Dollars BBS | Suggestions




















New Mission Idea. WIP (15)

1 Name: The_Left_Man : 2019-01-01 16:24 ID:sL41K+Xq [Del]

I have an idea for a new mission.

I will soon release a couple of google doc that are an “encouragment letter” to random strangers. You could place these anywhere: on cars in a parking lot, on a neighbors porch, etc. These letters will say something along the lines of “Congrats, you have been chosen randomly to receive an Encouragment letter courtesy of The Dollars.” After that, it will be a letter based on making the recpient feel happy or feel good about themselves in dark times.

2 Name: Virulent Plague : 2019-01-08 10:24 ID:fvipd+xO [Del]

>>1 "We"
if you want this to happen post proof of you doing it yoursel

3 Name: Nono : 2019-01-17 10:58 ID:ZYsc3IEh [Del]

Oh ! I want to do it ! I love this idea ! I’ll try to post proof if you want Virulent Plague.. :)

4 Name: Evan : 2019-01-29 05:41 ID:x5P0DPKF [Del]

A friend of mine (also Dollars) and I are planning on doing it here where we live as well (I really liked the idea when I saw this post a few days ago and suggested it to him). If you release a template, we could use it as well to make sure the messages are designed similarly.

5 Name: Shad : 2019-02-01 12:49 ID:ToV3MsEX [Del]

This would be pretty cool!

6 Name: KsoleilChii22194 : 2019-02-01 21:49 ID:9NHjzGMd [Del]

This is cool! Personally I'm not sure if it's a good idea for the Dollars to try and become this huge open organization, and I really do believe it's the little sweet things like this that make a difference! I could just see all kind of things going wrong if we try to make it big, like I've heard some people who think this is an actual gang . . . If we went big suddenly and some unsavory people came into the light I don't think it would end well . . . I don't want the Dollars to become a group that people only know for infamy, so I really think it's better we just keep doing stuff like this, at least for rn. Maybe when the world's a more stable place it will be ok for us to run these giant events the people below are talking about! But rn, I don't think it's a good idea, and I would hate for what happened in the anime to happen in real life, where because of the hateful acts of a few the whole group suffers. Where we have to hide the fact that we were ever Dollars to begin with or else be misunderstood and persecuted against! We should take it slow for now, gradually make ourselves more known! (I'm sorry for going on a dark tangent, please remember these are just my opinions as a Dollar and a relatively new one at that! Maybe I'm just overthinking things? This doesn't mean I'll try to stop people from joining though, I really do think with some effort we could become something known for all the good ideals presented in the anime and by fellow Dollars here! So to those who read this thank you!) - K

7 Name: Banka : 2019-02-09 14:09 ID:/pXrCOG6 [Del]

Im in and I agree!

8 Name: ChainsDown : 2019-03-02 05:05 ID:Fmnm+jbs [Del]

I'm in! Be quick about this I'm excited!

9 Name: Shouta : 2019-03-12 16:24 ID:0Um0jkBL [Del]

I'm definitely in on this! Sounds like a great idea! Maybe we could even think of a few of these notes ourselves as well, and post them around schools and neighborhoods? Specifically to people whom we know are going through a lot? (Just a suggestion)

10 Name: Wishview : 2019-03-13 08:16 ID:0G90BuHx [Del]

Great idea I'm in

11 Name: Sir Nicholas : 2019-03-17 20:40 ID:2Hp9OHoB [Del]

I really like this idea, I'm in!

12 Name: Locked : 2019-03-18 06:34 ID:vXO7cisA [Del]

I like it! I'm also in

13 Name: Evan : 2019-03-24 18:27 ID:1ZHhEYd+ [Del]

A friend and I are gonna try this out. Let's hope it goes well...

14 Name: Marvindao : 2019-03-25 04:21 ID:K7XO1PJ4 [Del]

Can't wait to do it, it seems a very good idea. However i would like, if u can pass it to me in Spanish, i am from Spain, and here the level of english is kinda low.

Nice movement!!!!

15 Name: Mazyyz : 2019-03-29 10:35 ID:rCCc3p7O [Del]

That sounds like a great idea