012-06-29 10:03 ID:1WXChouV [Del]

>>38 [Spoilers]


I don't really remember who shot Gil, I just remember Gil getting shot and me thinking, "Holy shit, is he really gonna die?" And lol, that arc's pretty bloody, so it's not the most pleasant to read. I'm pretty much used to that kind of thing though, in manga anyway.

I actually have no idea... I'm not sure if this happened in the manga or in the anime, but at some point, didn't someone raise the suspicion that Oz might not be the real Oz Vessalius, that he might have been switched with the actual child? I don't remember where this happened, but I could've sworn it came up at some point, unless I'm making stuff up. o.e Even if this is true, though, it still doesn't explain how Oz's father could have known about him, or gotten him involved in any way. If he wants to kill Oz for his "sins", then why bother taking him into the family and raising him? (Not that he did a very good job of that.) I don't understand...

40 Post deleted by user.

41 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-29 11:08 ID:TFEkndxM [Del]

>>39 [Spoiler Alert]


I remember seeing that in the anime, but I sort of skipped over some of the chapters in the manga that were covered by the anime... ^^' Even if he was switched, where's his mother? They never showed her grave or explained where she went, and Oz was supposodly a legitimate heir, which would mean that she would have had to be married to Oz's father. And if that is the case, where is the real Oz Vessalius, and why was he born with the name "Oz" if he wasn't the chain, Oz? Did they get swapped? I mean, if we go into the Abyss, are we going to find a baby Vessalius child? I can't help but wonder.

The headhunter arc didn't bother me gore-wise, but rather emotion-wise. So many good characters got killed off and/or injured, and there were so many misunderstandings that there were misunderstandings of misunderstandings. It's just a lot to suddenly reread.

42 Name: Ayaka !.LlKAkH4Jk : 2012-06-29 11:37 ID:1WXChouV [Del]

>>41 [Spoiler Alert]


Eh, I did the same thing. After finishing the anime, I only started the manga from the chapter where you see Break's past, skipped over everything else. xD

It's true, Oz's mother was never even mentioned before. I just assumed that she died shortly after Oz's birth, since it would explain why she's not mentioned; if she died before Oz even knew her, he wouldn't really be grieving over her.
I think I remember it being explained at some point that Oz's dad was the one who took the baby Vessalius out with him somewhere, and came back supposedly with a different child. Maybe if Oz was completely newborn and hadn't yet been named at that time, and his father knew that he was a chain, then that might explain why he was named Oz. Plus, perhaps no one other than Alice and Jack had ever known that the chain was Oz. What anyone else would have seen is a chain called B-Rabbit; they might not have known him by the name he was given by Alice.

That still doesn't explain why Oz's dad would bother doing all that, though. :\ Why swap his own child (assuming the 'real' Vessalius child is actually his) for another, especially if he suspects it to be a really dangerous chain that killed loads of people? I really want to find out the truth behind all this.

And I agree, the Headhunter arc was very emotional, what with everything that went on. Just imagine how Elliot must have felt. ;__; And Reo, too. I felt bad for Break as well, what with having to explain to Sharon that he's blind and all (plus I actually thought he was gonna die fighting the Baskervilles). None of the characters had it easy in that arc.

In fact, screw that, when have any of the characters had it easy? Other than Sharon, I guess.

43 Post deleted by user.

44 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-15 19:56 ID:HPnc2hN8 (Image: 1200x866 jpg, 143 kb) [Del]

src/1345078561819.jpg: 1200x866, 143 kb
Three more days before the next chapter is out. The story is finally supposed to pick up the next few chapters.


[spoiler alert || And, yes, the caps are necessary.]



Anybody else get that feel? She disappeared the second that Oz said she couldn't be with him anymore, which implies that Oz's need for her was the only reason she existed, and it also implies that she wasn't in a physical body. It may not have even been her spirit, rather, a simple manifestation of his desires.

