Dollars BBS | Suggestions




















Fresh New Start! (5)

1 Name: Taro Tanaka : 2017-06-16 04:21 ID:fUK0nSBC [Del]

How about a fresh new start to the site I know there's a lot of post on here but who wouldn't mind seeing the site take a fresh start with all post from the start of 2017 to now and putting the number back up to see the actual count of who still checks up on the site. I've been a member for a couple of years now and I feel like the members number got out of hand at some point But I feel now would be a better chance to put it back up and see all the fresh new identities. Well if anyone else agrees or likes this give it a bump for me Ciao.

2 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2017-06-16 08:41 ID:sFZPv+xs [Del]

nah tbh.

I feel certain boards should eventually be cleared and reorganized (*coughcountriescough*), but definitely not the whole site. I'd hate to see old discussions / games / etc. get deleted in their entirety (however cringy they may be).

If we archived and disabled this (& took it off search engines again jfc rel), then had the reboot as a separate site instead, I'd be up for it. A fresh start would be nice if we didn't have to sacrifice old posts for it.

(Also, I'm up for some older threads being remade, especially those that devolved to more timely / situational discussions. I think it'd encourage more participation with less drastic measures.)

3 Name: Io !VdwAESufhg : 2017-06-17 19:02 ID:7AhrXJsY [Del]

I'm up for a new start too but whether Rel's gonna remake this site, probably unlikely.

You could make your own but it might be a bit messy with two BBS floating around but it's definitely not impossible.

4 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2017-06-17 19:48 ID:sFZPv+xs [Del]

>>3 There's a lot of offshoots from the BBS already, mostly generic forums with the same color scheme, simple stuff made by past members. (There are also other unrelated Dollars sites, but I think most of them are private now, which is why we get the flood of new members whenever Drrr!! pops into popularity again.)

Y'all can do whatever you want with your personal lives. Just don't advertise any separate groups or alternative sites you make here; that sort of thing is disrespectful, for obvious reasons.

5 Name: Plato : 2017-06-25 03:27 ID:jhNanGQR [Del]

I've thought about making a whole new image board similar to this one, with new features, but I don't see the audience for it.