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Saiyuki Fans (8)

1 Name: Seika Chugo !!dZlEviJU : 2011-11-29 12:24 ID:A2txrp/2 (Image: 512x384 png, 266 kb) [Del]

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Whaaaat there's no Saiyuki thread either? What is going on?!

Saiyuki is a series by Kazuya Minekura which is pretty much a modern version of the legend, "Journey to the West" with a bit of a twist.


The image is from the anime, not the manga (obviously) but as I like the manga more, this is on the manga board. (Though I do like the dub voices, the animation is kinda really terrible, but both manga and anime are freakin hilarious)

So who else is a fan? Or am I the only one? lol

2 Name: Seika Chugo !!dZlEviJU : 2011-11-29 20:58 ID:A2txrp/2 [Del]

Maybe I am the only one.....

3 Name: dante : 2011-11-30 08:31 ID:5I0W/JoM [Del]

good show but wish they would have kept they english dubbed voices from season one them changing it is the only reason i stopped watching it

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: Seika Chugo !!dZlEviJU : 2011-11-30 10:19 ID:A2txrp/2 [Del]

That's why i read it and imagine the original cast's voices; and they've got two other manga series that are ongoing.

I don't remember why they changed voices for Reload; they explained it in the movie as a side thing in the extras on the dvd. I think it was because they were busy with other series' by that time, but I'm not sure...

6 Name: dante : 2011-11-30 12:55 ID:5I0W/JoM [Del]

ow i hope they remake reload and have the original voices or something but have they dubbed the one version when their gods still and are the voices the original ones or reload voice.

7 Name: Seika Chugo !!dZlEviJU : 2011-11-30 15:58 ID:A2txrp/2 [Del]

>>6 Thats a part of the first run of Saiyuki I thought...
And since Saiyuki was dubbed by ADV (and Geneon for Reload and GunLock) which both went under, that is highly unlikely. It would have to be taken over by another company such as Funimation; and they would have to re-dub all of it from the original series-Burial, might not even be the same voices because they'd have to work for Funimation (I know Greg Ayres-Goku-, and Vic Mignogna-Kugaji- work for Funi but I don't know if any of the other VAs do; I don't think David Matranga-Sanzo- does, so at the very least we'd have a new Sanzo voice) and all this is IF Funimation thinks that the series is worth reviving (like Sailor Moon that they're re-dubbing which was done by 4kids).

Our best bet for any of that happening is if theres another Saiyuki anime series coming our way that needs dubbing.
It would be nice though :3

8 Name: yumi : 2013-02-23 11:30 ID:b5V8NI/m [Del]

My first anime ever :D