Goddamn :l Unexpected plot twist was unexpected.

45 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-15 20:43 ID:HPnc2hN8 (Image: 400x298 jpg, 45 kb) [Del]

src/1345081403497.jpg: 400x298, 45 kb
Other than us, this thread is dead... Between that and the fact that I realized I shouldn't have used fanart for the first picture, I decided that posting some original artwork from the mangas and DVD covers was required! ;o

Prepare yourselves for a miniscule amount of spam!

This picture is most of the gang together, hoping for a happily ever after /o/

46 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-15 20:44 ID:HPnc2hN8 (Image: 333x500 jpg, 123 kb) [Del]

src/1345081444219.jpg: 333x500, 123 kb
Cover picture of Break~

47 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-15 20:44 ID:HPnc2hN8 (Image: 728x1138 jpg, 66 kb) [Del]

src/1345081467397.jpg: 728x1138, 66 kb
Another picture of Break .-.

I love Kevin.

48 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-15 20:45 ID:HPnc2hN8 (Image: 348x500 jpg, 96 kb) [Del]

src/1345081520700.jpg: 348x500, 96 kb
Cheshire the cat, anyone?

(I know that posting artwork in a comic/animation thread usually isn't condoned, but I think that the art is a huge part of the series, and I'm it's not an active thread, so I'm posting it. Deal, bro.)

49 Post deleted by user.

50 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-15 20:47 ID:HPnc2hN8 (Image: 446x640 jpg, 83 kb) [Del]

src/1345081621850.jpg: 446x640, 83 kb
>>48 and it's not*

Vincent as an adult :O

51 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-15 20:47 ID:HPnc2hN8 (Image: 467x640 jpg, 89 kb) [Del]

src/1345081656054.jpg: 467x640, 89 kb
Vincent's servant, Echo.

(Her evil version is cool, but normal echo is pretty adorable.)

52 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-15 20:48 ID:HPnc2hN8 (Image: 900x1285 jpg, 707 kb) [Del]

src/1345081690528.jpg: 900x1285, 707 kb
Elliot ;_;

53 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-15 20:49 ID:HPnc2hN8 (Image: 441x640 jpg, 81 kb) [Del]

src/1345081754783.jpg: 441x640, 81 kb
Elliot's servant, Reo... long before the Headhunter arc.

54 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-15 20:50 ID:HPnc2hN8 (Image: 303x455 gif, 64 kb) [Del]

src/1345081836609.gif: 303x455, 64 kb
Raven ;o Bishies unite!

55 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-15 20:51 ID:HPnc2hN8 (Image: 800x1173 jpg, 69 kb) [Del]

src/1345081864926.jpg: 800x1173, 69 kb
Oz 1

56 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-15 20:51 ID:HPnc2hN8 (Image: 460x640 jpg, 94 kb) [Del]

src/1345081915920.jpg: 460x640, 94 kb
First volume Oz~

AND, that ends my short bout of spam /o/

57 Name: chirishi : 2012-08-16 01:16 ID:0ONJ6jxo [Del]

Art looks great. I'll be reading this next. Thanks for sharing!

58 Name: Ayaka !.LlKAkH4Jk : 2012-08-16 06:58 ID:1WXChouV [Del]

So... who's read all of the latest chapters? ;__; At this point, I don't even know anymore. I want to cry.

59 Name: amy : 2012-08-16 09:18 ID:Iq7xQkf6 [Del]

i love the anime and manga i still want to read it but the ending was so sad ;_;

60 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-16 11:59 ID:HPnc2hN8 [Del]

>>58 Yep. Read >>44 for my response.

Just 'cuz... I don't even. TWO DAYS UNTIL THE NEXT CHAPTER ;~; I can't wait ._.

