Dollars BBS | Suggestions




















New Subheading: History (15)

1 Name: Hakaron : 2015-02-22 13:15 ID:/FQ+l20c [Del]

How would be a subtitle who one could discuss about history like the question: Who has to be blamed for the Second World War ? One could also present the history about their home country or somethingelse. That would be pretty cool. Especially in a time, when history influenced politicans or groups like Putin or the IS.

When somebody would inform about the colonies of Great Britain in the time of colonization in Middle East, he would know that because of the robbery of this places, the countries there never had a chance for an upturn of their economies. That was only an example.

2 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-02-22 13:43 ID:bl9kFi+y [Del]

Unfortunately, because of limited staff and time, making boards or sub boards for things that are not in demand is not possible. I suppose you could make a thread specifically for these history lessons or history questions... But where? I have no idea.

3 Name: Hakaron : 2015-02-23 10:11 ID:B4ahl79f [Del]

I have some ideas :) I think too now that a whole new sub board would be too much.

4 Name: YoloLord : 2015-02-25 00:22 ID:bsEW/eBy [Del]

I don't think it would be difficult to add a new board and it sounds like a good idea ayy

5 Name: mifune : 2015-02-26 05:59 ID:E1SkKiEW [Del]

I just think that it would cause arguements and divide the community, as some people have very strong views...

6 Name: YoloLord : 2015-02-26 16:56 ID:BxGpiInY [Del]

>>5 You're right when you say that most people have strong views, but with history it's hard to have conflicting opinions. I'm sure that we will be discussing facts and unlike current events there is an accepted version of what happened.

7 Name: midsxeph : 2015-02-26 17:58 ID:I29x4XEg [Del]

>>6 What? It's soooo easy to have conflicting opinions with history. That's because in the name itself, it's history. What happened in the past is always argued about. Think little kids arguing about 'who did it'. Same idea.

8 Name: Magnolia : 2015-02-26 18:44 ID:YNK0Hjwu [Del]

>>7 also arguments about controversial events like the atomic bombs and assassinations.

9 Name: Magnolia : 2015-02-26 18:45 ID:YNK0Hjwu [Del]

Or even 9/11. I can see this swiftly crash and burn into conspiracy theorist territory.

10 Name: midsxeph : 2015-02-26 19:03 ID:I29x4XEg [Del]

>>9 It will be a nightmare.

11 Name: Inuhakka !inb4CaTsQw : 2015-02-27 20:57 ID:rm8DgjR6 [Del]

>>5 This isn't a problem exclusively with History, though. We have a lot of heated discussions for a variety of topics. Not sure why History would be worse.

12 Name: YoloLord : 2015-02-28 01:57 ID:SXTBappm [Del]

>>7 Can you give me a specific example? Nothing springs to mind.

13 Name: Magnolia : 2015-02-28 03:36 ID:5I/GiqDw [Del]

>>11 Yeah we can have heated discussions... Within a thread. I believe >>5's point is that we would have an entire board of heated discussions.

>>12 What I just said >>8 and >>9. As soon as we wonder off the straight and narrow trail defined by our history books, and question "who reallydid it" or what was this leader's true purpose in starting a war, or did this event ever really happen (holocaust deniers and Waco conspiracy theorists), a history board has potential to dissolve into a shit storm unlike anything we've ever seen on BBS. That is, unless you create a religions board. Holy crap, I wanna see how long the peace in there would last.

14 Name: Magnolia : 2015-02-28 04:46 ID:Y6FRU3zO [Del]

>>13 wander* I hate English.

15 Name: mids : 2015-02-28 08:19 ID:TgFzbwnp [Del]

Religious board, plz. BBS will burn.