Dollars BBS | Suggestions




















Be the change in the world in the world you want to see (27)

1 Name: Stark : 2019-04-16 20:38 ID:eJk0Tx94 [Del]

Hello there ,i couldnt find a discussion board so i thought i would post here so , recently ive noticed a lot of discussion over gatherings ,as started by Rial ,and we are trying to act on it and everyone just needs to stop and think for a second

We need to actually establish a means of STABLE communication ,look at all the means we have , the amino is dead ,the discord is off the chain and wild and i have yet to check out the others fearing the same results

Not to mention lets be for real here, most people are treating this as if the world were Ikebukuro ,everyones being a bit secretive (and thats okay) the part im complaining about is how everyone's just laying back and acing like there doing something when we arent when trying except for raising money

Also everyone want to act so secretive or that we need some kinda code or handshake to verify if someone’s a dollar or not and i find it silly as those people are acting like we have a threat ,and lets face it WE DO NOT , no one would even try to sneak into something like that as most people dont even know of our existence

Not to mention ,using this as an excuse ,no one wants to set up a chain of command as everyone is so attached to the “dollar way” as an excuse not to get organized in any shape or form ,the discord would accomplish this but it seems so crazy tot he point where you cant even enter it without feeling like you dont belong , as everyone is pretty hectic there

Im stepping forward as everyone else is either too scared or doesnt care enough to try to address this kinda thing so i say i will step forth as the leader or a leader of the dollars if needed to ,i have no problem with

The real power is gonna come from you guys as the dollars doesnt exist with one man

So heres my plan ,i seen a problem and i have a solution with people not having many people around them ,that we need to set up at least one leader per ciry / state and they can work on recruiting people ,this would also solve the meeting up problems

But i say we meed to pick leaders and assign them to an area ,assign them or have them create an chat or of some kind on wither kick or whatever

Please comment down your thoughts or concerns about what i say ,if you need contact info just ask

2 Name: Loren : 2019-04-17 04:39 ID:rEYphI6r [Del]

The principle that is not the Dollars principle is that everyone is equal and we can do cochcemy, but in my opinion all large "organizations" of this type need someone who will lead them.
On this page from what I think is an administrator / leader but I think it works and is hidden.
if someone directed us, I think that Dollars would be more "efficient".

3 Name: Loren : 2019-04-17 04:41 ID:rEYphI6r [Del]

Reltair is our admin

4 Name: Stark : 2019-04-17 14:09 ID:eJk0Tx94 [Del]

I honestly agree and well ,our admin i havent really seen him around ,hes a great admin in all i guess but we need someone to step up

Everyones acting like we have something or someone to hide from and thats not the case , i know its the dollar way but this is real life ,not an anime

5 Name: Tin_Prince : 2019-04-18 18:58 ID:nTrIdsIz [Del]

The idea of having a leader isn't what we lack, it's primarily the drive or initiative to do things as a group. Many people suggest things but don't take much of an active effort to start the ball rolling. It's been this way for years, even when the admin was more frequently updating the site.

6 Name: Stark : 2019-04-19 15:59 ID:eJk0Tx94 [Del]

Yah exactly i do agree that we lack drive but thats what leader or people who stand up and say “hey we should do this” are for,as most of the time good ideas come from one or multiple people but it seems here that no one necessarily here is trying

Im not putting any blame on the admin they are here to monitor really and not to help pr suggest stuff

7 Name: Pheryus : 2019-04-20 10:21 ID:nOO4De28 [Del]

I am with you Stark, even Mikado had to lead time to time to change the history of ikebukuro.

We need a kind of leadership just to administrate, organize, influence people and registrate our actions and what we did for good.

8 Name: Tin_Prince : 2019-04-20 12:46 ID:nTrIdsIz [Del]

Well in that case, who's going to lead? I doubt many people are going to follow someone who puts themselves forth to direct the Dollars.

If I said I would lead the Dollars, would you follow my orders/directions? I doubt it, I don't think a leader would do a great deal.

9 Name: Pheryus : 2019-04-20 13:31 ID:nOO4De28 [Del]

There is diferences between bosses and leaders.

A boss orders to do something without any question.

a leader is understanding about his orders, he search, and discuss with the members. He analyse how many members its necessary to do a mission. It s just need patience. I would help you, if I like your proposal of leadership.

