Dollars BBS | Suggestions




















Can I create a Suicide Hotline in the Personal Board? (50)

1 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-05-31 20:33 ID:XnlkqC9O [Del]

I doesn't have to be me. It could be someone else. But unfortunately, we gotta lot of suicidal dollars (probably including myself). It would lessen the clutter, but it would also provide a long list of comments of support and reasons to live.

If you don't think it's a good idea, that's okay. I was just wondering.

2 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-05-31 23:57 ID:aliUN9XP [Del]

Why not just give them the suicide hotline?

3 Name: d♣_♣b : 2013-06-01 00:23 ID:6fCo3ySA [Del]

There both good ideas , but are you planning to make a Thread on the personal board involving suicidal help or are you planning to make your own dollars suicided hotline?

4 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-06-01 06:16 ID:XnlkqC9O [Del]

>>3 0_0 That last part I never even thought of... Oh man, that would be awesome.
I was mainly thinking of the first part, but people like to place their emails and numbers on personal to give someone support personally.
Maybe I can have index of people's info has the thread goes and that can become the Dollars' suicide hotline!
>>2 Why do they come to this place at all when most of them know it exists? It's kind of scary talking to a stranger about your need/want to die. But people feel as if the Dollars are their second family. Their home away from home. I think they would just be more comfortable if their "fellow Dollars/family" were the ones to hear their problems and give them support in return.

5 Name: d♣_♣b : 2013-06-01 14:25 ID:6fCo3ySA [Del]

>>4 I saw an idea with a similar concept to that one along time ago. It was called dollars txting group I think. It involved a website that linked up anyone who txted the correct numbers or something like that.

6 Name: Hyper : 2013-06-01 14:32 ID:Hx1jh+OM [Del]

>>5 you know what happend to that thread?
>>1 do it mate, you dont haw to ask to make an thread just check that it is not allredy made

7 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-06-01 14:53 ID:XnlkqC9O [Del]

>>6 *facepalm* Duhhh. How did that not occur to me? And I've been here for how long? XP lol

8 Name: d♣_♣b : 2013-06-01 22:53 ID:6fCo3ySA [Del]

>>6 No I don't sorry. All I know is that it was a really old thread

9 Name: mostmodest !eIZM0zi3QM : 2013-06-02 10:10 ID:CCoc9J4v [Del]

Love this idea, link the thread here when it's done.

10 Name: Doug : 2013-06-02 18:23 ID:5R9r1Ag0 [Del]

>>7 Yeah go ahead and make it. I would definitely like to help out in this myself. So if it is made i'll definitely help out as much as i can :)

11 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-06-02 23:02 ID:bvkdXlAC [Del]

Can I add one point? Not to crash your party or anything, but here's something that needs to be pointed out. Those people on the other end of suicide hotlines are trained to do so, are sworn to secrecy to the point where they can get sewed for giving out information, and actually give advice.

Because I doubt that any of us are actually trained to give advice on the subject, I'm not completely sure that we know what to say. My advice is just create a thread where people can get it off their chest by saying everything, but nothing to major to the point of getting advice.

Or you all think I'm a bitch now... Either works.

12 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-06-02 23:24 ID:aliUN9XP [Del]

>>11 that actually was one of the reasons why I feel like we should give the hotline, but I dont write explanations that well, so yeah. Thanks for doing my work for you :D

13 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-06-03 16:17 ID:XnlkqC9O [Del]

^ I'll get it done soon & are there are multiple suicide hotlines? Different ones for each country? Or one major hotline?

14 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-03 17:13 ID:gsQ55ngX [Del]

>>13 There are tons. Just look up "suicide hotline" on Google and filter through what's legit and what isn't. There are official hotlines per state and one nationwide one, but there are also other ones for school districts, counties, etc. They're endless.

15 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-06-03 17:58 ID:XnlkqC9O [Del]

>>14 Dammit. Yeah this'll take me a while.

16 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-06-03 17:59 ID:XnlkqC9O [Del]

>>14 Thank you btw

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18 Name: GodHatesFags!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-06-06 17:24 ID:zhkSJ1MW [Del]


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22 Name: GodHatesFags!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-06-06 17:54 ID:zhkSJ1MW [Del]


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26 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-06-06 19:01 ID:XnlkqC9O [Del]

27 Name: GodHatesFags!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-06-06 19:03 ID:wMNhoxs8 [Del]


28 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-06-06 19:11 ID:XnlkqC9O [Del]

I made it way better because of you, so I just wanted to say thanks.
Because not many newcomers would know your a troll, they would mistake your words for something that is actually meant. I just needed to make sure that your post wasn't the second one. It doesn't matter how many you make now.

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31 Name: FalseAlarm : 2013-06-10 00:49 ID:XH2sg0at [Del]

What is it with this website that makes it a, for want of a better word, "emo" magnet? So there is 4chan, the "dark" corner of the internet filled with /b/tards and /d/eviants (for your own sanity sake, don't look it up). Then there is reddit, where homosexuality is supported but OP is a faggot.

And then we have Dollars-bbs, which seems to be filled to the brim with people with ultra-low self-esteem and suicidal tendencies. Is there something about the Dollars story that just attracts them?

32 Name: FalseAlarm : 2013-06-10 00:50 ID:XH2sg0at [Del]

edit: Should have been "Durarara" story instead of "Dollars" story.

