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Titling help! (4)

1 Name: Vixen : 2012-03-07 19:16 ID:hxtrK1f1 [Del]

I'm a webcomic artist and well.. I've recently gotten an idea for a new webcomic. Except.. I have absolutely no clue on what to name it!

The comic will be a drama/romance/yaoi. It's centering around this 24 year old who is a part of this secret government called Vizon. He placed in hiding after his last mission failed miserably, and the dispersed soviet union has little cellular groups after him. He goes into hiding in Okinawa and happens to run into this average civilian. From then on things get hectic after he's spotted by a few soviet members. There's a lot of guns, a lot of drama, and a lot of romance. But I have no clue what to name it! Anyone have any ideas?

Please, post any titles you can come up with!! Thanks!

2 Name: Pandora : 2012-03-08 01:06 ID:592+qHtO [Del]

Why not just call "Vizon" then?

3 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-03-08 03:31 ID:40tIyqg6 [Del]

Why is it necessarily Yaoi

Is that really one of the driving genres of your webcomic

You didn't even call it action, or adventure, in reference to its plot. Is the convoluted backstory just a vehicle to write in gay porn? Because that's disappointing.

Ah, but you didn't ask for criticism of your plot, you asked for a name.

I don't feel like I'm in the right to give someone else's creation a name, nor do I know enough about the plot to assume things about it to come up with one. This really sounds like something that's up to you.

I'd probably tell you to name it "From Behind" since all I know is it involves espionage and homosexuals.

4 Name: Nomura_Mangaka* !MANGAS6Kfg : 2012-03-08 12:42 ID:IMSnnfOT [Del]

>>3 I would assume that op was meaning shonen-ai, and using the incorrect fangirl term. Either way, that would simply be romance, no?