>>57 No problemo ;o Don't read Ayaka's, Bang's, or my posts thread if you don't want to be spoiled /o/

>>59 I didn't really like the anime :/ I mean, when I watched it, it seemed pretty good. But compared to the manga? Nah. Plus, the ending in the anime has literally nothing to do with story :l

61 Name: Taeyeon !l9jfGnSXiE : 2012-08-16 15:59 ID:zJUktufq [Del]

OMGG!! <3 I totaly love that Manga! My favorite of my favorites! =]

62 Name: Sky-Chan : 2012-08-17 08:37 ID:6/KD1JHq [Del]

Originally, I watched the anime first, until I was introduced to the manga.
I thought the anime was interesting, but when I read the manga, the anime didn't look so good anymore.
Oh. Also, I hate Jack. :/ He's terrible.

63 Name: shiver : 2012-08-18 09:21 ID:l2l8MRXb [Del]

>>58 i feel you! T_T i don't know what to expect anymore. no, i can't look to it's future anymore! the twist was heart breaking for me >_<

64 Post deleted by user.

65 Post deleted by user.

66 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-27 11:48 ID:v+M/hP7A [Del]

Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god


Um, yeah. Anybody... anybody read the most recent chapter? We might have a happpy ending. I'm so happy. It's a big 'might,' I know, but... Maybe, just maybe, there's a chance that this will end in a manner that makes us cry in happiness instead of sadness.

I can't believe this, though ;_; The series is almost over... You can feel it. I'm so proud of Gil ;O;

67 Name: Alexavier : 2012-10-27 12:58 ID:R2JVRg1O [Del]

I need to go read this...

68 Name: Equinox00 : 2012-11-01 12:40 ID:zjCByX9R [Del]

I used to think that this series was so happy and full of joy but then the latests chapters
LOL what if it ends with Oz just waking up and ebing like "Thats the last time i go drinking with Uncle.." or something?
I mean the series has been influenced by Alice in wonderland...

69 Name: dae : 2012-11-06 13:22 ID:05FtdWJx [Del]

OMFG!!! PANDORA HEARTS XD awesome!!!!!

70 Name: BarabiSama : 2012-11-29 07:59 ID:jnn7uJ0h [Del]

Oh fuck, man. I read the most recent chapter during class just now. Tears of happiness are about to come pouring out...

So many feels... ;u;

We're definitely nearing the end of this series (as far as I can tell). On one hand, I want to know how it ends, but on the other hand, I'm kind of scared. I don't want it to end.

71 Name: Lara !4j1CscU.Ng : 2012-11-29 17:11 ID:DZ2Theqi [Del]

Although I loved the most recent chapter, I think my favorite one will have to be Chapter 78. It had me crying by the end of it. For people who haven't read it yet, I won't spoil! ;~;
>>70, I agree, there's been so many feels the last few chapters! T^T
>>68, if that was literally the ending, I would've been so disappointed, lol.

72 Name: Kain : 2012-12-02 09:36 ID:c3B3yfBU [Del]

Very good anime. One of my fav.

73 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-12-02 12:41 ID:ERgmCB5k [Del]

>>72 The anime was pretty shitty, in all honesty. Compared to the manga and 3/4 of the other animes out there, it wasn't really good. I mean, it feels like it's good since the art is decent and the story is good by itself, but when you realize that they don't even try to tie anything up with the ending, it just ruins it. My current opinion is that the anime was "alright" at best.

Manga, however?


And I don't give that rating to many series.

74 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-02-04 08:38 ID:jnn7uJ0h [Del]

I wish it was updated faster /;-;/

75 Name: Colorless Energy !O1jzujos12 : 2013-06-02 14:56 ID:CSbAmnSy [Del]


76 Name: bang-bang : 2013-06-04 09:40 ID:Bsktr24e [Del]


77 Name: |M|esh : 2013-06-15 18:03 ID:BouFJHFY [Del]

Reading this now:3
It's honestly really good, and I'm thankful my friend told me to stay the hell away from the anime, because, I'm sure it would have ruined it.
Haha, But I'm holding out for the cat, because, I'm sure he will be wonderful~

78 Name: cheshire !CjloO9Of8g : 2013-06-15 20:53 ID:C0AoNWhV [Del]

i love cheshire from pandora hearts. he makes an intro in book 4
if anyone needs a link, here you go

79 Name: Shiriyuki : 2013-06-17 13:37 ID:HMsk4+Gw [Del]

ILOVE PANDORA HEARTS! I wish they would just start dubbing the fuckin anime!!!!

