Dollars BBS | Suggestions




















IMG coding (18)

1 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-12-28 00:39 ID:bvkdXlAC [Del]

It's not like I have anything against the way the images are now. Really, I don't.

Okay, so let me tell it to you circular, because straight is so last year. The current way of doing pictures and shit is like saying, "You're bullcrap will go here whether you like it or not," and I kinda have a chicken, because beef is older than straight, with that kind of nonsense.

I was thinking, the old and ancient way of doing shit, image coding! Just allow the members to code their own images into a post, because that would be like the member saying, "I want the image to go here, and you'll do what I say, because I'm the boss!"

This would also allow people to post pictures without having to download them to their computer and all that, assuming they need to for a certain *coughspidermancough* picture. I know, then we have to deal with the whole, "What if the picture get's taken down! Then no one can understand my love of lamps!"

For anyone who's not the brightest highlighter in the pack, because I don't like crayons or boxes, here's a solution. Make an account on Flickr or Photobucket, because they are both free. Then you can just link that picture and it'll never be taken down, assuming your account doesn't get removed for some reason. You now have the control!

Maybe I'm the only person that'll think it is nifty, but it also has other benefits! ...
... Fine, I don't know of anything. Mostly because I don't know enough about computers, or this site, to say anything. All I know is that I want to tell my post where to put the picture, and coding does that shit.

p.s. This also means for GIFs and shits like that too.

2 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-12-28 21:03 ID:jQhhHyhV [Del]

Bump of pleasure?

3 Name: Kumiko !tY7TKVZoW6 : 2012-12-29 09:09 ID:qx8wjlLs [Del]

Hm.. Won't it be more of a hassle to create a Flickr/PB account, uploading a pic, and then linking it onto the post rather than just clicking a button and select a picture?

Then again, your idea would help people who love posting pictures to follow up their words and it'd make reading posts more enjoyable! Furthermore, we have choices of where to put these images. I think it's a great idea to have IMG coding, but what I'm concerned about too is how to teach those dull highlighters in doing the code properly. There'll be rage posts/comments if and when some people don't get it right the first time (and even for every other tries).

Just like you said, this is an old and ancient way of adding images. On some posts I've seen (I haven't read EVERY post, just the recent Mains, Intros, Missions, etc.), the codes for bold, italized, and underlined fonts aren't as used, so will IMG coding (where you have to link from an external account) be more effective than our single upload button? ^^

4 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-12-30 00:23 ID:bvkdXlAC [Del]

Well, Reltair can keep the original system for those too lazy to care. Then add the IMG coding system for the tech savvy, and picky, people, like me, who want their pictures in a particular spot and aren't too laz to type up a few extra codes, which take five seconds.

I might also point out that coding would allow for additional pictures, so that someone may post 2, 3, 4, etc, pictures in a post, if they so wish to do so. I had wanted to do that many times.

Here's another idea that I'd like to implement in this thread, about coding in general. How about having buttons to push for those too lazy to type out their own codes? At the push of a button, the site will put the codes in for them. All they have to do is type what they want. This would make the whole thing easier for those too lazy to type their own codes.

The person doesn't even have to make a Flickr, Photobucket, or any other account for their pictures if they don't want to. They can just be lazy and grab the image URL to post it. Those peopel just have to understand that bitching is not allowed when it goes byebye because it's their own laziness that is at fault.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2012-12-30 00:40 ID:rPY2W9+z [Del]

>>4 Pushing a button to generate the HTML codes is getting too convenient. I dislike that, don't want this site getting to convenient and babying people.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2012-12-30 00:42 ID:rPY2W9+z [Del]

Besides, if you're typing something up anyways, it's quicker than
>type something
>stop typing and go to mouse
>mouse over the clickable HTML code generator

And yes, I know you're probably gonna say it's gonna have it both ways, to type and to click. But still, something too convenient and not a necessity shouldn't get implemented.

