Dollars BBS | Suggestions




















Politics Section? (11)

1 Name: severity : 2013-03-14 10:31 ID:F6PUtLb2 [Del]

This has most likely been suggested before and has as many negative reasons for not having one as there are positive reasons for having one, still I think it would be a very "dollars" like thing to have one.

2 Post deleted by user.

3 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2013-03-14 11:29 ID:E+fogcv6 [Del]

How would this be "dollars" like, and why would we need an entire board for something so small.

4 Name: severity : 2013-03-14 13:46 ID:F6PUtLb2 [Del]

>>3 I didn't know "Politics" Was something small, that's an interesting take on it I guess.

5 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2013-03-14 15:09 ID:TOs/0LRN [Del]

>>4 it certainly isnt something that i see needing a board. We already have discussion topics as well as news topics on both general and specifics parts, so why make an entire board, when even the topics that are created are in small number in comparison to everything else

6 Name: severity : 2013-03-14 21:21 ID:F6PUtLb2 [Del]

>>5 That's true too, I shouldn't have said it's a "Dollars" Thing i guess that in it self isn't a very "Dollars" Thing, most people here are simply here for the social aspect, I just merely thought it was a decent suggestion.

7 Name: severity : 2013-03-14 21:21 ID:F6PUtLb2 [Del]

>>5 That's true too, I shouldn't have said it's a "Dollars" Thing i guess that in it self isn't a very "Dollars" Thing, most people here are simply here for the social aspect, I just merely thought it was a decent suggestion.

8 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-01-18 22:44 ID:c9HnzIeg [Del]

Sooo... If I wanted to create a thread about two faced politicians to increase awareness (the ones who have made comments about rape not existing, or about caring for the middle class when just last year they didn't, the ones who claim to care about global warming, but invest in numerous companies that do not, etc) the News Board is good enough?

I just thought that, yes, the politics board, would be visited by a small portion of dollars members at first, but after a year or so of increasing awareness, it would definitely have a larger number of members interacting within the board. Especially with the presidential elections just around the corner.

With the politics board we can pretty much out corrupt politicians, two-faced politicians, and introduce which politicians are serving their interests, and hopefully, for older dollars, we can encourage them to get out and vote.

As some of you may know, the turn out of American youths during the elections for Congress last November was very, very, very poor. I'm constantly being told by those older than me that if youths themselves do not spread awareness in some way shape or form, then it's their fault why their age group's voices have become so inactive in today's politics.

News sources are bought and owned by various members of America's political parties. The writing may be biased or have important details left omitted about members of their own party while viciously attacking opposing parties.
It would take mass efforts of people who use different media sources, conservative or liberal, within and outside of the states to create a clear picture for voters and who is truly suited for their interests.
Just like the news board, you would need to produce an article for each thread topic, and the thread would become like a debate club with some people "for" and others "against".

Now, I know I was mainly mentioning American politics, but I do envision for other dollars to join in the board with their own nation's political problems or discussion of fair or corrupt politicians.

9 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-01-19 20:20 ID:+xeRI+Ea [Del]

>>8 Aww. Was this too long?

Tl;dr: Youths need to get more involved with today's politics (they make up 1/5 of the voting populace in America, but our turn out last November was pitiful). It took me a long while to get into and understand politics, and so a beginner might be daunted by the sheer vastness the political world like I was. Instead of jumping into this vast ocean of knowledge, history, debated issues with nothing but a row boat and paddle, it'd be nice to have a board that minimizes broad topics of discussion as well as introduce politics in favor of different interests in order for the dollars of voting age to have a clear picture who they wish to vote for in upcoming elections.
Like I said, I believe that the traffic in the board will be small at first, but like the other boards, visitors will grow in number over time.
If you guys still think that these topics can be placed in the News Board, then I might have to change the guidelines. News is usually something current, but what I'm talking about is a compilation of evidence regarding issues of debate and politicians that will be both old and new.

10 Name: Inuhakka !inb4CaTsQw : 2015-01-20 20:01 ID:c8PXVeJL [Del]

>>9 "Aww. Was this too long?"
Are you trying to get me to reply or ignore your post? I can't tell.

This can be housed in a single thread, we don't need a whole board. You said yourself the youth interest in politics is pitiful, and that means there's not much demand. We don't create boards to create demand, we do it to solve an over-abundance of demand. If it were not that way, there'd be a lot more boards to create before this one.

But, yeah, I don't think we need a board. If you create a thread for it (maybe in News, maybe in Random, I think it could fit on Main since it is a discussion), then that is how you will garner attention before making a new board. I don't doubt it's important to have discussion about this, but it's also important to have discussion about romantic problems, and we have a single thread for that even though hundreds of people make new ones for it every month. What is the difference here?

11 Name: Magnolia : 2015-01-20 21:36 ID:+xeRI+Ea [Del]

>>10 Well not you specifically; I can see how you could read it differently on the internet, but it was a question without attitude. I had posted it and it was getting bumped down without any discussion, so I evaluated what might have been wrong and did a tl;dr.

Like I said >>8 , there are many topics that could be discussed, so I didn't think one thread would cut it.
The dating thread, for example, is a place where you post a romantic problem you, get advice, and boom, it's done.

In a politics board, I envision various, ongoing discussions. Politicians for welfare thread, politicians for free education thread, corrupt or two-faced politicians thread, politicians in support of immigration or Wall Street reform, politicians in favor of women's rights, etc.
With each post in its proper thread you would have to provide evidence for an argument of why you support a politician's way of thinking.

"You said yourself the youth interest in politics is pitiful, and that means there's not much demand. We don't create boards to create demand, we do it to solve an over-abundance of demand."
True. Can't argue against that. If I were to choose to make one thread, I suppose it'd be a Corrupt/Two-faced Politicians thread.