Dollars BBS | Suggestions




















YouTube Channel Idea (82)

1 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2016-12-13 08:36 ID:JtU6/iHK [Del]

I don't know if this has been done yet, but I have very recently come out with this idea to spread word about the group.

We make a YouTube Channel. I know that some of you are sure to be fully against that idea but before you angry start to smash your keyboards. Allow me to explain myself.

Most kids nowadays spend more than half of their lives on the internet. That might sound like a sad static but we can use this to our advantage. Dollars all over the world can create a video. These videos can be for anything. From promoting a charity cause to giving people advice over some sort of gameplay. As long as we are adding to the community I don't truly care.


But even if anyone can post, there are some requirements before you can have your video uploaded to the internet. I would hate to have the Dollars reputation dirtied by some ill natured people who want to troll so each video will be reviewed carefully before going anywhere.

Translaters will be needed!

*A YouTube Channel Won't Be Made Until Other Voice That This Is Something They Want*

If you are interested in being a translater email me with whatever lanaguages you can speak.

If you are interested in doing videos for the channel email me with your video and I will do my best to review it as soon as possible~

2 Name: Star : 2016-12-13 16:13 ID:RaUqIv/K [Del]

Even so if we do this who's going to be in charge of it.... cause I that some of us are going to say that "this would be cool and I would totally do this" but true fully who will have the time anyways. I'm not saying that we shouldn't be doing this are to not try.

3 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2016-12-13 18:29 ID:xk1hFFNU [Del]

We already have a yt channel (or... you know, six or seven of them). Not sure if the users running them are still active or not. If not, we're probably going to run into the same problem here; multiple trusted users need access to the channel to ensure it stays active.

4 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2016-12-13 18:58 ID:8fXQRlz+ [Del]

Haha yes, Sorry! I wrote the thread before checking to see any of the previous threads. But if one was to do something like this, I would have to be in connect with many trusted people of the community who will always be active and don't have to many projects ongoing. This will be something for me to look into for the future.

5 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2016-12-13 22:26 ID:8fXQRlz+ [Del]

Update #1: I have emailed some well trusted members of the community and asked for their approval of a YouTube channel. I also stated that I would give them the password and any other information for the channel so that they can check in whenever they want. I also gave them various ways I would keep the channel alive. Hopeful that will take care of the problem of inactivity. I have plan great thing planned for the channel in the future. None of which I will disclose right now since nothing has been confirmed yet. Now it is up to those two trusted members to decide the fate of this suggestion!

6 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2016-12-24 14:16 ID:8fXQRlz+ [Del]


Every time a thread like this is created, people always have their questions. ”Who is going to be in charge?” “How is this going to be different from any other thread?” “How are you going to keep it active?”

Now be warned, not all the answers to all the problems have been stored out, since this is still a working process and I still need the people to help me work on this project, but it is slowly getting there. I have gotten the approval of two well known members of the community, Blanc and FindMuck, who have given me helpful insight of what direction I should be leading this project into.

Who Shall Be Leading?
The Idea is that there will be various curators who will be charge of reviewing and approving videos that you, the community, will create. There will be no “leader” the community and everyone in the project is in charge of keeping the community alive and active. The Community will create, the curators will review and the admins will post. It is a chain that can not exist without one another.

How Will It Remain Active?
The idea is that each week there would be a small and easy challenge that would encourage people to do some good within their communities. Small things like a video of you and a couple of friends go out and buying food to give to the homeless or you going around your city and picking up trash. Short videos that are nice and simple to get the point across.

How Will This Be Any Different From Any Other YouTube Thread?
As I was writing this thread, I decided to do a bit of my research on the other YouTube Channels and read what people thought they did good and what they did bad. Of course, I have my own ideas on which I would like us to do, but I have decided cleanup and throw out any seemingly bad ideas, in hope of creating a better channel that everyone can get behind. Be prepared for a seemingly long list.

Keeping ourselves anonymous
One thing the dollars is based off of, is that we can help others while keeping ourselves unknown and unseen to those around us. There is a very simple fix to this problem which many have suggested but have never (as far as I know) done. If you are one of those people who would prefer to keep these face hidden from the camera, seeming wear some sort of mask that would hide it. It does not have to be a dollar mask, just something that you feel is comfortable and keeps your face nicely hidden. But if you are scared that a mask would cause a lot of unwanted attention to yourself, do not forget the simple trick of turning the camera away from your own face and pointing at whatever you would like to show to the crowd. Everyone understands if you do not want to show your face, this is the internet and tons of people do it all of the time, you are not alone in this matter.

