Dollars BBS | Suggestions




















Reltair needs to wake up (6)

1 Name: ~Niggrum_Messor~ : 2017-05-23 13:09 ID:J1ghOiCj [Del]

Hello fellow members:)
Let me make this clear before I start.

I am grateful for everything Relater has done as admin. He has helped build us as group by allowing a place to meet up. I am thankful for that.
At the same time, there are things that need to change with the site. The Dollars BBS needs to change. We need to have regular updates on the site. We need to become more organized.
As an international group, featuring hundreds of thousands members, we need more organization.
There are many things we need that Reltair is not providing. I know we all have lives outside of the Dollars, but since Reltair is admin, he has to see that we need change. If he could give some of his control away, we would be able to evolve. In order for the Dollars to keep thriving and grow, we need to evolve.
Reltair could give certain users who would be able to come on the site and update it control. He would not have to give away all control, just allow certain people access to certain things.
I ask you fellow members to list what you wish to be fixed/updated/changed/etc. Express how you feel. Let us see where this gets us.
Again, thank you Reltair for the work you have done for us. Thank you all members of the Dollars for willing change.

2 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2017-05-28 13:24 ID:sFZPv+xs [Del]

Last I heard, this site is hosted on the same server as his business, so I'd be very surprised if he was willing to share control of the code with an outsider. No reason to put one's livelihood at risk for the demanding users of an old side project. That's definitely a choice purely up to him.

"I ask you fellow members to list what you wish to be fixed/updated/changed/etc. Express how you feel. Let us see where this gets us." Please don't. This is literally the purpose of the Suggestions board. Do not try to condense it into one thread.

Anyway, the main issue with the site is the lack of forward motion in its existing members, not the lack of technical features offered by its admin. You can't expect Reltair to hold your hand through everything.

IMO y'all ought to stop inviting new members and start communicating with the ones you have. You know the site can't handle new user influxes. That's its one technical limitation. So fucking what? Work within your means. It's not a big deal; it's not like the site needs a huge population to be successful.

OP - What specifically are you looking for Reltair to fix ASAP that cannot be worked around? (If there is no Suggestions thread for it already, please make one so that others can contribute their opinions.)

3 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2017-05-30 02:38 ID:3y2hIT69 [Del]

I was going to say something but Barabi summed it up.
We tend to whine about how "the admin doesn't fix anything" when we ourselves haven't done anything with what we have.

Take a step back and think about all of the "fixes" that you think Reltair needs to implement.
Now tell me: How would updates to the site magically create organization when it's already pretty open and we're not organized.

We have full control as to the organization of this group, but we focus more on what other people can do for us than what we can do for other people.

I'll leave you with the question of "What have you done to organize the Dollars that has, in any way, been inhibited by the websites 'faults'?"

P.S. We don't have nearly hundreds of thousands of members.

4 Name: Sabata : 2017-06-02 13:45 ID:sJ8fDM1S [Del]

them wise words from big poppa blanku again

5 Name: Lordjashin : 2017-06-13 18:29 ID:29F5QmB9 [Del]

smelling some shill.and spy

6 Name: Shiro !SHirOszFlY : 2017-06-14 08:59 ID:pZzYoYQZ [Del]

>>5 please sage your replies when replying to threads that are useless xd