7 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-12-30 01:20 ID:bvkdXlAC [Del]

>>5 >>6 Many Forum-based sites have the code generator for the lazy. It's a lot easier because there are many rules about coding that'll severely fuck up a code if not followed. I would know, I have fuck up many codes. Besides, even in a world where almost everything is dominated by the computer, it'd be too much to ask for people to learn something that isn't really necessary for them to learn. In most cases, people won't learn it and just avoid it. You already see plenty of this at this site. Imagine how many more people would use the basics (italics, underline, and bold) if it were made easy for them, though I think they're incredibly lazy to not just type and for make their codes.

I personally think you're just an idiot that refuses to make things easy, much like an old person or grandparent that bitches shit like, "When I was your age, it was required for us to do all of this impossibly complicated shit just to buy a coke. Stop complaining. I think that technology is making us lazy and everything should stay incredibly fucking hard because I don't like change and it's not fair that you've got it easy, even though technology is improving to make everyone's lives a bit easier."

Not to be insanely rude or anything, but you gave no good reason for your dislike of this other than it's convenient and not a necessity. Last I checked, this site wasn't a necessity, and it's still standing. Many things in our daily lives are convenient and not a necessity. I say change with the times and make everyone's lives, especially those people who aren't computer savvy, a little bit easier.

Also, I say let Reltair decide if he wants to make the lives of people here a little bit easier. If he feels like being lazy and just doing what he does now, which is simply telling us the codes and expecting us to use it if we so wished, then that's his call because he's the almighty overlord that controls this place. If he wasn't to make everyone's lives easier at a small expense by him, then that's his call to. He is the ultimate judge of what changes are made, of which I won't complain because he owns this site.

8 Name: Kumiko !tY7TKVZoW6 : 2012-12-30 03:29 ID:qx8wjlLs [Del]

>>7 woah woah woah Leigha, chill, all right? This thread was made to get the opinions of other Dollars members about what you have suggested. Mr. Anonymous here just gave his opinion about the buttons for the codes. Let's be cool with that. How about we not blow up like someone just poked your eye out, because, frankly, you're the one who offered your eye to be poked? Right?

And you sound really wishy-washy about this whole IMG coding thing. "Then add the IMG coding system for the tech savvy, and picky, people, like me, who want their pictures in a particular spot" And then you're saying that you would like buttons so that we don't have to write the codes down. I get it, you want to make things easier for others, but how about a little concrete determination here please? You want codes, fine. Let's write up the codes. When everyone's been complaining of typing the codes later on after Reltair has implemented the IMG codes, and then we put the thread about buttons. Because it's going to be a big hassle for Reltair to add a button when nobody's gonna use the html codes in the first place. It'll be unnecessary, as stated >>6.

"Not to be insanely rude or anything, but you gave no good reason for your dislike of this other than it's convenient and not a necessity."

Seriously? You were being rude. You just called him an idiot, remember? He gave his opinion that having a button would be too convenient, but you said in this statement:

"At the push of a button, the site will put the codes in for them. All they have to do is type what they want. This would make the whole thing easier for those too lazy to type their own codes."

So the button is going to make things convenient, exactly like what Anonymous said. Plus, aren't we doing the button thing with our current IMG uploader? Not as controlling as you want it to be, but it's there.

"I was thinking, the old and ancient way of doing shit, image coding!"

And then you said, when you were shot down about adding a button:

"I personally think you're just an idiot that refuses to make things easy, much like an old person or grandparent that bitches shit like, 'When I was your age, it was required for us to do all of this impossibly complicated shit just to buy a coke.'"

So which one is it? Doing the ancient coding thing or using the modern button thing? You're really contradicting yourself here. So let's just focus on IMG coding first, okay?

Going back to IMG coding, I've already stated in >>3 that it might be a hassle. Although it'll be a good addition to the htmls since it will help those who love to put images in their posts,but, like I said, if there are others who aren't even using the font style html codes, who's to say that they'd pay attention to this new IMG code. Let's have more people put their input on this thread.