Keeping the material dollar related
After doing some of my research, I noticed that some of the channels slowly drift off into becoming more a personal YouTube channel other the name Dollars. I have thought of a way to prevent that. We who have organized this are just that, organizers. There is a certain check and balance system that would be set up. The idea behind it was explained in the “Who Shall Be Leading” if you have forgotten.

How to create some good/funny content
Sadly, the idea of how to create good content that one can enjoy, is not something that can ever be so easily written down and properly explained. Such things are usually done from trial and error and it take times to build up that confident and humor. Words from another post I found was: “More fun, more images, a song in the background and somehow make the subject more fun to hear…” This is something that must be left to the creator to do themselves but, it shall also be the curator's job to try and point out where the video could be better and how it can be improved. The curator does not have to go out and fit themselves but rather just email the creator asking if they can change a few things or if they would even like to make the changes. If the answer is no, then the video will be sent to the admins anyway where the last call will be decided by them. Note: Youtube has recently added a thing where you can edit your videos there if you would like! Please keep that in mind for the future

Why should you join?
The reason why I have worked so hard on this project and spent roughly 2 days writing this part alone is because I feel like this would do the community a lot of good. Yes, there will be people who say that this is just a copy of various other YouTube threads and other threads, yes yes, I know and I have gotten into contact with some of those people in hopes that we can one day merge but that is irrelevant. You should only join this YouTube project if you are up for the challenge of getting Dollar’s name out there. You should join if you are okay with putting time and effort into this project and even going as far to film yourself. You should not join if you just think this is a cool idea and have zero intentions of helping out. I can not tell you all the reasons you should or should not join this project. That is all up to you, but I would love if some people would help out and make this a lot more than just a simple dream but instead turn this into a reality.

If you have any questions that I didnt answer here, please feel free to reply or email me and I will do my best to provide a useful answer.

7 Name: Calz : 2016-12-29 14:42 ID:nbesCvJd [Del]

I want to join! how can I join? this'll be so cool! :

8 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2016-12-29 20:21 ID:8fXQRlz+ [Del]

If you would like to join, please email me at Kuroi, with the role you'd like to be. (Ex:Translor,Cuartor,Creator)

9 Name: Anonymous : 2017-01-02 22:43 ID:UfiFPNzl [Del]


10 Name: ASAHINA : 2017-01-03 18:54 ID:IQzR3J9p [Del]

Hey, this is nice! I'm interested!

11 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-01-05 08:33 ID:VqI5mDjG [Del]

You can email me as well if you'd like to be on the team. The YouTube channel itself hasn't been created since we are still looking for creators but when it does I'll post the name and link here.

12 Name: Asuna Sugiura : 2017-01-05 19:11 ID:4SizJSYM [Del]

(Times 50)
this is an awesome idea and Kuroi Ryū you did a wonderful job at explaining the concepts!I don't get how you manage to be on top of so many project ideas, SERIOUSLY!

13 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-01-05 22:01 ID:8fXQRlz+ [Del]

I don't think I'm managing them properly but it is a working process. And it's going pretty well for my first time. I believe it will be a learning experience for everyone who is apart of it :)
But thank you! I was concerned that I rambled while explaining it but I'm happy that my point came across.

14 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-01-07 15:14 ID:8fXQRlz+ [Del]

The channel has officially been created! Sadly no uploads on it yet but hopefully soon!

If you'd like to join the project, please email me at

15 Name: KJL : 2017-01-07 15:33 ID:EbF0zJZa [Del]

Cool idea but we are the dollars we are NOT about being noticed we are colorless nobody knows who we truly are and to me that's fine

16 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-01-07 20:14 ID:8fXQRlz+ [Del]

It's not about getting us know. But instead we want to raise awareness and encourage people. Even if they aren't dollars

17 Name: Pax : 2017-01-08 13:18 ID:97cqtjcC [Del]

I agree, but I also think there should be some exposure for the Dollars. Not necessarily because we want it to be big and powerful but so people have more of an incentive to do kind things. Now it sad but this is the world we live in. Some people need to be part of a group with missions to do things kind. so I guess what Im trying to say is the more people know about the dollars the more light there will be in the world

18 Name: Strong Power : 2017-01-08 13:48 ID:HVHMOq7y [Del]

I know that Dollars is meant to be something colorless, where everyone is anonymous, but people should still know that it exists. Maybe a separate Dollars account can be made and the it's information is shared on here, so that all members can access it. We shouldn't reveal any information in the videos, maybe just share and spread information and missions. The comment section can also be blocked, so no one can be traced and linked.

