Dollars BBS | Suggestions




















Recruiting message (14)

1 Name: Tithor : 2016-02-05 19:24 ID:IZiX7Jre [Del]

Hey I'm looking to start recruiting a lot of people very soon. I'm probably going to try sending anonymous emails to people (like in the show) and also put up fliers around town. However for the emails I want to try writing something that will lure people in. Does anyone have any suggestions for what I can put in the email?

2 Name: ziggy : 2016-02-05 19:35 ID:r/w8HuCT [Del]

The world is a place with lots of interesting holes why not try this on ...(link here)...delete when done

3 Name: IvyLeaf33 !FhK2WnH0kg : 2016-02-05 21:29 ID:WgEPhbTa [Del]

The world isn't as terrible as you might think. You can achieve your goals: (link) Please delete when completed.

I know it's not the best ^^"

4 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-02-06 02:40 ID:ZPC6DLMg [Del]

The QR code ->

5 Name: Tithor : 2016-02-06 07:51 ID:IZiX7Jre [Del]

Oh crap. Sorry, FindMuck. :(

6 Name: A+ : 2016-02-06 21:06 ID:I126snSJ [Del]

for emails don't try to make it sound like a ad. The fliers are probably a bad idea because then we wouldn't have the advantage of being invisible, plus we would lose more of the ability of filtering the good from the bad for members.

7 Name: Bambi (bitchtrip here) : 2016-02-07 01:17 ID:xk1hFFNU [Del]

... um.
Could you please *not* get the site link blacklisted by every email spam filter in existence? Seriously.

If you decide to do this, don't send it to a bunch of people at once or anything. Like keep it to < 100 people a week and try not to be a dick about it. Use the QR code without mentioning the site name or link anywhere if possible. If there are a bunch of reports about spam coming from this website, email providers will start filtering any emails that come in with links to it as spam, and it'll mess up those working with similar ideas in smaller numbers ,_,

8 Name: Tithor : 2016-02-07 08:39 ID:IZiX7Jre [Del]

Don't worry, I wasn't planning on doing that at all. In the real world I know a lot of people and there's only a handful of them I'd invite to the Dollars via email.

9 Name: Tithor : 2016-02-07 08:42 ID:IZiX7Jre [Del]

My bad, I forgot to sage it. Sorry guys.

10 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2016-02-07 17:14 ID:xk1hFFNU [Del]

>>8 np, I just wanted to make sure that wasn't the case lol

11 Name: Tithor : 2016-02-07 21:30 ID:mgRr8OCs [Del]

Yep np

12 Name: Aliko : 2016-02-08 17:03 ID:Tif3LVG4 [Del]

I'm actually intrigued by Bambi's idea. But I feel like you should send it to less people, maybe between numbers 10 - 50.
So of course to avoid any spam and to catch their attention the subject should be like "Don't you think the world is boring ^-^???"
Use text emoji as well! To make it seem mysterious, and then the main email could be "You should join in on the fun too!" And then link them with "WELCOME"

Just a suggestion but don't take my word for it.

13 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2016-02-09 02:22 ID:xk1hFFNU [Del]

>>12 Less like an idea, more like damage control for what I assumed to be an awful idea. Just putting that out there.

14 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2016-02-09 06:06 ID:nB7DS2vB [Del]

There are also email marketing services that ensure that your mass emails aren't marked off as spam by most spam filters by including an opt-out button and thus following that major guideline.

If you do decide to go that far, that is. But as OP mentioned, he's really only gonna invite a few people.