80 Name: Lewdacris !dl1gC1QXbA : 2013-06-18 12:02 ID:27kLc0Cv [Del]

I love this manga series to death! The number of plot twists and surprises surely tops the off the number of times from what I've seen in any movie or book!

Hot damn. Just read the reviews off of MyAnimeList or something. You'll be in for a ride.

81 Name: kitty-kat : 2013-06-18 13:56 ID:GCFVBQMA [Del]

I love love love love love Pandora Hearts! The manga is a lot better than the anime though (in my opinion); the animation in th anime is horrible and the voices are just...strange. I might start wwatching it again just for Xerxes though.

82 Name: Mokona : 2013-06-18 15:46 ID:tsFZPZkU [Del]

XD I got my friend addicted to Durarara and Pandora Hearts @ the same time. That's why this post is ironic. XD long live Xerxes!

83 Name: Arashi : 2013-06-19 10:49 ID:hqzK+evV [Del]

Were can you buy Pandora Hearts? I think I might read it.

84 Name: kitty-kat : 2013-06-19 13:28 ID:GCFVBQMA [Del]

>>83 You can read it online at

85 Name: *Lyrics*Of*Pandora* : 2013-09-08 07:57 ID:ciB1FQQJ [Del]

Ahhh. I find a PH thread and It's kinda dead. Sad day. This is in my opinion of the best manga out there....simply stunning. Not only is it beautifully draw, the storyline is just gripping....I am constantly recommending it to people...but apparently it takes a special kind of person to like it.

86 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-09-09 19:41 ID:D+50dwNa [Del]

>>85 It's not dead lol just a bit neglected.

The chapters have been released so slowly lately that there's really not much to talk about.

87 Name: *Lyrics*of*Pandora* : 2013-09-10 19:47 ID:DrN2xR4w [Del]

That's true. Very slow updates.....

88 Name: Kokoro!vDQhWY7uP2 : 2013-09-13 15:37 ID:4kdvsCzn [Del]

Shame on me for not visiting the Comics-Board earlier.
I fucking love Pandora Hearts.
...well, now I recall why I didn't search for the manga. I'm on german status, so veeeeery far behind and not reading the chapters in net. We're in Germany are only by Volume 14 x.x
But freaking EVERYTHING is great at PH. Count me in as Fan, even though I won't be often in this thread to avoid spoilers.

89 Name: Kanra : 2013-09-16 20:57 ID:9D2HLtKP [Del]

Pandora hearts sure is the most mindfucking manga i ever read.

90 Name: *Lyrics*of*Pandora* : 2013-09-17 01:10 ID:sDt4OJCR [Del]

Is it weird that I find PH extremely easy to understand? have tried to get so many people to read it.....and they GROWL about how complex and confusing it is.....but it's easy for me to understand.....but I Cloud Atlas is also my favorite apparently I like complicated and I'm weird.

91 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-09-17 13:17 ID:D+50dwNa [Del]

>>90 It's not hard to understand if you're taking it for its face value; a lot of people are just lazy and don't want to be pulled into an entirely new world. There are a lot of undertones and references to be looked into, though. You might want to look through the discussions we've had on the thread before if you're caught up.

>>88 That sucks... You're almost eight volumes behind then ;^;
Hopefully the German translators will get some more staff soon and pick up the pace :c

92 Name: KentaIsYourFriend : 2013-12-10 13:27 ID:xQhJ6Qkz [Del]

>>90 ik my friends are all like that they dont understand it and im like hooooowwwwww!!!???