19 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-01-08 14:08 ID:8fXQRlz+ [Del]

The goal behind the YouTube channel isn't really to promote the website. Surely, it will grow bigger and more people will realize it exists. But the main goal is just to bring awareness. To certain diseases/illness, to charities and to the fact that there are still those out there who want to do some good in the world. But I do agree with you that hopefully, this channel will bring just a bit more light and happiness into this world.
With the YouTube channel, if you are kept anonymous is purely up to you. You are not forced to show your face, but if you want to, more power to you. You don't even have to speak if you don't really want. There are always ways to solve those types of problems. Most dollars do have a separate email account only for dollar related things. If it is a google account you can easily make a YouTube Channel and comment/sub or do anything else with it.

The videos themselves won't have the Dollars link on it. The only information shared would be certain missions like leaving a positive note or leaving money in the vending machine. No member names will be disclosed without their consent beforehand. I don't think I'll block the comment section since there will surely be those who want more information but that is something that can be changed. Since I have more own dollar email and I can just receive questions there. But I highly doubt people are going to want to trace or link us. We aren't at all dangerous lol

20 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-01-10 22:06 ID:8fXQRlz+ [Del]

/Shameless Self Bump

21 Name: Darocin : 2017-01-10 22:29 ID:Sk/NJkqv [Del]

Is there a link to the channel now?

22 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-01-11 07:16 ID:8fXQRlz+ [Del]

Yes! Here is the link:

23 Name: SetsunaOne : 2017-01-11 19:06 ID:sojlLXEO [Del]

Someone (maybe myself when I get my laptop fixed) could create an introduction/explanatory video and post it? Just some simple text and some kickass music to get people interested

24 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-01-11 21:46 ID:8fXQRlz+ [Del]

Sure! That would help out a bunch! I was thinking of doing it myself but I enjoy the idea of hearing someone else to do it~ Any idea of when you'll be getting your laptop repaired?

Feel free to contact me at

25 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-01-18 18:01 ID:OnfQpmr+ [Del]

Shameless self bump because I really want more people to know about the project and hopefully join :o

26 Name: AnimeTaco : 2017-01-19 22:36 ID:DnEirnvj [Del]

Agreed! But question, I searched it up online and saw some channels claiming their channel is the dollars. Is it real or just something they did by themselves??

27 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-01-20 07:09 ID:OnfQpmr+ [Del]

There have been various dollar channel which have been created in the past. The one I am working on, and the one the thread is talking about is this one (Link:

28 Name: Eclipsed : 2017-01-21 20:16 ID:DzbB07kA [Del]

I like this idea! Can I help in any sort of way?

29 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-01-21 20:27 ID:OnfQpmr+ [Del]

As of currently, what the group really needs is creators but that isn't the only way to help! We need translators and curators!

Translators simply translator the video into the second language they know that is not English.

Curators carefully review the videos to make sure there is nothing racist/negative/etc within the content before sending it off to me so it may be uploaded or discarded.

BUT! If you can't do either of those, subscribers are always welcomed and appreciated!

30 Name: Eclipsed : 2017-01-21 21:08 ID:DzbB07kA [Del]

>>29 Alright! thank you!

31 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-01-21 21:11 ID:OnfQpmr+ [Del]

No problem! If you need the YouTube link I can relink it to you. But I'm also sure you can find it somewhere in the threads above

32 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-01-23 17:27 ID:OnfQpmr+ [Del]

Update: The Channel is in need of creators and editors who would be willing to start a project soon.

If you are interested, please email me at

Thank you in advance

33 Name: 田中さま : 2017-01-24 01:42 ID:5hc2Rxhh [Del]

If you need a Japanese Translator, Tanaka is here to help! がんばって!!

34 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-01-24 10:28 ID:JtU6/iHK [Del]

Really? I'm happy to hear that! If you could give me your email, I would love to get into contact with you sometime soon

35 Name: _Lighter_ : 2017-01-26 08:20 ID:BbteraK6 [Del]


36 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-01-29 10:41 ID:OnfQpmr+ [Del]

shameless self bump

37 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-01-29 13:42 ID:Nn1SFEqR [Del]

Update #2: Thanks to the assistance of someone else, we have managed to come up with our very first video idea. But this is not something we can achieve ourselves. We also need the help of members like you who reads this. Why you ask?

