Dollars BBS | Suggestions




















Sugguestion: Calm Down. (36)

1 Name: Virgil : 2016-06-05 08:30 ID:U66+qxDZ [Del]

"About us
All types of people are welcome, as long as you respect others and post responsibly. Your age, ethnicity, personality, economic status, and abilities have absolutely no influence on your status as a Dollar."

I know a lot of you have been around for a lot longer, but that doesn't mean you can be disrespectful to people. Just because you think you're high and mighty or tired of seeing something posted in the wrong spot.

Yes it would suck if someone joined the site and saw some spam or stupid post on main. But you know what would be worse, and is seriously putting me and others away from staying? Seeing replies from users like this



"Don't make a damn thread for this. We already got threads requesting specific boards and your request is NOT the first."

or this

"I would say that,fuck this post,and sage your fucking reply,asshole"

or this

"You realize we know you are the same person, right? Get your bullshit off of main, you fucking idiot."

or this....

"Get the fuck out this site"

I think you get the point by now. Yes these are quote from two particular members, I'm sure they know who they are. Yes some replies like these are put on spam threads that are beyond pointless. But that doesn't matter, new people who join will still see the toxic attitude YOU have and will be thrown away from the site. People will continue to only lurk around and not be a community, not that they have to.

So my suggestion is to calm down, if you're so angry that someone posted words on a website that are pointless that you need to fume rage at your keyboard. I first suggest seeking mental help, then secondly taking a break and let someone else politely tell them its wrong. Third, more mods might help this problem too.

Take care everyone, can't wait to see what toxic response I will probably get.

2 Name: firelily : 2016-06-05 08:52 ID:IZv2vK5i [Del]

XD the irony of seeing this posted so mamy times in so mamy places and them always being permasaged
and the ppl who made them always join us (i think water made one once, could be wrong tho)
i wanna see what happens here

btw suggestions is to improve the site (meamimg tne way it looks and functions) this sorta goes in random or personal (cis its a personal problem)
but this board has already gone downhill so carry on i guess

3 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-05 09:04 ID:7OXuj0rr [Del]

Hey, one of those people is me! Hate to tell you buddy, but this thread doesn't belong here.

Also, the only reason me and some of the other moderators are mean is because it works. It's not about what method is nicer, or better, it's about what yields results. When you try to be nice to trolls and shitposters, they walk all over you, and continue to fuck with the site. I tried being nice far too long before I realized that it doesn't work. Even now, I'm still nice to misguided people who accidentally post stuff in the wrong board, especially when they are noobs. Unless somebody makes an overt move to piss me off, or they just plain spam or shitpost, I try to maintain my composure. You can tell me my way is 'wrong' all you want, but I'm not going to stop doing what I do.

You want to treat people with respect? Want to be the nice moderator that everyone looks up to and admires? Great! You do it your way, and let me do me.



4 Name: firelily : 2016-06-05 09:08 ID:IZv2vK5i [Del]

>>3 thats my job dont give them ideas =_=

btw my rant on main is done and is beautiful <3

(still sageing this)

5 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-05 09:09 ID:7OXuj0rr [Del]

Sorry to disappoint you by not getting toxic. If you keep shitoosting, though, I won't hesitate.


6 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-05 09:10 ID:7OXuj0rr [Del]

>>4 What rant? I wanna see...


7 Name: firelily : 2016-06-05 09:11 ID:IZv2vK5i [Del]


the last comment on every thread makes a small rant on main

8 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-05 09:13 ID:7OXuj0rr [Del]

>>7 Oh... a little disappointing, but okay.


9 Name: firelily : 2016-06-05 09:16 ID:IZv2vK5i [Del]


best i could do with 10 threads and not a lot of free time

10 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-05 09:19 ID:7OXuj0rr [Del]

I know lily, but you got my hopes up for something big. I thought I was going to see some shitposter get blasted...


11 Name: firelily : 2016-06-05 09:38 ID:IZv2vK5i [Del]

XD i dont usually do that sort of thing
i only give ppl shit when they do it to me first

im more of an instigator

12 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-05 09:43 ID:7OXuj0rr [Del]

>>11 Same

Funny how this thread turned from complaining about us , to us just talking about ranting.