93 Name: Kirito-kun : 2013-12-19 10:11 ID:8lU25b06 [Del]

16 is out?!? *fangirls*

94 Name: Kirito-kun : 2013-12-19 10:11 ID:8lU25b06 [Del]

16 is out?!? *fangirls*

95 Name: Sakunya S. !/aPzExRzGw : 2013-12-20 11:55 ID:po/qilnJ [Del]

this looks so good to read (i know, I'm really behind in the manga world XDXD) but there are so many other things i want to read and watch! I've seen the anime, but i heard the manga was a lot more dark and interesting :(

96 Name: Angelina : 2013-12-21 13:49 ID:GnHV1AUx [Del]

Angelina is on episode13 and LOVE LOVE LOVES This anime. it has pretty dresses and cat phobias.

97 Name: Kuro : 2013-12-23 19:02 ID:2zcwoyFo [Del]

I cant find anymore english dubs for this anime anymore

98 Name: *Lyrics*of*Pandora* : 2013-12-30 23:07 ID:ciB1FQQJ [Del]

AAAH! i bought volume 19 as an early birthday gift to myself...the cover is my favorite <3

99 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-01-08 09:09 ID:kI4d1IwZ [Del]


100 Name: Miki : 2014-01-08 16:10 ID:ES/uN3sy [Del]

kuro-san go to animewaffles!!

101 Name: アリス : 2014-01-08 16:25 ID:ES/uN3sy [Del]


102 Name: otaku : 2014-01-08 18:57 ID:bBbK53tf [Del]

I LOVE PANDORA HEARTS! that makes me so happy to see that other people do as well! i was sad when they stopped the anime, because i think if they had kept going with it, it truly would have been a wonderful show. yes, i agree the artwork is amazing. and that first dang plot twist. AUGH I CAN'T SAY ANYTHING TO SPOIL BUT AUGHHGHAGHHDSHHGAH i love it. I love the storyline so much. I wish it would update faster though because by the time a new chapter comes I've almost forgotten what happened last.

103 Name: Raggy : 2014-01-14 02:35 ID:Ny0nXZyG [Del]

I only just started reading the manga when I got the first two volumes out of boredom at Kinokuniya Books (REEEAALLY good place to get books GTW!) and at first I thought it was like.... eeehh okay... buuut THEEENNNN I finished the first one I was like: ... duuuuuddddeee......... OwO. So I read the next one which left me MIND F**KED......
I haven't seen much of the anime but I honestly think the manga is better...... wai must dey add pointless fight scenes dat weren't in da manga.......

104 Name: Raggy : 2014-01-14 02:35 ID:Ny0nXZyG [Del]

I only just started reading the manga when I got the first two volumes out of boredom at Kinokuniya Books (REEEAALLY good place to get books GTW!) and at first I thought it was like.... eeehh okay... buuut THEEENNNN I finished the first one I was like: ... duuuuuddddeee......... OwO. So I read the next one which left me MIND F**KED......
I haven't seen much of the anime but I honestly think the manga is better...... wai must dey add pointless fight scenes dat weren't in da manga.......

105 Name: Raggy : 2014-01-14 02:36 ID:Ny0nXZyG [Del]

God dammit I replyed twice by accident again. >:I

106 Name: Miki : 2014-01-15 16:23 ID:LQySN+8H [Del]

You know what bitches!The manga is at 19books and i think it's still on going!

Echo kills Ada!*shock!

107 Name: BloodSplatters_onmy_WhiteSuit : 2014-02-02 01:36 ID:wxJQ0Ge3 [Del]

This is my favorite manga series!

This is how I describe Pandora Hearts:
The readers/fans are a bunch of cats covered in billions of open wounds and Jun Mochizuki is showering us with lemon juice and vinegar. But the series is coated with catnip, so we can't keep away.

