Dollars BBS | Suggestions




















getting the message out! (15)

1 Name: Zed Yuki : 2017-05-20 13:23 ID:wCRJEs+R (Image: 852x480 jpg, 79 kb) [Del]

src/1495304604837.jpg: 852x480, 79 kb
I was thinking and I made this image. Hopefully you get the idea where i'm going with.

2 Name: Zed Yuki : 2017-05-20 13:24 ID:wCRJEs+R [Del]

sorry for the type-o in it

3 Name: Anime_Fangirl<3 : 2017-05-23 12:52 ID:J1ghOiCj [Del]

I like it. But who would pay for it? and where would it be? Any rich Dollar members out there???

4 Name: Miss Mayhem : 2017-06-10 02:41 ID:pDhU0OlY [Del]

This would be amazing! But I'm wondering the same as @Anime_Fangirl<3, we'd have to find a money source and a certain location to actually produce this. Any ideas anyone?

5 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-06-10 19:34 ID:7EEsZ57f [Del]

If we were going to do something like this, there are various things we would need to consider...

Sadly, this world runs off money and without it we can't pull off cool things like this. Maybe we could do a fundraiser or something like that but then who would manage that?

Not all dollars live in the same area or the same country. For that reason, I think that if we were to do something like this, I think we should do it where a majority of Dollars happen to live. Looking a the dollars location map may help determine this

While the logo itself is the Dollars trademark, the website itself is slowly moving away from the anime and by that I mean design and appearance wise. Our logo is slowly changing. I think using the next logo which we have yet to decide for something like this would be good. Anime lovers will recognize it yet also notice the different. PLUS, people will most likely take us more seriously.

4)Color Scheme/Appearance
While many people probably aren't looking up into the sky while during at night, I think changing the colors will make it easier to read both at night and during the day. Black on white is harder to see compared to white on black. However that may look a little bland and not so eye catching. Since this is something we want people to see, I think we should change the font and add some sort of background picture if possible. But that's just what I think about the matter.

Putting all that aside, like everyone else, I like and very much support this group yet it is kinda hard to see us doing any time in the future. However, I don't believe it is impossible. If we could gather a group of people willing to do work on various mini-projects along with this much larger project, it can be done. However it would take much longer than a simple year. This is a very serious "long-term" plan. Research this would also have to be done. However this does have the potential to go far.

6 Name: merciful_love : 2017-06-10 22:51 ID:3J526ON9 [Del]

I'm sure most of the Dollars live near a busy city or something. Flyers don't cost much to make, and they are a lot easier to move locations. Just pass out a few. Leave them on a bench in a park, maybe at a subway station or bus stop. Trust me, it'll work better than you think. I used to do it in high school with friends just to see how fast word can spread. Had a school of 1,739 students talking about the flyers within a week.

7 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-06-11 03:51 ID:7EEsZ57f [Del]

I think flyers would be a great change rather than trying to get a massive alongside the road. Plus, with flyers you don't have to worry so much about location as all you have to do is print it out and hang it up. This idea has worked out fairly well for the Dollars in the past, if we were to try and recreate it, we'd still have to improve the design. I think this (>>6) and (>>1) are both good ideas however one is more realistic than the other.

8 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2017-06-11 06:54 ID:sFZPv+xs [Del]

Please keep missions in the Missions board. Those related to advertising go in the Propagation thread. Other message-related missions (flyers, sticky notes, etc) generally go in The Messages Thread.

9 Name: Lordjashin : 2017-06-13 18:26 ID:29F5QmB9 [Del]

too bad that quote is false for reality. this world is worst than that fictional one .

10 Name: Tim-Tam : 2017-06-16 12:47 ID:LZNC/HSW [Del]

>>9 I don't know, I haven't seen any daemon swords causing mass stabbing, part vampire murderers all things considered the world is not as bad as you think (see what I did there ;)

11 Name: Toru Melkor : 2017-07-02 05:03 ID:3qhNR0OT [Del]

Would that get us sued by Narita or Aniplex? I made an ad poster to put up arounnd my town.

12 Name: Jordan kid : 2017-07-24 23:50 ID:c9AVs7/+ [Del]

How did you make this site and is this an real gang or just fan play

13 Name: Shiro !SHirOszFlY : 2017-07-25 06:18 ID:pK73kz6x [Del]

>>12 what do you mean how did you make this site? No this is not roleplay, feel free to actually take part in doing missions

14 Name: kitty : 2017-07-27 00:31 ID:QVAyUIK9 [Del]

love this

15 Name: Rex : 2017-07-30 22:56 ID:0WULQhlA [Del]
