Dollars BBS | Suggestions




















Stop forcing Main to be clean (8)

1 Name: ShinAttha : 2015-05-31 15:12 ID:2wYZ++pz [Del]

I know that it's supposed to only feature important stuff but if more than half of the board consists of rules considering what to post there, I think it kinda beats the purpose.
I realize that there is a problem with spam and so on, but I think one "rules" thread is more than enough. The only relevant information I can currently see on the main section is the map.
Honestly, I was quite irritated to see three posts that didn't belong there, but five threads stating what actually belongs on that board is even worse.
I suggest only putting one tutorial like thread and leaving the rest up to the users.

2 Name: firelily : 2015-05-31 15:43 ID:NkwmAvwO [Del]

i agree with you completely and the only thing that dosnt belong there that they keep permasageing is the intros and things like that, everything else they get rid of seems relevant in some way

but i have been doing my share in trying to keep the boards clean lately, and it is really hard especially when you give people the most respect but they dont respect you back.

i understand why they do wut they do too, they should just have 1 really long one instead of 5 or 6 in my opinion, or because no one reads apparently, they should find a way to post a youtube video on main to show how the boards should be used and just bump that up.

but i think that posting a video here is close to impossible with how simple the codes are, so they are doing the best they can, even if their best is super annoying and defeats the purpose of wut they are trying to do.

3 Post deleted by user.

4 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2015-05-31 15:52 ID:xY5um+HT [Del]

We'd not have to have so many boards stating what to post, what not to post, how to post, references and so on if dumb-fucks would read the rules the moment they join.

Also I don't think you need to post this in suggestions as it's own topic just to point out such a vague "don't do this on main" type of post. All it does is telling us we shouldn't post something, which you could easily make as a post on main.
Everything else about how to post is already on there, one more isn't going to hurt.

5 Name: Inuhakka !inb4CaTsQw : 2015-05-31 16:35 ID:PWfJB9/q [Del]

>>4 >concerns about the site
It fits.

>>1 The user base here is far below average when it comes to their past usage of forums and general knowledge of how to use them. Most forums aren't randomly stumbled upon by people who have never heard of a BBS before, but this site is a big exception as many of our new users have not. Thus it is necessary to be a little more explicit here than somewhere else.

I think we could easily cut down on the number of threads we have there about rules, though. One thread about what not to post and then another thread about what not to ask seems excessive. The FAQ could also be updated, it's boring to read frankly. If the goal is to get people new here to read the whole thing, it's a pretty bad attempt.

I really don't have a solution. Should we just leave them be and expect they'll do everything right, or should we be extremely in your face about rules knowing that without that they probably won't? It seems like the less threads we have 'cluttering' Main about rules, the more threads we have cluttering it about intros, new seasons of DRRR!!, etc.

6 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2015-05-31 18:43 ID:xY5um+HT [Del]

I don't think concerns about individual posts is concerns about the site, really.

7 Post deleted by user.

8 Name: mx : 2015-06-01 00:51 ID:ncW+I+L5 [Del]

Maybe if we could move threads this wouldn't be an issue.