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Onari Master Kurosawa (23)

1 Name: Irk : 2011-08-18 00:43 ID:QP0IiS2+ (Image: 302x462 png, 159 kb) [Del]

src/1313646207822.png: 302x462, 159 kb
Potentially the best manga I've ever read, so I thought I'd share it with you guys.

"This guy likes to beat off in the girls bathroom while imagining girls from his class. And it's kind of like Death Note."

"Guy who faps to girls. A story filled with hard life lessons. Don't judge a book by it's cover people!"

"Greatest manga of the year!" -Nobody in particular (Misuto)

"It was really something else" -That one guy you know with the name

"What the hell I'm not reading this" -Pineapplez

Note: There's no sex or nudity in it, by the way. Just some adult themes. And panels some of you may recognize from the internet.

2 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-08-18 00:45 ID:1h/pt/G/ [Del]

Excuse me? I haven't even read this yet don't quote me

3 Name: Akito !yOtkeBN2P2 : 2011-08-18 01:36 ID:pEsJiwx6 [Del]

lol this is weird. xD
"fap note" haha. the main character, what a pervert...
but im still reading it. haha

4 Name: bang-bang : 2011-08-18 05:25 ID:yXYiN1wZ [Del]

Well, I'm definitely glad I got over the fact that it had masturbation in the title and went ahead and read it. The first part was a bit hard to get through, but then again anything that makes fun of Death Note is ok with me. And it was totally worth it because after that it turned into some of the most impressive stuff I have ever read.

Maybe it's not one for the prudes, but I think that's just missing out on a real good manga.

5 Name: Akito !yOtkeBN2P2 : 2011-08-19 00:58 ID:pEsJiwx6 [Del]

OKAY. im on v.3 chapter 23, anyone else this far?! I CANT READ ANYMORE... omg, im so nervous xDD i dont want to go to the next page....ahhhh xDD OTL

6 Name: Black.March : 2011-08-21 08:42 ID:XRBMdO/M [Del]

I love this manga...

7 Name: Irk !Y7kBtlCaVo : 2011-08-22 00:35 ID:QP0IiS2+ [Del]

But.. But.. You said it.
That's what you said, Misuto.
I was only quoting what you said. ;_;

Oh yeah, it gets pretty intense, huh?
You have to read though! You can't not know what happens!

8 Name: akito !yOtkeBN2P2 : 2011-08-22 13:47 ID:/s/a2jXo [Del]

>>7 i finished it.. the ending was kinda unexpected but it was satisfying, i guess. xD that was a good short manga. =v=, i learned some things from it.,haha

9 Name: Green Cow : 2011-08-23 11:05 ID:Bg0EqN+W [Del]

really good short manga I learned something important here hahahahaha

10 Name: Kikkuri : 2011-08-26 14:38 ID:aAmV3IcG [Del]

>>5 Haha, I felt the same. But still, I couldn't stop.

Finished it all today. I love shorter stories like this one, but now I actually already miss reading it! Man, I really love how this manga develops into something completely differnt the further you read! I was quite ironically trying the same thing like the main-character by just thinking "Aah, this will be just another stupid manga that I waste time with" but then it turned out that it was really worth reading!

This easily is one of my favourites! Thanks for piquing my interest, Irk. xD

11 Name: slats : 2011-08-27 05:10 ID:CKhMWtQU [Del]

I think the ending is natural.
really high recomended..

12 Name: Reiri♪Sound : 2011-08-27 18:58 ID:Vuq7lE+v [Del]

I read it a while ago!
Thanks for reminding me to keep it always in my heart.

13 Name: bang-bang : 2012-04-17 06:13 ID:ZZssIs+E [Del]

Bump for good manga.

14 Name: Takara!!dOFnbQCJ : 2014-02-26 21:17 ID:/kGgwe0b [Del]

Bump because I remembered this recently (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ

15 Name: Akagami : 2014-02-27 22:42 ID:wBBhvh7T [Del]

Oh I totally forgot about this series. Really good read.

16 Post deleted by user.

17 Name: Ryuzaki !pKP/H7Dl.Y : 2014-02-28 13:40 ID:RV60UKe/ [Del]

I can't get to it. Says it's licensed now.

18 Name: bang-bang : 2014-02-28 15:03 ID:GIRxjf2/ [Del]

>>17 No it isn't. Where did you see that?

19 Name: "Ciel!v3FHm5FZZM : 2014-02-28 23:53 ID:y6RpVgvr [Del]

My guess is that he tried to read it in Mangafox.

20 Name: bang-bang : 2014-03-01 03:52 ID:GIRxjf2/ [Del]

21 Name: Ryuzaki !pKP/H7Dl.Y : 2014-03-04 09:54 ID:RV60UKe/ [Del]

>>19 Yeah, MangaFox doesn't work. I got it now though, on MangaHere.

22 Name: Anon : 2014-03-14 21:50 ID:3h2f6Ez2 [Del]


23 Name: Murake : 2014-03-15 16:21 ID:Zhi8v/09 [Del]

I read this thread a few hours ago. Then I read the manga. I read it to the end. And now I'm back just to say: Holy shit that's good!