13 Name: firelily : 2016-06-05 10:14 ID:IZv2vK5i [Del]

>>12 i knew something like yhis would happen XD

14 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-05 10:32 ID:7OXuj0rr [Del]

>>1 Hey Virgil, which of thos quotes are mine? I remember this one:

"You realize we know you are the same person, right? Get your bullshit off of main, you fucking idiot."

But not the rest. And from the way you said it, it sounded like there were multiple for the two people. So which of the other ones are mine?


15 Name: firelily : 2016-06-05 10:41 ID:IZv2vK5i [Del]

>>14 the first maybe???

16 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-05 10:46 ID:7OXuj0rr [Del]

Mmm, I don't think so. I don't normally all-caps my rants. It might be, I guess...


17 Name: firelily : 2016-06-05 10:51 ID:IZv2vK5i [Del]


idk then

btw i think we drove OP away

18 Name: Virgil : 2016-06-05 12:03 ID:U66+qxDZ [Del]

2 & 4, the others are from a certain other, out of respect I wont mention who, but it is obvious as they have similarity in the comments.

I was busy working, I'm back to check now.

I don't expect people to completely change and say things "Pretty Please don't post this in main, thank you very much!". But constant swearing and insults aren't the way to handle it. If I was a troll and wanted to rile you up, with how you respond I would just keep going even more, and use my VPN to change ip each time. Just to see how mad I could get you.

The point, I guess, of this isn't to change the way you're doing things. But to realize that the way it's done isn't the most wise approach. You make us all seem like assholes because that is what people see on main. Who cares if they see a post like "kljdrgveiwybfekjfberwuyfghewufh342t" I think the comments I linked above are more dangerous and dismiss people from the board. Causing more harm than pointless mild spam.

In terms of how and what suggestions are. I'm not stupid, sorry.
"Suggestions Board
Comments, suggestions, and concerns about the site"
Let me repeat that for you CONCERNS ABOUT THE SITE. This in its own is purely a concern about the site. If people are swayed away from the site it will die out, which is a CONCERN of mine and I'm sure many others.

19 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-05 12:14 ID:x/XuIliM [Del]

>>18 Whatever. Look, as I said before, it's not about what's wise, it's about what works. We yell to curb the bad behavior of the poster, not to drive away newbies. I don't yell down their gullets, because I know they don't know better. The idea is to make an example out of the trolls so others know what standard we hold the site to. Believe it or not, many people refrain from reading the many helpful threads designed to keep them from our wrath, and for that, they are liable for whatever we need to do to keep the site in order. You can keep this thread, or trash it, at this point, I don't care. So many threads were created about the mods being 'bullies' that it's hard to tell which are shit and which aren't.


20 Name: firelily : 2016-06-05 12:24 ID:IZv2vK5i [Del]

>>18 plus it wont die out like you think, the ppl who post these things are the ones who have been here the longest and have seen n the most changes

we may loose newbs, but id rather we lose ppl who only show up to spam than lose the actual community that we have built

and regulars do leave because they get tired of cleaning the spam

jack ws here frm day one and was a really good guy, now he ia gone cus he got tired of the shitposts and no one respecting the order of the bbs

just cus the dollars dont have rules dosnt mean this particular bbs dosnt, ppl need to realize this and respect the rules
if they cant they need to bw gone because they drive out all the cool ppl

21 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-05 12:31 ID:6/t5WSeR [Del]

>>18 Oh, the other guy is Lurk around? Yeah, he is not associated with us at all, more somebody who comes in after everything is said and done just to needlessly curse at them. Usually curses at noobs, which is something I refuse to do.

22 Name: Dusk46 !r4sBRY1xYc : 2016-06-05 12:34 ID:relwVlR8 [Del]

"Please do note that because there are no heavy restraints on where or what you post, it is up to you to follow the rules and keep the BBS lawful and clean. For each board, there is a short description near the top of the page. Please check that your thread fits into the guidelines before posting it!"

so swearing now is unlawful?
we guide people based on what they write,where they write, when they write it.
if we've been dealing with trolls the whole[maybe half if not whole] damn day, sure our displeasure might eak out onto whomever trudges into our path, thats human nature. now.

