Dollars BBS | Suggestions




















Information exchange/Dollars unification (27)

1 Name: The Sesha : 2013-11-13 10:04 ID:+ZjDe0a4 [Del]

Ok, so I don't spam the board to much on my second day, I decided to make this a twofer.

First suggestion is that we have an information exchange board, where members could teach other members their skill sets. From hacking, to languages, to biology, any member could have access to free knowledge, and better themselves. We could make use of khan academy as well, but the benefit here would be a more expansive training kit.

Next up, the Dollars unification. I was reading through the FAQ, and reading through one of the older recruitment mission ideas, and I noticed that the Dollars community is not only spread out in real life, but on the net as well. To help address that, I would suggest adding a page somewhere easy to find with a listing of links to the other dollars sites. This would give the community more "manpower" to a degree, as well as help to keep the overall community whole.

2 Name: Inuhakka !.5xqXJfr96 : 2013-11-13 15:40 ID:QpnMhHAv [Del]

1. Already exists, as a thread on Main.

2. We are not associated with those sites and I do not believe we have any intention of joining up with them. Understand they have a different purpose than this site, and in essence the only thing that connects us is a name. We are our own community on the Dollars BBS. You can join other sites yourself but as a group we do not endorse it.

In the future, when suggesting something make sure it doesn't already exist.

3 Name: The Sesha : 2013-11-15 00:51 ID:+ZjDe0a4 [Del]

Information brokering is not equivalent with what I'm suggesting. I mean a full on training/skills exchange environment. This would involve either skype calls, or in depth analysis of a particular skill. A full forum would be required, not just an additional thread.

as far as the other groups, I'm not talking about a full on merger, so much as a link section for communicative organisation. If you think the groups are so different as to warrant ignoring them completely, I guess that's different...

4 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-11-15 03:30 ID:U8fqgkWk [Del]

>>3 Have fun finding a large group of people willing to devote that much time for no major cause and no pay. Not even the anime Dollars would have done that. If you do intend to pay then all you have done is create an army of virtual teachers with no training or qualifications.

We are a forum and do not need more "manpower".

5 Name: The Sesha : 2013-11-15 10:44 ID:+ZjDe0a4 [Del]

Build it and they will come :D In all seriousness, it would require a lot of help from the dollars community as a whole to get it off the ground.

Solace, what in your opinion is the point of the dollars? Is this community really inspired by drrr!? If so, shouldn't we be trying to actively influence the world for the better?

6 Name: Hakuro : 2013-11-15 19:12 ID:qRPg6lVn [Del]


I would mostly support the first cause, since I think it would be nice if Dollars could spread out more, and become more useful IRL. Although it would take a lot of work though...not to mention that I probably won't be able to help out at all since I am a young person, and do not really have any marketable/useful skills.

The second idea, I'm kinda against though, since I would prefer for the different websites to just merge together into one large community instead of being divided into smaller factions...and currently, I've seen a few of the others and this one is probably the best so far.

7 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-11-15 19:49 ID:U8fqgkWk [Del]

>>5 No. Literally, when Reltair started this site, he intended it to be completely a discussion based forum with a layout based off the Anime. We have a missions thread but that is just a small sub-section, most of the site is pure talking. There is no 'goal' of the dollars because 90% of the Otakus/weaboos that say they have a 'goal', are full of shit. We are just a foum.

8 Name: NPC : 2013-11-15 20:11 ID:U1nOiiDm [Del]

Since you said that (Solace), I guess it means that you are one of "Otakus/weaboos." Even if most people here are otakus, I think that it is still possible to help people. Since they are on this site, they must have read the introduction, meaning that they are either totally heartless, or have been moved, even if just a little.

9 Name: Inuhakka !.5xqXJfr96 : 2013-11-15 20:28 ID:z3a85q+u [Del]

>>3 Not sure what you expect. This is a forum. I think the best you can hope for is that thread. It is a collection of information. Teaching people skills requires a skill of your own, while sharing information is considerably easier. Sorry, but if you want something like that there are other resources available (like you mentioned).

10 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-11-15 20:32 ID:U8fqgkWk [Del]

>>8 Ahh, no. The okatus and weaboos are the people that say literally what you just said and not do anything. I use this site for discussion, I'm not even that into anime. It's the people that go "DOLLARS YE LEGION CHANGE THE WOWLRD POWER" and not do anything that are the grievances.

Nice one trying to turn that on me though

11 Name: SnowyRin!!1MB0daGg : 2013-11-15 23:42 ID:9dJOSuZR [Del]

It's more annoying and greivance-causing to shoot down anyone for wanting to do something. We ARE a discussion forum, yes, which is pretty similar to any social network, in a sense. If people can do anything like our "missions and goals" on a site like Facebook, it can be done here, too.
At any rate, if missions are literally so useless and unimportant, I find it silly to put it under a "Main" category, which would signify some importance.
If you don't want to do anything, simply don't post on anything that you disagree with.
I'm not attacking you or trying to show you up, I simply want you to understand that, as this is a discussion forum, there is such a thing as not posting and rambling about your personal pet peeves.