How is that?

108 Name: Starkind !HdmBBb0M1c : 2014-03-31 21:15 ID:9Qap7CmB [Del]

>>107 that sounds extremely accurate.
Every time you think you know what's going on, your world is shattered. I'm almost scared to read the newest chapter that just came out.... Not that that's going to stop me

109 Name: Starkind !HdmBBb0M1c : 2014-04-04 16:25 ID:uoNWUsvU [Del]

Ok I was right to be scared.
That newest chapter hurts me in the heart.... The feels... all the feels....

110 Name: DevilsKitten : 2014-04-04 18:04 ID:R7M4ooh3 [Del]

The last retrace... Suuuch Pain! why does it Break my heart so much ; A ; a half year ago i sweared to god that if break, gilbert or vincent dies, i'm gonna quit pandora hearts...
and than the last retrace happened.
I really hate pandora hearts with deep passion... but it's too wonderful to not read.

111 Name: Lalala : 2014-04-06 09:02 ID:8ka+mXj2 [Del]

Last retrace was a pain. It broke my heart. I cried. But pandora hearts in general is great

112 Name: Starkind : 2014-04-08 16:12 ID:uoNWUsvU [Del]

It's fantastic!
But yeah, right there with you... that last chapter Breaks my heart.
>>110 Loving the pun ;)
I have such a deep love hate relationship with this series somedays...

113 Name: Agorain : 2014-04-11 12:20 ID:ZjKsXg05 [Del]

BarabiSama. You got this right down to a T. I could not describe it any better. I'm a huge fan of PH, and the death of THOSE three men- it kills me. I'm waiting to find out what happens to Leo... I hope he doesn't perish.

114 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-04-12 18:30 ID:IeCKnzAH [Del]


115 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-06-30 06:44 ID:CzpH7QGa [Del]


I need to catch up aaaa

And for god's sake people, use spoiler alerts.

116 Name: kanra : 2014-07-01 00:18 ID:ZN3HmCvI [Del]

It is definetly an amazing manga. Better than the anime.

117 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-01 15:27 ID:CzpH7QGa [Del]

Just caught up.
The tears are real.

118 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-11-03 18:53 ID:lkeaa14Y [Del]


119 Name: Aoyagi : 2014-11-17 06:14 ID:cBlCeIPs [Del]

Have you guys read the chapter 99?

It hurts but it doesn't at the same time. All feelings within got mixed up I don't know which is which. Especially the scenes with Jack and Glen, I just can't fathom myself anymore.


120 Name: Luna Lodi !TMq/w.x4Ps : 2014-11-19 11:08 ID:iQG67kCY [Del]

Oh my gosh Pandora Hearts is the BESSTTT ;0; it's just, omg, it's so deep and i love the complexity of the plotline, and the characters aren't represented a in black-and-white 'good and evil' kinda way, they've all been shown clearly to have both light and dark inside all of them and i think that's something that often needs more representation. All in all, this series is love.
Also, Elliot Nightray is my bby. <3

121 Name: *Lyrics*of*Pandora* : 2014-12-02 00:45 ID:ciB1FQQJ [Del]

I can't stand how amazing this manga is seriously. TT.TT I can't stand how much waiting being a fan of PH involves. But the chapies are always worth the wait....

122 Name: Colorless : 2014-12-04 08:54 ID:D2mec5Ao [Del]

>>121 ohh I know what you mean.... everything about this manga... I'm so so sorry....

123 Name: LightningXDash02 : 2014-12-09 13:13 ID:qpK6Bw7q [Del]

ive jsut finish it a month ago ;-; still waiting for chapter 100

124 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2014-12-15 13:04 ID:CzpH7QGa [Del]

The chapters are released soooooo slowwwwwwwwww now :C

I don't know what I'm going to do with myself if it turns out this isn't the last arc. What if they drag the story on with the surviving characters? I'm gonna just... no.

