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Visual Novels







Symphonic Rain (5)

1 Name: 96 : 2012-04-12 19:14 ID:s0yC5ECM (Image: 400x300 jpg, 69 kb) [Del]

src/1334276081098.jpg: 400x300, 69 kb
Anyone here play Symphonic Rain? I do, and if you don't, you're obviously missing out on one of the best, no, the best visual novel ever.
The Plot: Symphonic Rain takes place in a fictional city of Italian heritage named Piova where rain falls everyday. The locals there have adapted to this peculiar phenomenon, and carry on with their lives as if the rain were never there. No one uses umbrellas, or rain coats. The main character of the story is seventeen-year-old Chris, a Fortelle student of the famous Piova Communal School of Music (Scuola Comunale di Musica Piova, in Italian). Separated from his childhood sweetheart Arietta when he left his home town for the city, he keeps in touch with her through weekly letters. Penning their thoughts on these letters, Chris treasures and keeps her weekly writings, for he had promised her that should his drawer become totally filled with them, he would return to her. The story begins during Chris's third year as a student, a few months before he has to take the school's final graduation examination: a stage performance. As an instrumentalist, he is required to search for a vocalist partner before he is eligible for the examination.

I've beaten this game... Not with every ending though, I'm still working on that. I've finished two out of three of the bad endings, and only one out of eight of the good endings.

I'd like to hear your opinions, and most of all I'd like to hear about your experiences with this game

2 Name: Pineapplez!lsl.FRUIts : 2012-04-26 15:59 ID:F5w65jqi [Del]


3 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2012-04-30 07:09 ID:/qNBfAU1 [Del]

Can you provide me step-by-step instructions to download this game; ir if there is a place to buy it (in english of course). Looks good and I want to play it before I go out to sea again.

4 Name: KuroUsagi : 2012-05-25 22:22 ID:GTUlcuKm [Del]

Is there a download link for this, it looks interesting :)

5 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-05-18 00:01 ID:ToDzGbgP [Del]

>>3 When a download link is not enough:
Step-by-step instructions.