Dollars BBS | Suggestions




















A new Dollars (31)

1 Name: TheGuy : 2015-05-05 18:14 ID:5w6rAgql [Del]

If we do a real Dollars org. With invitation only? I like the idea, we can do big Things.
I like Dollars bbs but everyone can enter :/
Pd: Sorry for my bad english

2 Name: [Dude] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-05-05 21:12 ID:Nb6GDAwR [Del]

Been said before probably, if anything good luck with that, i would recommend building one now, and open it to public at summer time to invite people.

3 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2015-05-05 22:46 ID:WHTD98Mq [Del]

A long as it stays away from here and you don't promote it here, who gives a shit? IE, don't talk about it.

4 Name: Vigil : 2015-05-08 04:51 ID:HQnKxWPJ [Del]

The problem right now is that their used to be no way to get in without the password a few years back, at least from what i recall. Even if a lot of people knew it, the password was still a barrier to those not familiar to the dollars. For some reason now the password page exists but one can enter through the about page and whatnot without knowing the password at all...seems useless with that being said to even have a password page to begin with. If they were to get rid of that little loop hole it might make things a bit more interesting.

5 Name: Kirumora : 2015-05-09 03:38 ID:2f1mmX+F [Del]

I really like the idea for a new dollars site although i agree with thiamor that it shouldn't be advertised or promoted just invites

6 Name: Torio : 2015-05-09 04:26 ID:HQgwV195 [Del]

How would people be invited?

7 Name: cap'n star : 2015-05-09 04:42 ID:HRuvWhBM [Del]

i know at one point the dollars all made a e-mail and posted it on the site. would there be a way to find that post and send a invite to all the e-mails?

8 Name: Gross : 2015-05-11 18:39 ID:Ds6owmT+ [Del]

9 Name: Kanra : 2015-05-11 21:27 ID:/Z6qHlLi [Del]

Then Dollars won't be dollars anymore this group was made for everyone!

10 Name: littleBROKER : 2015-05-12 17:56 ID:IUsP0vQ2 [Del]

Anyone, but not everyone. We don't want violent extremists in the group do we? Then again, for all we know, we could already have a few on site right now.🙈🙉🙊

11 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2015-05-13 18:08 ID:2YiZFkh3 [Del]

You do realize Suggestions isn't for trying to make and eventually "take" away members from this group, right? Hell, it's actually for suggestions regarding the current site.

12 Name: littleBROKER : 2015-05-13 21:02 ID:IUsP0vQ2 [Del]

Its not changing the current site; they seem to almost be suggesting a splinter cell, for those more dedicated to the Dollars' unofficial rule of secrecy. If they wish to do so, they should, though TheGuy doesn't seem to be the only one with such an idea...(see above thread "get together")

13 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2015-05-13 23:33 ID:2YiZFkh3 [Del]

Regardless, given it's not about changing the site, they are not to discuss it on here.

14 Name: littleBROKER : 2015-05-14 00:10 ID:IUsP0vQ2 [Del]


15 Name: VivaLaPanda : 2015-05-14 10:19 ID:68MRY14C [Del]

Saged, but I've actually been working on this for a while. Email me at if you want to help out with the source, it's still pretty alpha right now.

16 Name: Takasugi Shinsuke : 2015-05-15 13:12 ID:S+ETAh2B [Del]

If you want me to join message me at my gmail. Its

17 Name: Takasugi Shinsuke : 2015-05-15 13:19 ID:S+ETAh2B [Del]

sorry spelled it wrong its actually

im a horrible speller

18 Name: Mihai-san : 2015-06-18 05:53 ID:wjLnSUwE [Del]

there should be an account system. That's how we could have those unique usernames without finding out that someone posted with our name and also keeping an account of e-mails and, depending on what user also wants to share, other contact infos.
Notice: remember that, in the anime, the invitation e-mails were linked with the bbs names. And how could that be happening without an account system?

19 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2015-11-22 21:02 ID:gshfv534 [Del]

whew, finally found the post o.o'

I reckon instead of replacing this site, we should space our attention a bit more. Such as becoming more active on the drrr chatrooms but still connected to this site. This is so we don't compromise the safety of other members and if we were ever to be revealed, EVERYTHING about us isn't in one spot. I did hear about a Dollars email group being a suggestion which I think would be nice for hangouts.

However the downfall would be that it'll be difficult to keep track of the Dollar members. I guess it wouldn't be the same either :\. There are some people in the group who want to promote the Dollars but then we're afraid this'll ruin our privacy. All of us have common sense though so I hope you all think before you act!

Possibly we just stick to being shadows that spread the word of the Dollars, then we'll take it from there.

20 Name: Io : 2015-11-26 02:44 ID:vJotHixB [Del]

>>15 ooo ur working on a new dollars website?

21 Name: Soul : 2015-11-26 14:23 ID:vyHragwu [Del]

This sounds awesome but... who can create the website?

22 Name: blue : 2015-11-27 19:14 ID:g7tPmnBo [Del]

that goes against what the dollars are, a place where everyone be state what they think it might give us a bad name.

23 Name: Io : 2015-11-27 19:54 ID:vJotHixB [Del]

>>22 well if u haven't noticed everyone just says whatever they want here on this bbs. I don't see the problem.

24 Name: Hisa : 2015-11-28 06:15 ID:K4o7E18q [Del]

Well, the person who worked on this website would be a waste. And a lot of people already know the password, so they could still enter either way.

25 Name: Sigiled Hawk : 2015-11-28 12:40 ID:+GRvAXM8 [Del]

Email Reltair about your concern. To me its a valid one.

26 Name: Macer : 2015-11-28 17:35 ID:6B5FshVc [Del]

I really don't see the problem here the dollars are free. I mean this really just place to talk hang out not a place to be given orders too if you want to start a group you should call them the yellow scarves or blue squares

27 Name: Moka : 2015-11-28 23:34 ID:4ZoQgM+i [Del]

i agree with Macer but their is already a yellow scarfs gang and website.

28 Name: Kanata : 2015-11-29 23:27 ID:E2QOrecx [Del]

I like the idea. There could be this site for people who just want to be part of it and the real site for those who are serious about it.

29 Name: CuSith !gP.YlRvdlA : 2015-11-30 00:13 ID:uV4RtYI4 [Del]

I also kinda agree. I'd like a sight with better safety than tripcodes, but at the same time the dollars as a concept is all-inclusive. You can't be exclusive :/ That said, the anime had semi-exclusive sub-gangs/factions
but a formal site would also allow emails, maybe profiles, allowing members to find similar people and arrange meetings with people in the geolocation. If emails/ notifications were set up then member inactivity would also be reduced in theory
But I believe this was beyond what you intended though :/

30 Post deleted by user.

31 Name: Hutsalot : 2015-12-01 09:57 ID:8XaV6Ryn [Del]

I think it's a good idea, but I'm just wondering how people would know who to send invites to, and if it is by asking for contact info, what about people who are always nervous about giving away that kind of info?