10 Name: Stark : 2019-04-20 13:36 ID:eJk0Tx94 [Del]

>>8 not to be rude well what do you suggest we do ? To be honest most people i think were more fascinated with the concept and the actual existence of this place rather than helping actually run or develop it

I say we create a whole separate thing just for people who care

11 Name: Stark : 2019-04-20 13:40 ID:eJk0Tx94 [Del]

>>9 your absolutely right and i totally agree with you

A lot of people mix those up when it comes to contacts

See i know as Tin stated that not everyone would follow one person and definitely not one well known

I say we organize a team of people that everyone either knows or we can make ourselves known but wither way i feel the community is too big just to be lead by one single person and we need a group of trustees that will have everyones back

12 Name: Pheryus : 2019-04-20 13:50 ID:nOO4De28 [Del]

>>11 Thats a great idea.

Let's recruit the people from here to another plataform. Where we can organize.

What do you think?

13 Name: Stark : 2019-04-20 14:26 ID:eJk0Tx94 [Del]

Of course that sounds great

I have three places in mind but first is amino as i can create moderators to help me with the community as well ,and we can have mini more active community

Second is discord as it is also easy to moderate but is a bit more organized and compact

Lastly is kik as its not very comtrolled by its decelopers but we can use it as a “hugh classification network”

14 Name: Pheryus : 2019-04-20 14:31 ID:nOO4De28 [Del]

I like discord.

15 Name: Loren : 2019-04-20 14:45 ID:xH1bnD9E [Del]

Or maybe the "power" that the leader will have on us, divided into countries? Each country will have its own representative?

16 Name: Stark : 2019-04-20 14:46 ID:eJk0Tx94 [Del]

>>14 alright but theres one problem

How exactly would we get everyone to pay attention as we already hve a discord for dollars

17 Name: Pheryus : 2019-04-20 14:59 ID:nOO4De28 [Del]

>>16 We can recruit the admin from discord.

To recruit a person, we need to discover why he enter to dollars, If the person wants to rise dollars and give then a reason to "fight" for it.

The reason is more frequently hope. Hope that the person can experience and be part off something wonderful. Its all about entrepreneurship and marketing.

18 Name: Pheryus : 2019-04-20 15:01 ID:nOO4De28 [Del]

>>15 That would be nice, but we even have something "real" at internet.

19 Name: Stark : 2019-04-20 15:20 ID:eJk0Tx94 [Del]

>>18 are you trying to say we could recruit from the one i make or recruit from the already existing i am confused

20 Name: Pheryus : 2019-04-20 15:25 ID:nOO4De28 [Del]

From the already existing. If they don't want to rise the dollars. We discuss about others strategies.

One step at time.

21 Name: Pheryus : 2019-04-20 17:11 ID:nOO4De28 [Del]

We can use the "already existing server" to discuss. we can make the server important and focuses on discuss too!

22 Name: Kanra : 2019-04-21 11:30 ID:fmzzKYXO [Del]

Hey I'm a curator from the dollars amino. I was told by a member about this link and we together have decided to notify you that we would like to help with this. We may not have many active members but we are all determined to do out best!

23 Name: Stark : 2019-04-21 13:31 ID:eJk0Tx94 [Del]

>>21 yes Pheryus this is also true !

Id like to get in further contact with you ,where would you like to meet up on ? I can pretty much do any social platform

24 Name: Stark : 2019-04-21 13:36 ID:eJk0Tx94 [Del]

>>22 well hello there miss kanra !

Thank you for contacting me further and its a pleasure to talk with a memebr and one of the caregivers of one of the branches of the dollars !

I would definitely love your help in this matter! As we both know ,the world is not as bad as we think

Thats all i ask for is to try ,no one asks for god

I would love to get into further contact with you,whether its the amino or whatever so please reply with an sort of contact info and il contact you through there shortly

25 Name: Pheryus : 2019-04-21 20:47 ID:MWl1VYvG [Del]

>>22 That is amazing! I would love to discuss about the future of dollars with you.

26 Name: Pheryus : 2019-04-21 21:01 ID:MWl1VYvG [Del]

I really don't know how to use amino... Can you give me a fast tutorial, just to talk to you?

My dollar email is:
My discord is: Ayami#1845

27 Name: Stark : 2019-04-21 21:13 ID:eJk0Tx94 [Del]

>>26 i have sent you a friend request on Discord