Dollars BBS | Suggestions




















Country Board Suggestion (19)

1 Name: Rivee : 2013-04-08 22:08 ID:VNbrt7E0 [Del]

I just had a though, but what if the country board didn't really have the threads it has instead, a list of countries (along with US states??) or basically, pre-made threads so that way when people want to post a thing like, "HEY DUDES!! I'M FROM THIS SAME EXOTIC FOREIGN LAND!" We don't end up with so many duplicate threads and people asking the same question.

2 Name: Okumara !4x3eUZkQpQ : 2013-04-08 22:48 ID:nj6K49NX [Del]

I agree that this should be done but personally i would make it with continents and then the country threads underneath a continent section.

3 Name: SolSkopeo : 2013-04-09 00:13 ID:7bZENh6l [Del]

They actually have a thread that lists out all of the countries and states and such. If you can find that thread, then you are awesome :D

4 Name: Seeker : 2013-04-11 09:11 ID:4x25DnQF [Del]

Ya, but things get really jumbled imo. Its not always apparent, and the thread that does collect all that into on place sinks out of sight every now and then. A permanent spot to find a countries threads would be useful.

5 Post deleted by user.

6 Name: Kyousuke : 2013-04-11 09:21 ID:VUmfDNVO [Del]

I suggest the same a few weeks ago. But there were too less people who think it's usefull :/

7 Name: Seeker : 2013-04-11 09:35 ID:4x25DnQF [Del]

I think the index thread needs to be pinned. instead of constantly bumped. At the very least.

8 Name: Seeker : 2013-04-11 09:37 ID:4x25DnQF [Del]

also, on the right hand of the page.
"Comments, Suggestions, Reports/Concerns:"
We could suggest either a pinned index thread, or sub-channels.
We know a number of us want this, so may as well make it so.

9 Name: SolSkopeo : 2013-04-11 23:33 ID:Y7K9WQYj [Del]

Found it!!! I hope that takes you there :)

10 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2013-04-12 00:25 ID:QWZI7n4o [Del]

So you're saying we should have a sub board for each and every state and country?
Although it may solve the problem, there would be hundreds of sub-boards, which would be just as annoying.

Regardless, people over the years have proven that they don't care to check for further information before initial posting. For an example, note the people posting about a game on Main despite having a Game board. Same concept, really.

No matter how organized sub-boards may be, it simply won't solve the problem entirely.

11 Name: Kyousuke : 2013-04-12 06:02 ID:+EVpraww [Del]

>>10 who is talking about EVERY state and country?
I had the same reply on my suggestion. But it would be enough when there were sub-boards for continents or the countrys, where the most Dollars live.
What is so difficult to understand this suggestion?

12 Name: Seeker : 2013-04-12 09:08 ID:4x25DnQF [Del]

perhaps exclusion for those who have no sub then. The tamest idea would be each country having a sub, then just index posts for stat/provinces.

13 Name: Thiamor (on another computer) : 2013-04-13 15:09 ID:99uDsiVb [Del]

I just think sub boards for continents rather than countries and states.

14 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2013-04-13 19:41 ID:QWZI7n4o [Del]

Who is talking about EVERY state and country?"
See >>1: " what if the country board didn't really have the threads it has instead, a list of countries (along with US states??)"
Although I'll admit that in my drowsiness of 12:25 in the morning, I misread "pre-made threads" as sub-boards, hence my other post.

Anyways, pinning the index to the top (or even having it on autobump, if that thing ever gets through at some point) could help, although having more sub-boards made per continent (so that they're not as many as compared to country) might be another viable idea.

15 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-09-26 07:53 ID:viQBNjT/ [Del]


16 Name: Kyu : 2015-04-06 11:03 ID:lQzGgzcd (Image: 500x285 jpg, 64 kb) [Del]

src/1428336239746.jpg: 500x285, 64 kb
Can someone clean up the "Countries" Section and just make one section for Canada Thread. And to all Canadian please view all the threads in the country section first and look for a Canada thread before making another one so we can avoid multiples. You can search by clicking the "View all threads" and then Ctrl+F to pop up the search bar then type "Canada" then just click the up/down buttons to scroll all sections with the name "Canada". Please Read this before posting since its getting annoying with all these copies of the same thread. Thank you.

17 Name: Kyu-senpai : 2015-04-07 16:53 ID:lQzGgzcd [Del]


18 Name: Kairi : 2015-04-08 12:26 ID:A2wHoH9n [Del]


19 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2015-04-09 00:17 ID:pu6H4hsn [Del]

No don't bump this! This is already made!