"This in its own is purely a concern about the site"
no it isn't your original post is concerning how "we" 'moderate' the site. "that doesn't mean you can be disrespectful to people" "But you know what would be worse, and is seriously putting me and others away from staying? Seeing replies from users like this"

I'VE BEEN AROUND FOR LESS THEN A MONTH!, i hadn't been asked to assist ryu,lily, muck, blanc or the others with this site, i took it upon myself, HELL i made a mistake on a post, Was anally raped for it, now im not butthurt about it.

the site is ultimately to HELP people, be it with other people, life, a place to vent, retreat to from a horrible day etc.
so what if the few posts that have responses in them that are degrading or are people being ass holes
can you see why we get salted?
or This

The Faq, what to do, what not to do, Are ALL availible to people who newly discover this site, or have come back to it.

it boils down to common sense, do we track [literal] shit into your place and leave it everywhere for you do deal with, and expect not to be addressed in some way? i'd expect you to fucking kill me if i did.
Like ryu says, it works, and i think a little gratitude might be displayed from you once you realize we never go over the top at once, it'll happen when the trolls are trolling, but thats for the trolls. Not for the new people who have found this site.

have you been to the intro board? the news board? how about personal?!?
i have. there are so few troll posts that have us swearing, cussing etc, because the people who have posted things there have done so because it is relevant.
honestly this post shouldn't be here in "Suggestions"
nothing here has been suggested to be changed/altered/affected.

"Take care everyone, can't wait to see what toxic response I will probably get."
i could be highly toxic, but i dont see the point of it everytime someone else gets a high and mighty thought process in their skull.
i like this site because of how honest people are, the toxicity enthralled me. now go think of that whilst you proclaim that this post is concerning the site in its whole,
when you've made basis and claims on members who help this site
detrimental prick.

23 Name: Virgil : 2016-06-05 13:50 ID:U66+qxDZ [Del]

Detrimental prick huh?
Yeah people being able to be honest is nice. That is the power of the internet. You can hide behind something and be what you're not. Fascinating and helps a lot of people open up and socialize. People can be super friendly or straight up racist bigots because they can, who's to stop you?
If you come here for honest nasty people, I ask why you hadn't tried 4chan first. Then secondly applaud you for being a common breed.

I do look at the other boards. Well not all of them, but Intro, News, Animation for a start. And I will say you're right not many people post in the wrong place. Because it is called Introductions, kind of easy to guess what goes there, could you guess it? I'm sure you can. Introductions, good job. But Main, I wonder what goes there?

"Important topics, overarching Dollars issues, and actual topics of discussion belong here."
Important topics, so breaking news? No that is what news is for, overarching dollar issues, with the site itself? I've got a suggestion for that. Wait no, that is for suggestions board. Actual topics of important topics, well, national news? scientific/technical break through? new season of DRRR!!? those comes to mind, but no, News, Science/technology and animation come to mind.

I think the main problem is "Main" is too vague, or at the very least not needed, I am not a web programmer so I don't know how BBS works to the T. But if its possible to wipe main and lock only certain posts to be there. Or even make it so no posts go there and it just explains what each board is for in depth. This might do better than acting like a troll to the trolls and new comers.

If someone named kjrgiur makes a post that just has fkjbhr in it, and on the hour makes another one. Which I've seen happen. Yes people will get annoyed. But calling people idiots, assholes, unintelligent swearing. Really doesn't bring you above their standards. Btw about the "Just do it" post, my apologies I wasn't online to convince them not to post that shit haha. I'll complain to them later.

But to treat someone who is new to the whole internet thing, or BBS/forums the same as someone who just wants you to bust a vein. It is pitiful and shameful. So Ryuka, yes I did use you as an example, as it is common for you to so do. But I will admit you do indeed act sensible to actual new people for the most part. And yes Lurk is the other person I quoted. I don't know who this "us" is I don't know who the mods are I can only assume based on how often they appear in threads. Or as it seems, how angry they are. Which would give me the impression Lurk is a mod too. I know you yell at trolls and people assumed to be a troll, but indirectly it will make people leave who could have been nice to have here. Because they might not see that the person was a troll, and think everyone here is just an asshole.
I've said my two cents, and added a suggestion in here about the site. As that is something you're arguing.