Back to the topic, I like that first idea, but it'd probably be quite difficult in getting people willing to do this for free, if not impossible. I don't particularly care for the second proposal, simply because I have no experience with any of these other sites, and my guess is they have a reason for not being on this site. Whether it's due to personal differences, not liking our layout, our community, etc. Besides, I doubt they'd be willing to just shut down their sites and come to ours, or just abandon it. We wouldn't, either.

12 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-11-16 21:22 ID:LuQGUfDp [Del]

>>11 Firstly, this is the internet, grow some virtual balls.

Secondly, you do not see how much of the people who say, "I just want to make a difference! Big or small! If we work together, the dollars can be more powerful than anything!" then get stroppy at other people for not being idiots like them and leave forever. If you want to help the world, why are you on a fucking internet forum? Do you know how many people/organisations you could be helping right now? Instead you are complaining that other members want to use a discussion forum for discussion. If you want to quietly do missions on your own steam, go crazy, just don't kick up a fuss and whine to us. I honestly believe that you do not want to help people, people like that just want to feel good about themselves. If you really just wanted to help, you wouldn't be posting a forum about every little thing that you are thinking of doing, that's just narcissistic. Spend the time that you would be on this website volunteering rather than complaining to members who shoot down suggestions something that is kind of necessary about a board called suggestions. I hate it when people like you try to act condescending towards other members, you're not right. You're not even alright. You're just being a bitch.

13 Name: SnowyRin!!1MB0daGg : 2013-11-17 09:58 ID:9dJOSuZR [Del]

Funny how you're trying use what I said against, when you just called someone out for doing that to you. I suppose you doing so means I'm allowed to.
As for "kicking up a fuss.. Who first started complaigning about the thread? xD
And virtual balls.. That's a rather childish attack, seeing as 1. I'm female. And 2. I didn't say anything to garner such a response. I was (politely, may I add) shooting down someone who was shooting down a suggestion simply because someone wants to do something, without being part of an organization that doesn't actually use it's donations the way they claim to.
I'll probably leave this as my last post related to this, simply so the actual topic may continue unhindered.

14 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-11-17 10:16 ID:LuQGUfDp [Del]

>>13 Look up the definition of virtual, you seem to have its definition wrong.

I'm just confused as for what you are fighting for now. I posted pointing out the obvious flaws in attempting to form a community who freely teaches each other their life skills (as you will see from >>1 and >>3), NPC posted on >>8, attempting to label all members of this site that don't pretend to be championing a cause 'heartless', and naming me in particular, I responded, then you jumped in on the White Knight brigade. Now, where was the part that I started aimlessly venting my pet peeves, again?

And you can ignore it all you want, but you know what I said about those members is true. They don't want to be helping people, they want a circle-jerk of other idiots congratulating them on having ideas that might theoretically help somebody at some point if anybody ever put them to action. They want the Anonymous group style of 'helping people', not the side that actually gets things done.

This Thread has been derailed, though. Basically, I find that the first idea is just way too much of an ask on an unspecified, mysterious group of people; as for the second idea, I just don't see the point.

15 Name: Face : 2013-11-23 17:03 ID:qY7UPyPJ [Del]

The dollars sure has degraded.. Before, this openminded thinking was accepted. The main reason why there is no action in the dollars is because we have no figure head. Nobody speaks for us, which is why we have no voice. Even moreso than Anonymous, we are both everywhere and nowhere. We arent just some gang of wannabes anymore. Sadly, the dollars have become very much like their ikebukuro counterparts. Doing nothing incessantly. Until someone forces the dollars into action, a figurehead like the anonymous or the black knights, we wont do a single thing. We're damned to be exactly what this post is; an idea never put to action.

16 Name: Inuhakka !.5xqXJfr96 : 2013-11-24 00:25 ID:AnbatIYT [Del]

>>15 Okay. I am going to be nice because I once thought that same thing.

This is not a group whose purpose or goal is to create change. It is a BBS, a forum for discussion. It isn't a bad thing to discuss. People seem to think somehow everyone on this site has failed because we aren't doing something as a group. As Solace already pointed out, the only reason the Dollars in DRRR!! did anything was because they all lived in the same city and there was direct conflict against them. I really can't stress this enough, discussion forums aren't bad simply because they aren't changing the world. There are other places to help people. It is so much more effective to rally people in your own city or town rather than people in totally different countries over the Internet. I don't understand why people keep wanting this site to be more, it just isn't. That isn't bad, or some kind of failure. It's just what this site is.

I believe it was Solace who also brought up this summary point: If you really wanted to change the world, you wouldn't be complaining that nobody is.

17 Name: 雨雲 : 2013-11-26 11:25 ID:AJ5jtZ4f [Del]

Ignoring the heated argument

I think the first idea could work, ya know granted we have the people to do so. Though I think you guys took it a little too far. It's not so much as like having virtual teachers. I think the original idea was to have a group of people willing to teach things that they know but out of just wanting to. Not to get paid.