33 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-06-10 08:19 ID:XnlkqC9O [Del]

>>31 Everyone has suicidal thoughts, that's all quite normal.
When depression begins to take hold is usually in your teen years, which once again, is quite normal.
I don't know why you think this website is "emo". I'm pretty sure that just means you haven't been here long enough or you're unobservant. A lot of the things I've seen you say, whether you meant it or not, comes out sounding pretty offensive. In every community there will be a percentage of the depressed, and the percentage here isn't big at all. Have you even read any of the suicidal threads? Not the hotline I created, but others.
They were not emo.
They are living a very shitty life, that is probably only about to get shittier. I haven't been around 4chan enough to know, but I don't think they would allow a suicide corner. YT certainly doesn't. Not with several people being extremely rude about it.
Btw, post this in the RTT for more opinions. Not many come here on a regular basis.

34 Name: ... : 2013-06-11 14:38 ID:aazxfuT5 [Del]

False alarm is right, we need less of these people. But magnolia is also right. Maybe this hotline could get rid of most those insecure "emo's". I'd rather not have you two on my ass about this but at least take my opinion into consideration. I'm not taking one side in general im just trying to get you BOTH to see the light.

35 Name: Anonymous : 2013-06-11 21:07 ID:o/w4suEi [Del]

>>31 and >>33 i agree with what >>33 said but also arnt the dollars met to help people like that and to help everyone else and yes its pretty normal for everyone to sometime in their life to have felt that they are useless but in times like that when we are feeling down most people have someone they can go to and talk things with that helps them feel better about them self and think that what the dollars should be... that one person everyone looks up to like and older brother or sister

36 Name: Shiriyuki : 2013-06-18 09:06 ID:tZUWmObx [Del]

I think that would be a great idea. I have a couple suicidal friends and a sister. So I would love it if there was something like that. That would be so helpful.

37 Name: FalseAlarm : 2013-06-18 20:12 ID:XH2sg0at [Del]

I am well aware that life has its ups and downs, and everyone is likely to have encountered at least one point in their life where they have to wonder if they would be better off dead than facing the consequences of continuing to live. Heck, I have been through that phase once. I apologize if I came across as offensive, but I was genuinely curious as to why there is such a disproportional amount of depressed people on this bbs. It's nothing like what I have seen on any other image boards/forums/blogs.

Regarding the suicide hotline, I am in support of the idea. However, you would need a whole lot of dedicated volunteers to check the hotline 24 hours a day. Also, due to the lack of a private message system, all the posts will be public, and I am worried about the possible effects:
A) Trolls might come in to make things worse for the person
B) Depressed people becoming even more depressed when reading the posts of other depressed people

38 Name: Spirliss : 2013-06-19 20:29 ID:KJ416N2k [Del]

Trolls WILL be a problem.

39 Name: 12th Doctor (Axel) : 2013-06-19 21:34 ID:Hnf4eATP [Del]

At least the positive side is even though we have many miserable or lonely members (myself included) we come to this site and find a second family. We find comfort here but we all have bouts of deeper pain.

40 Name: Doug !WAdchFoEJk!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-06-22 16:35 ID:5R9r1Ag0 [Del]

>>39 and for other members like me, we want to be that comfort to help you make it through your sadness :) because many of us want to help people like you, and those other members be happy with themselves. I don't speak for everyone here on the BBS, I may not even speak for a majority, but I speak for some percent of the site when I say we're here to help all of you with whatever is preventing you from being happy with life :)

41 Name: 12th Doctor (Axel Faraday) : 2013-06-22 18:43 ID:Hnf4eATP [Del]

>>40 I love your response, I now see the true of how Anonymous functions, their basically the collective idea that human kind must not simply let our species become a uncivil bunch, they directly rush to right wrongs and will not back down. We can't turn our backs to our kind. We must always help others, it's how humans continue to exist.

42 Name: LOLER : 2013-06-23 08:50 ID:VG4E8ACI [Del]

Agree!! :D

43 Name: Rosethefox : 2013-06-23 17:00 ID:BXMcFaTj [Del]

i think its a good idea. i wouldnt mind helping out

44 Name: setton : 2013-06-24 13:23 ID:I+FaaeDp [Del]

i would not mind helping i was thinking of making a dollars email that is for suicidal people and they could email us and we could tell them how good life and magnolia don't think suicidal thoughts life is good dont wast it

45 Name: Thiamor (on another computer) !Enough.h12 : 2013-06-25 01:39 ID:1+NW5pTf [Del]

Do you really think wasting your time talking to people online will just alleviate them of their stress and the flaming desire to kill themselves? Not meaning it to be rude, but think it through.

This is not some place many of us come for "worldly" and "lively" advice. Most of us probably won't even listen to people in our day to day lives give out advice, so what's the point in having some 'topic' meant for it?

In all honesty, I think you'd not get that much people requesting help in the first place in a desired topic. It's not enough people talking about suicide to warrant it's own topic for in my eyes.

46 Name: FalseAlarm : 2013-06-25 04:35 ID:XH2sg0at [Del]

>>45 According to the real world suicide hotline, it does help in some cases. Obviously, if someone is hell bent on killing him/herself, he/she would never use a suicide hotline, but what we are talking about are the borderline cases here, people who are contemplating suicide but are still unsure about it.

Secondly, at the very least it will be a place where people can just rant about their negative feelings. I fail to see anything bad about that.

47 Name: Thiamor (on another computer) !Enough.h12 : 2013-06-25 18:13 ID:WDA2ev0u [Del]

Idea isn't bad but I just don't see it as a big enough issue where it's own topic would drastically fix any sort of spam issue we may have regarding it.

48 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-25 22:16 ID:FnbXdjfr [Del]

Apparently you guys haven't notice that the thread has already been made and is fairly successful thusfar.


49 Name: 🐺LoneWolf🐺 : 2013-06-26 05:41 ID:p71YtUyr [Del]


50 Name: MagnusVI : 2013-06-27 11:36 ID:XQwEYp4M [Del]

Well I can offer help in English, German , Russian and maybe some Italian...