125 Name: Kanra Odyssey-Sama : 2014-12-16 01:21 ID:ez2WrV71 [Del]

This is beautiful (esto es hermoso)

126 Name: Laija-san : 2014-12-17 10:11 ID:Sw+lTBWo [Del]

>>124 I know how you feel hahaha

It is a shame that they aren't going to produce a second season... the material is really good. I don't know why they had to screw it up that way in the anime, the end especially (personal oppinion this one).

I miss Xerxes soo much ( T ^ T ) but well, can't be helped. I've actually seen the raws of chapter 100 in a website called Mangabird (really good by the way and relatively fast with the uploads).

Pandora Hearts is such a great series...

127 Name: May : 2015-03-12 15:25 ID:qkWrXMD0 [Del]

Pandora Hearts, is making me cry like a baby.Just that. No more to say, just cry.

128 Name: Kurine : 2015-03-15 07:14 ID:kspe1RoU [Del]

pandora hearts is my favourite manga, is sooo awesome

129 Name: Ayako : 2015-03-17 16:56 ID:Z2amRIB1 [Del]

I LOVEEE Pandora Hearts!!

130 Name: Leah : 2015-03-20 04:34 ID:xtyMpuqV [Del]

The reason that I suffering with it : NOOO BREAK DON'T DIEEEE!!!

131 Name: Hajime : 2015-03-26 00:27 ID:DBrH/z1X [Del]

My favourite manga

132 Name: Takanashi : 2015-03-26 10:37 ID:SsJJzAPi [Del]

Honestly, i not see the anime or the manga of the Pandora Heats yet, but i hope to see it soon

P.S: Sorry my bad english

133 Name: Death Duelist : 2015-03-26 11:03 ID:swpUli7C [Del]

Next volume why you not made yet?! Coooome ooooon juuuun muchizuki!

134 Name: Colorless : 2015-04-08 15:50 ID:92vk3qBJ [Del]

ONE MORE FREAKIN CHAPTER YOU GUYS AND OUR LIVES ARE OVER!!! and I read a couple of the pages online and OOOHFdbjkdfbgjksdhgosAjghfhgeujnuhibhfgjbvdksghiudjshbuszjfowrjfoisjbi ( note: this is how you will react as well) I only read four pages of the like i donna… 20? some pages… and I nearly broke down crying

135 Name: redman001 : 2015-04-11 16:11 ID:3h/RCJNw [Del]

is it that good?

136 Name: Colorless : 2015-04-13 09:35 ID:ylL8IcI9 [Del]

I did a weep a thin! I and no it's more like 95 pages. it's finally uploaded to and you just CRRRYY!!!!

137 Name: Kagerou09!0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-05-03 09:28 ID:gTDDmwfN [Del]

Pandora Hearts <3
I love it, I have just finished reading Retrace XXXIII

138 Name: Master-Sama : 2015-05-04 11:46 ID:ei1E2ask [Del]

Awesome anime! Loved it.

139 Post deleted by user.

140 Name: ObamaSenpai !lmBitchbiw : 2015-05-17 18:46 ID:/5rvjIEU [Del]

I can't believe it's over...

It's... it's been a wild ride, guys.

My feelings are so mixed up right now.

141 Name: Ayana : 2015-05-21 21:41 ID:fEX/DE44 [Del]

I loved the ending for the anime and thinking that the manga would be better, i decided to read it. i wish i hadn't i hate that ending so sad oh my god

142 Name: rimacchi : 2015-05-25 03:12 ID:m3yAos0/ [Del]

You have absolutely no idea on how many times Pandora hearts destroyed me. It will always be my favorite manga even though it ended.