I take it like this

Person A makes a post on how he wants to learn basic hacking

Word gets out through the replies and eventually someone with basic hacking skills shows up

Person A then meets Person B (Hacker) and then exchange information

Thats it ya know? Like just something as basic as that. Of course it all depends on the demand of people wanting to learn something and the supply of people who know it. That's the main flaw but I'm sure a lot of people here know things that can be taught just as easily (Using hacking was a horrible example) But something as basic as like card tricks or maybe a couple of phrases of another language.

I don't know, that's just my two cents on it.

18 Name: Face : 2013-11-26 11:40 ID:g1VHVPqC [Del]

>>16 The Dollars' action is not my concern. What is my vonvern, however, is that the dollars have grown bitter. Because we're pointless in essence, we project our inabilities to help the world around us on fellow dollars members. In durarara, the Dollars were immobile until their gratituous leader came online amd told them to get mobilized. If the dollars will ever get anywhere, it wont be by suggestions. Itll be by commands. We'll need to get our name out there in larger ways. Internet vigilantism, real life vigilantism, public arranged anonymous events (where everyone wears white or black etc.) A Facebook group in which our members 2000 strong join and spread the word to friends. Sharing the dollars name and password. In order to start a game of chess, you'll need to put your pieces down.. Pawns, rooks, knights, queens and kings. The problem isnt that we're not able to do anything. Its that we're scared to reap the consequences. The dollars are scared of being rejected.. I dont blame them. After all, the Dollars are just kids in over their heads, right?

19 Name: Inuhakka !.5xqXJfr96 : 2013-11-26 15:43 ID:NGCd2BMu [Del]

>>18 Again, you say what so many others have said before you. 'We are pointless because we are not helping the world'.

This is just not true. This is an BBS. Its members are spread out all across the world. It is completely unrealistic to gather all of them in one place, as well as, in my opinion, essentially worthless. There are already existing organizations dedicated to change you can help. The Dollars are comprised of young people that are not generally huge action takers, because huge action takers are...taking action (generally), rather than spending their time on a discussion forum. Again, this does not make them better than everyone here, it makes them have a different purpose. Maybe you are right, maybe people are bitter because they once thought they might be able to change the world and couldn't, who knows. However, the reason for their inactivity is irrelevant.

In short, there are different groups for different purposes. This group's purpose is to chat with other members, and to make ideas for small helpful things people can do to brighten people's day. There are other groups whose purpose is to change the world dramatically, and again you should direct your attention to those groups, instead of complaining about this one.

20 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-11-26 19:10 ID:cJXQb2af [Del]

>>18 Except we are not Anonymous? We are not trying to be Anonymous. Listen to Inuhakka, we are merely a discussion based forum with a layout inspired by the group from the anime. Don't bitch about other members using the site for how it was intended to be used and go to Anonymous if you want more.

21 Name: Face : 2013-11-26 23:17 ID:4Y4ZaLeG [Del]

>>20 you must understand that I'm speaking from the standpoint of an observant. I have no opinion on this outside of the one regarding the division in this community. Half of the dollars are people who want to be heard and the other half want to be content. All of the dollars, however, are children. I don't care the dollars becomes, let it be infamy or eulogy. The point is, a day will come when people will make a choice. Deciding who the true dollars are. In the end, the community will die out entirely on both sides.

22 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-11-26 23:23 ID:cJXQb2af [Del]

>>21 Nope, I seriously just think you're being melodramatic. Honestly, if you don't care, I don't see what you're complaining about. Some people like using it for missions, some people for discussion, both of these are completely fine; it's when people of either side start trying to push it on others that you get a problem. This world isn't an anime, grow up a bit before calling everybody else children.

23 Name: Face : 2013-11-27 12:08 ID:lUs+wwtE [Del]

>>22 assuming that feuds in online communities only take place in anime. A community by definition is one body of people. If theres a divided community, its not one community. Its two. Theres two communities on this site and i doubt either wants to leave the happy funtime otaku website and nobody wants to dish out a thousand to make their own.

24 Name: Inuhakka !.5xqXJfr96 : 2013-11-27 12:26 ID:usXn/iox [Del]

>>23 "i doubt either wants to leave the happy funtime otaku website..."


25 Name: Face : 2013-11-27 15:14 ID:PH9f7DVQ [Del]

I have yet to see a forum where people from this site have gone.

26 Name: Hana Maru : 2013-11-27 15:27 ID:hYdsQP/a [Del]

OK. I'm not trying to sound mean or get in this fight, so I'll say this in the nicest way I can think of. Can you please stop arguing. I understand that we all have different opinions on what the dollars is about, but I'm positive that it's not a place where people come to argue. It's ok to come on here for general discussion and it's ok to come on here thinking you can help people this way. I just think that we should stop this argument and that this tread should go back to being a discussion about what was said in >>1. That is what it was posted here for. So lets just get on with our day and make it a good one :).

27 Name: kanra : 2013-11-29 23:25 ID:VGnuYU03 [Del]

yeah.. we can actually do more and go beyond expectations..we can make the dollars known for good instead of for random evil and discussion..we can do good deeds and donate dollars to places that say "the dollars~".. we can make everyone see that the dollars were primarily created for good..