The idea of this very first video requires members to film a 10-15 second clip of them doing a mission of their choice. May it be you stealthy hiding Dollar Pockets or actually going out and hanging food or anything to the homeless. It can be whatever you would like. As long as you are doing some sort of good deed. The clip should be no more than 10-15 seconds long (It may be cut down if we see fit).

If you intend on doing this, there are some things you should keep in mind.

•You face does NOT have to be shown
•The video can be raw footage. No need to edit or anything unless you feel the need
•We will NOT force you to explain it if you don't want to
•No one will force you to do it

Please send all clips and questions to
If you would also like to join the project, feel free to email me (^) with the role you would like to fullifill. (Ex-Editor, Video Creator, Curator)

Thank you all in advance!

38 Name: Trashy Thrasher : 2017-01-30 10:58 ID:8CbVdlL5 [Del]

The problem that I have with that is that if you look up "Dollars password" you can very easily find the the password to this website, not to mention I think there's a link that bypasses the password entirely. I don't want this to become popular, then we would just have a bunch of kids trolling by anonymously deleting every thread they could.

39 Name: Izaya kun : 2017-01-30 12:26 ID:7D/LLqVC [Del]

hes right

40 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2017-01-30 16:21 ID:3y2hIT69 [Del]

>>38 >>39 Umm you can't delete things that you didn't post.
Also we already have a ton of people that troll and spam here so...

41 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-01-30 17:25 ID:OnfQpmr+ [Del]

>>38 >>39
Blanc is correct. The way this website has been created, you can not delete any post if you are not on the same device of the original poster. Many people who regularly use the website already now that there are plenty of ways to bypass the passwords, even if no one really mentions them.

But honestly, there is not reason to worry that much about kids finding the Channel and instantly using it to find the website. I doubt the channel will ever blow up to such extents anytime in the near future. For the long time being, it will only be a place for members. No video will have the website linked anywhere, so if that is a problem you may have. You do not have to worry about it.

But if you have any more concerns, I would love to hear them!

42 Name: Kanra : 2017-01-31 18:18 ID:jWffy2UQ [Del]

Buuuuump! One of the greatest ideas

43 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-02-02 21:49 ID:OnfQpmr+ [Del]

The channel is now holding Art competitions for all those interested! For more details check out the link!

44 Name: Nex : 2017-02-03 13:48 ID:1KlgoYLD [Del]


45 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-02-06 08:46 ID:JtU6/iHK [Del]

Shameless self bump

46 Name: Rin : 2017-02-07 07:58 ID:lgbUpzlc [Del]


47 Name: Kaosuno !WX2u8plZe6 : 2017-02-15 10:45 ID:aq/6QZMv [Del]


48 Name: Atashi : 2017-02-15 14:02 ID:wYaFiTw+ [Del]

It sounds like a good idea.

49 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-02-15 22:50 ID:/CUFkzHU [Del]

If you would like to join, please email me at

50 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-02-26 02:56 ID:/CUFkzHU [Del]

Shameless self bump

51 Name: Anonymous : 2017-02-26 16:39 ID:PRIZWo8q [Del]


52 Name: Anonymous : 2017-03-13 01:22 ID:qWbwVfHR [Del]


53 Name: Code Name 15 : 2017-03-16 17:14 ID:HuwTH2Nk [Del]

BUMP(why do people always says bump?well, just flow with it)

54 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-04-04 22:54 ID:/CUFkzHU [Del]

It's been awhile since it last update! But there is some exciting news! Almost a month ago today, the YouTube channel uploading it's first actual video! The support was amazing and we would like to thank everyone who tuned in. If you have yet to see it, here is the link [Link:].

Anyway! We aren't done yet!

The group is starting off slowly but we are making process and we would love to see more and more Dollars join us! That concludes today's update, but there will surely be more in the future!

*Hopefully a new video will be uploaded soon!*

55 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-04-04 23:06 ID:/CUFkzHU [Del]

Another notice, creators and editors are still depersately needed. If you would like to join the project, feel free to email me at ""

There you can email me questions or applications and get the quickest and soonest reply!

56 Name: hailey : 2017-04-11 09:53 ID:DcYUVJ0x [Del]


57 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-04-27 20:02 ID:/CUFkzHU [Del]


58 Name: Euphorbia : 2017-04-28 22:22 ID:JANBgALs [Del]

¡Suena interesante!