24 Name: firelily : 2016-06-05 14:01 ID:IZv2vK5i [Del]


if you had of just posted that suggestion you just had anout main none of this convo would have happened

and if you want to meet the rest of us we wanted to invite you to our chat (not sure if someone sent you the email yet) and ypu are welcome to join us because you are a sensible person

25 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-05 14:03 ID:zM/FVlWO [Del]

The 'us' I'm talking about are the moderators. We kind of have a group thing going to help with the organization of the site. I was thinking of inviting you, but I cannot seem to find your email. Lurk is not associated with this group, and the reason is that he seems to be an asshole for the hell of it, not to cause anything constructive. To be clear, I don't necessarily think that what you are saying is wrong, it's just that it is, at least right now, impractical. We've all tried the nice act, and we all got shit on. You are going to get tired of it eventually, just like we did. I used to be one of those whiteknights, calling out people who yelled at other members, no matter what they did. I now understand that there are cases where yelling is necessary to make them stop. I also know when it is unnecessary. My biggest problem with your post was that I felt like you were kind of demonizing the mods, even saying that you expected poisonous comments in return. We aren't toxic by nature, but sometimes we need to be in the interests of maintaining the site's organization.

Also, I don't pretend to be anyone bigger than I am. I am a freshmen in high school, not some college bigshot. I try to make sure people know who I am so they DON'T think this way.

26 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-06-05 14:26 ID:ZPC6DLMg [Del]

The discussions in this misplaced thread explain why some members seem harsh.

27 Name: iO : 2016-06-05 15:57 ID:/vSnLp9d [Del]

People are asshats on this site, Ryukagoka is a twat who doesn't know his place in the world, Virgil I doubt he would have made you an admin anyways. I doubt he is an admin, all day he has been replying to posts that are dead anyways, Ryukagoka should be banned because he doesn't respect his fellow dollars. He threatens people over the internet that actually have lives out side of the dollars website, scum like Ryukagoka shouldn't exist, your a waste of oxygen Ryukagoka...

28 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-05 16:14 ID:Ofg2CMdv [Del]

>>27 Hahahaha! You are great! First of all, did I ever say I was an admin? Because I'm not, and the only person on here who is is Reltair. I said that I was a moderator, and that title means more that I have taken it upon myself to keep this site organized then any show of standing. Virgil is also one of us self proclaimed mods, I can't give him more power because again, 8 do not have that authority. The reason I am commenting on dead threads all day is because dumb twats such as yourself keep bumping useless and unused threads with idiotic and uninformed rhetoric. And I do respect my fellow Dollars, enough that I have taken it upon myself to try and keep the site organized. If I remember correctly, I never once threatened anybody, I went only as far as cursing at them. In the past few days, it was me who was being threatened. I'm not going to dignify your idiocy with another response, you are simply a wate of my time. Thanks for bumping a slightly relevant thread this time, asshole!

29 Name: iO : 2016-06-05 16:44 ID:/vSnLp9d (Image: 687x215 jpg, 32 kb) [Del]

src/1465163040346.jpg: 687x215, 32 kb
Not gonna reply huh?

30 Name: iO : 2016-06-05 16:44 ID:/vSnLp9d [Del]


31 Name: firelily : 2016-06-05 16:45 ID:IZv2vK5i [Del]


stop bumping this

32 Name: iO : 2016-06-05 16:47 ID:/vSnLp9d [Del]


33 Name: iO : 2016-06-05 16:51 ID:/vSnLp9d [Del]


34 Name: firelily : 2016-06-05 16:55 ID:IZv2vK5i [Del]

i hope your dick feels bigger =_=

35 Name: Virgil : 2016-06-05 17:15 ID:U66+qxDZ [Del]

I'm not responsible for what this has become.
I'd said my 2 cents.
email is

36 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-05 17:17 ID:Ofg2CMdv [Del]

Alright, I'm going to add you to the chat. Sorry about iO.
