Dollars BBS | Suggestions




















New board (10)

1 Name: Lux !vuPARaEdUE : 2016-01-26 16:30 ID:ertgmYoW [Del]

I feel that we need a "Questions" board. There are quite a few threads on the Main that are just questions on whether we have this or do this or use that. It would help clear out some poorly placed threads as well as give members a chance to ask their questions without fear of spamming or anything like that.

2 Name: Shad0wLord : 2016-01-26 16:45 ID:xBy0yRFa [Del]

Yeah that is a good thing and gonna help clear out a spam a bit :P

3 Name: Bambi (bitchtrip is on other computer) : 2016-01-26 17:08 ID:oI1Fh6si [Del]

The FAQ is literally the Frequently Asked Questions thread. It exists for the sole purpose of answering every question you could ever have about the site. If it doesn't answer your question and your comment gets lost in the sea of bumps, the Random Thought Thread is a perfectly safe place to ask as well.

I wouldn't be against a Questions board, but considering how rarely people use the thread clearly labeled 'FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS' that's constantly kept at the top of the front page of the website, I kind of doubt a board like that would help the way you're expecting.

4 Name: Lux !vuPARaEdUE : 2016-01-26 17:16 ID:ertgmYoW [Del]

Indeed, i agree with posting questions there. However, newbies don't really pay attention to much other than the direct boards at the left, and most don't make the inference that they could be using Random for their questions. And to be honest, it took me a bit to find out about the FAQ myself ;P

5 Name: Tanaka !k3JBVU3XfE : 2016-01-26 18:44 ID:X1uUiy+x [Del]

What might work is a redirect to the FAQ when they first click on the make a new thread button

6 Name: Lux !vuPARaEdUE : 2016-01-26 20:23 ID:ertgmYoW [Del]

It might work on some people, but I feel like most would go "Screw it, I just got here and I'm reading all this" and probably wouldn't pay any real heed to it. And I don't necessarily disagree with people who might do that, it is a pretty long thread. That's why I think that if people had a board to post questions, it would be kind of spammy at first, but one answer/fact at a time, new members would get more a grasp on how this site works, though it make take a week or two. If the excessive amount of questions becomes overwhelming, I would not mind taking responsibility over answering most of the questions.

7 Name: Bambi (bitchtrip is on other computer) : 2016-01-26 20:40 ID:oI1Fh6si [Del]

>>5 If we're discussing site coding improvements, there's a huge thread somewhere in here where we went in depth trying to figure out what the most efficient and effective improvements would be to make the site easy to understand for new members.

8 Name: Lux !vuPARaEdUE : 2016-01-27 15:47 ID:ertgmYoW [Del]

>>7 What's the thread's name?

9 Name: Bambi (bitchtrip here) : 2016-01-27 16:04 ID:oI1Fh6si [Del]

>>8 errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

I honestly don't remember where the majority of the discussion was. I think we may have actually dragged some poor defenseless thread off-topic. But we also discussed it here for a little bit:

10 Name: Lux !vuPARaEdUE : 2016-01-27 16:05 ID:ertgmYoW [Del]

Thanks, i'll take a look at what was discussed.