59 Name: Leblosen Augen : 2017-04-29 09:53 ID:dmhggFMC [Del]

Euphorbia, veo que hablas español, soy un traductor del canal de YouTube, y, nos vendría genial algún otro traductor, o cualquier otro miembro del equipo (Creador, editor, etc.)
Si estás interesad@ en unirte, por favor manda un mensaje al e-mail
Gracias c:
Atentamente, Leblosen Augen.

60 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-05-12 09:00 ID:JtU6/iHK [Del]


61 Name: Dekugon : 2017-05-16 18:38 ID:4N0WIA/X [Del]

People need a reason. Maybe someone can provide some examples of things you've done or are thinking about doing to help out spreading the dollars name

62 Name: ~Nigrum Messor~ : 2017-05-17 12:50 ID:J1ghOiCj [Del]

This summer (June 18-24) I am going on a missions trip to Belize. I really want to post about it on the website. If i can do anything else with the trip I will. I plan on leaving a few Dollar Pockets behind.

63 Name: Mugeto : 2017-05-18 15:19 ID:awtg5SZG [Del]

If this is at all going to happen, I would like to help, email me at the address, or

64 Name: Zed : 2017-05-19 21:02 ID:wCRJEs+R [Del]

It's a good idea but who will be responsible for the channel and what would you even post? I don't fully know the purpose to of having one

65 Post deleted by user.

66 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-05-22 12:36 ID:JtU6/iHK [Del]

>>61 >>64
The purpose of having a YouTube channel is to better keep people up and active with the news and information the Dollars share. If you are curious about the content posted, we are currently only posting monthly updates about missions and such. If you like to see, we have a YouTube channel which is open to the public! We intend on bring awareness to certain topics and the dollars itself.

Really? I'd love to here about how well it works out! If you can, please record a short clip of you placing down a few? Of course, you don't have to if you don't like to and your face doesn't have to been shown. We would love to feature it in a future video!

I'll make sure to email both with more information on what we do!

67 Name: anama : 2017-05-24 03:34 ID:wn2PhJgJ [Del]

je trouve cette idée super sa pourrais même allez plus loin ces vrai que on pourrais influencer des personnes les aider et autre

68 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-05-24 15:36 ID:JtU6/iHK [Del]

Je suis d'accord!

69 Name: Tenebris : 2017-06-01 16:56 ID:WEPVo7cg [Del]

It sounds like your wanting everyone to participate in this. For future reference, assuming you're talking about a YouTube channel you own, how will I contact you if I ever want to upload anything?
It doesn't seem like too bad an idea, assuming getting word out is something we all want. I'm new here, so I don't really know.

70 Name: Tenebris : 2017-06-01 17:09 ID:WEPVo7cg [Del]

>>69, never mind. I didn't read the full thing. Contacting shouldn't be a problem.

71 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-06-03 17:21 ID:7EEsZ57f [Del]

Yeah! If you still need it, I will gladly give it to you :)

72 Name: Kansei : 2017-06-13 06:14 ID:01jfeImA [Del]

interisting..its not like i dont want to join...but i cant event make any good content..but id like to always support the channel and promote the channel..

73 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-06-13 10:48 ID:7EEsZ57f [Del]

Well, even if you can't create good content, we appreciate everyone who watches the channel and supports us monthly. If there is something you'd like to do to promote the channel, feel free to email me and maybe we can work something out :)

74 Name: Lordjashin : 2017-06-13 18:25 ID:29F5QmB9 [Del] seem like a sjw.. wont be part of another buzzfeed channel

75 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-06-15 23:41 ID:7EEsZ57f [Del]

I can't determine if you are being forreal or not. But rest easy, the channel won't become anything like Buzzfeed in the future

76 Name: Firion !HYDlod9R/I : 2017-06-17 00:39 ID:Rau7w8L0 [Del]

hey! who managed to make that youtube account? just curious, is it you?

77 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-06-17 19:28 ID:l11koth5 [Del]

I suppose you could say that. I am the one who uploads the videos to the actual video however keeping the channel up and running is more of a group effort.

78 Name: Salty : 2017-06-23 13:44 ID:vUWTvy00 [Del]

Is the channel still being run? There hasn't been any videos there for a while.

79 Name: Firion !HYDlod9R/I : 2017-06-24 11:21 ID:jHfS0202 [Del]

They're working on it as far as I know from the main thread

80 Name: gaming psycho : 2017-06-26 06:33 ID:xOUznZ5Q [Del]

hey if there IS a dollars youtube than cansome one send a link

81 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-06-26 15:23 ID:7EEsZ57f [Del]


82 Name: chiyoko : 2017-07-01 18:23 ID:1Ad33zBT [Del]

its already a thing.