9 Name: Ranguna : 2012-12-30 07:03 ID:6JqQN39k [Del]

Haveing buttons would ruin the site's layout, this is meant to be simple, just a place where you can write, another for you name, you can post images if you like and a little sage button.

It all goes perfectly together, html buttons should not be implenented, image coding would be fine but no buttons

10 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-12-30 13:03 ID:bvkdXlAC [Del]

>>8 The button system is not me being wishy-washy. It till goes with the coding system, but the push of the button would implement the code for you, which means that it's still using codes. In all fairness, I was being rude. I'll admit that and I'm sorry >>5 for being such. I just get upset with people who refuse to make everyone's life easier with technology when that's what it's for. I also get upset with the lazy people who refuse to learn coding when it takes an extra 5 seconds out of typing, but I'm a hypocrite that's too lazy to type a code even if I already know it. I also know that people will refuse to learn the code because they do not need it in their daily lives, they just abuse the Image button we have now because of it's convenience. I only side with the lazy people because of my own hypocracy.

>>9 As for this, there's a pretty little space between the reply button and the sage button that has just enough room for the basic codes, such as italics, underline, bold, spoiler (if it's ever implemented), images, if it's ever implemented, list, links, quotes, and video, if it's ever implemented. Room for much more? probably not. Since those are the only things that are allowed, or being discussed, I don't really think we need room for much more.

I'll also be honest. Coding the buttons for list, html, images (as suggested), and videos (as suggested) may be harder. That's up to Reltair.

11 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-12-30 13:06 ID:bvkdXlAC [Del]

I'll leave my topic alone now since I'm apparently very protective of it and violent about my topic. Maybe I should create a new thread about the buttons idea for coding since I'm now getting into all coding an not just image coding. This seems like a separate idea. I'll give this thread some time to mature before I visit it again, and let the seed sit out to see if anyone else takes a bite before I suggest it.

Another idea for another day.

12 Name: Ranguna !bUMCaSNWgQ : 2012-12-30 16:20 ID:Y+CAmFxw [Del]

But how would the buttons look ?

In this forum they would only be alowed to use three cloros, black gray and white, and I can't see that sort of buttons with only few colors

13 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-12-31 15:59 ID:bvkdXlAC [Del]

>>12 I guess this questions is directed at me, so I'll answer. Usually, they are a light grey with black letters. Bold would be a "B" that's Bolded. Underline would be a "U" that's underlined. Italics would be an "I" that's italicized. IMG is usually an cheep lil picture. I've never really seen a button for spoiler before. It's all up to Reltair though. I can plan all I want, but it's his ultimate decision on what's easier to code for him and what he thinks will look better/

14 Name: Ranguna !bUMCaSNWgQ : 2013-01-05 05:38 ID:JwZ9f60m [Del]

>>13 Well I can't imagine small buttons on this site, but I could imagine another Zelda game to be that good so I guess we can only be sure if the buttons look cool once they are done

15 Name: bread : 2013-01-05 14:08 ID:FLW5DJk0 [Del]

wow, why not just add ALL the HTML!

and I say that sarcastically of course

The img code would be pretty nice but I don't see the need for html buttons. That's just redundant, how hard is it to type <b and </b
If you're not willing to type up 3 characters then you don't deserve to use html! //shot

oh and kumiko
u go girl!

16 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2013-01-05 15:22 ID:61/Oep3t [Del]

It would add a more professional feel to the place, though.

17 Name: anubis!AnUBiS6/LQ : 2013-01-06 20:48 ID:jFlPqS+1 [Del]

Coding would be nice, but I don't think we really need the buttons.

18 Name: Ranguna !bUMCaSNWgQ : 2013-01-08 16:03 ID:gbScqWt5 [Del]

>>17 Agreed