Dollars BBS | Suggestions




















Travel Board (14)

1 Name: Elucidator : 2014-12-04 20:51 ID:tixeFP0I [Del]

So I was wondering, maybe we could have a "Travel" Board? Like an additional board at the side. Basically, the contents in it are sharing the places you have been, and recommending restaurants/hotels etc. Or, you can share about the attractions that are available in your own country. This may help a lot of people who are planning to go on a holiday but don't know where. Also, it can help spread the different cultures from different countries. So, what do you think? It's just something small, but I think it will help greatly. I, for one, would love to read and share about travels!

2 Name: Miyuki : 2014-12-05 10:20 ID:5eSdGYM/ [Del]

I like this.

3 Name: Loerpiou : 2014-12-05 11:59 ID:MF2qCyDc [Del]

please admins, make that :0

4 Name: Elucidator : 2014-12-06 20:42 ID:tixeFP0I [Del]

Thanks for the responses. Really appreciate it! :)

5 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2014-12-08 20:55 ID:ZHtEt21w [Del]

Or, you guys could help clean up the Countries board and use it like a travel board instead. It's not like it's doing much else. Some ideas can come to life without an admin's interference.

6 Name: Elucidator : 2014-12-17 00:06 ID:tixeFP0I [Del]

>>5 Hmmm that is a good point, but having a Travel board itself would be mroe suitable in my opinion. This is because the Travel Board can include a place's good food, art, culture, and specific details. If it were to be shared with the Country board, it may be too much. But, thanks for bringing the suggestion up!

7 Name: Laija-san : 2014-12-17 10:02 ID:KMr8VRhc [Del]

>>5 If the Countries board isn't being meaningful or active, may be it could be replaced for the Travel board proposed and kill two birds with a stone.

That way we "clean up" the Countries board and we create another one more interesting.
In any case, nice idea Elucidator-san.


8 Name: Elissine : 2014-12-17 11:20 ID:WoD5AxNM [Del]

I like that idea. We should have people put where they are from and places they've been. It might be more easy to find other members IRL that way too

9 Name: Кристина !!Ihd2plOZ : 2015-01-03 13:52 ID:VgvvB7U4 [Del]

Bump. I was about to suggest it when I saw your post.

I think it should also have a "Languages" sub-board for those who want to learn or improve on a language.

10 Name: BK201 : 2015-01-04 03:37 ID:cYczCjwM [Del]

I have to say I greatly agree with the idea
But keep in mind that the Dollars stand for annomisity
Saying where we are somewhat defeats the purpose
None the less, it's a great idea!

11 Name: Bakyura : 2015-01-04 17:33 ID:YsDczXcR [Del]

I think it sounds like a good idea, especially the "Languages" one.

12 Name: Yukio !DboM3.beAE : 2015-01-12 21:46 ID:jgT5g/VZ [Del]

I think the Countries board could double as Travel, and Languages, too, since it looks like most of the Dollars are trying to learn the same 6ish languages. From there they could organize a Skype group or something to practice, but I don't see a reason to add a whole board on it.

13 Name: Destiel !tUgGfzSx0o : 2015-01-13 15:57 ID:kcgOK+jk [Del]

I could see the travel board being used by travelers to get suggestions for more obscure, but nonetheless must-visit places in their places of visit. I would definitely make use of that!

14 Name: Destiel !tUgGfzSx0o : 2015-01-13 15:59 ID:kcgOK+jk [Del]

Please disregard my repeated use of 'places' in very close proximity, I already hate myself enough reading it back. *winces*