143 Name: Brezel : 2015-05-31 12:33 ID:pNH0Hmed [Del]

I don't want to read the last five chapters.. It can't be over ;-;

144 Name: PhiBrain : 2015-05-31 15:43 ID:w3sXE36b [Del]

No I cant do it. I can't pick up the manga and watch it end. Anything but that

145 Name: Thorny : 2015-06-02 06:14 ID:bPhwjy0R [Del]

is there an anime version? And is it worth watching?

146 Name: Hiji : 2015-06-02 09:25 ID:UG34z1e4 [Del]

I'm going to be honest with myself, I only read the manga because I read a spoiler for it in Wiki (which says that Oz is the B-Rabbit. I didn't really mind spoilers. In fact, I always read sypnosis on these things to ensure that I won't waste time reading.

I'm going to say something for all of you asking whether to try this series. This is a gem. A really rare gem. Plot twists? Damn, you need to use two hands to count it in one chapter. Lovable characters? Get Gil, and be ready to stop the adorableness gushing forth.

Personally, I like dark themes myself, which is why Pandora Hearts is perfect for me. On a side note, it made me cynical but I don't really see how that affects me (maybe on how I treat the others) but all is good, nothing traumatic really.

For those asking if to either read the manga or watch the anime, I can't really say. It's your choice. For me, they're both ready to stand on it's own. The plot of the anime diverges slightly from the story, so if you want consistency, I recommend that you read the manga. The anime is more of a bonus if you want to see your favorite scenes come to life.

So all in all, Pandora Hearts ranked 1 in my favorite anime, which is quite a feat, considering that I don't stick to one anime.

That's all, thank you for reading. :)

147 Name: obama : 2015-06-02 23:25 ID:odhNjDk0 [Del]

oh, i wouldnt recommend the anime. the manga is amazing, though

148 Name: CaporiteSyhptr : 2015-06-03 05:13 ID:7wV6wyCo [Del]

my favorite manga, loved it so much

149 Name: Neko : 2015-10-02 16:18 ID:nPK7mhwW [Del]

Anyone starting to miss this awesome manga? :"(

150 Name: Albion : 2015-10-05 14:59 ID:TNUSYGYq [Del]

I am

151 Name: Barabi : 2023-02-08 17:26 ID:337/Pd3N [Del]

p.s. read Pandora Hearts.

It's great from start to finish.

Trippy ass final arc 10/10.

152 Name: Hats : 2023-04-22 23:35 ID:3xwTvvdr [Del]

Oh I remember this. It's been years and I have collected a bit myself. His art is truly beautiful

153 Name: Celica : 2023-07-18 01:01 ID:QtGx5CXf [Del]

Oh hey, I was literally just about to comment this in the 'genuinely good manga' thread and then I saw this! Hard agree, the series was very honestly a bit of a life-changing ride for me. Oz and Alice are extremely relatable and compelling, and the way their personal issues get worked through over the course of the story are simply incedible.
Jun Mochizuki very clearly has a firm grasp on how to portray and talk about complex emotional themes like depression, self-loathing, loneliness, abandonment, crisis of identity and parasocial relationships. The world is stupendously immersive, especially if you find yourself relating with the protagonists on any level.

At its core, it's fundamentally a very unique twist on your typical easternized Alice in Wonderland retelling. The key concepts and characters are represented in uniquely different ways that work wonderfully with the story the author is telling all the way up through the end.
Plus its all capped off by the author's amazing artstyle, and while the final arc was definitely a bit trippy, it didn't really lose the plot at all in my opinion. 10/10 read from start to finish, and one I definitely need to read again with friends sometime.

154 Name: Ray : 2024-01-06 16:37 ID:IVN5bupw [Del]

Is the anime just as good? I was thinking of watching the anime, but if the anime doesn't do the manga justice, then I will read the mandga

155 Name: RikkaChi : 2024-03-20 06:27 ID:QD1FfFfn [Del]

replying if anyone else has the same question: NO!!!!! it has an anime only ending that contradicts the entire canon lore, also its ugly lol