Dollars BBS | Suggestions




















Search Bar (29)

1 Name: 伊勢平和島 : 2012-02-02 13:46 ID:5UgI1lUS [Del]

Okay this is either a valid suggestion or a stupid idea ^^;;
I think there should be a search bar for every board, so if you know of a specific thread and want to find it, you can look it up and not have to look through the 'view all threads' . And it could help prevent double-thread posts

2 Name: Kunar Shugane !q9yoJKUgVY : 2012-02-02 13:54 ID:KJDCvQmQ [Del]

While I agree with the concept, you could always just do the whole "ctrl+f" to look for it in the "view all threads" page. It might not be as glamorous (couldn't think of the word I wanted to use) but it serves the same purpose. To be honest though, I thought of the same thing when I first joined.

3 Name: Nomura_Mangaka* !kGDW0ZgPaE : 2012-02-02 15:21 ID:KWoWDU8j [Del]

>>1 Honestly, this idea has come up so many times tha tit's not funny anymore... if you press ctrl + f, it brings up a keyword search bar, and that works perfectly couple dwith "view all threads"

4 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-02-02 19:04 ID:+vNhT167 [Del]

If we do get a search bar, I want it to be Blackle (link at bottom).

5 Name: DoneLeat : 2012-02-02 22:17 ID:QxoJ8wuc [Del]

Some people are just too stupid to use C+F and F3. They probably shouldn't be using the internet....

6 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2012-02-02 22:58 ID:RGn9p0R6 [Del]

We've gone through this suggestion so many times, I just want to smack the people who post it. Not that they'd know, as they keep getting deleted for being duplicates. Anyway, one person should take it upon themselves to email Reltair about the search bar. Feel free to relay his response to your request here. I'd like to put an end to this repeating thread.

7 Name: Girl A !ONO.x6yoSc : 2012-02-03 12:13 ID:ZRxoFCbT [Del]


Using the 'Find' function in the browser to find threads only helps if what you're looking for is in the Title of the thread, AND you have to hope that whoever posted said thread was spelling it right. A search function, while you're still SOL about people having bad grammar, at least will search inside the posts, too.

8 Name: Girl A !ONO.x6yoSc : 2012-02-03 12:55 ID:ZRxoFCbT [Del]

I also wouldn't mind having a "Search User" function.... If only to be able to easier find my own posts, since there's no "Subscribe to Thread" option.... x_x;;;

9 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-02-03 13:04 ID:6FYCGtbT [Del]

Once again, ctrl f, type in the name, there ya go. Its not hard people quit being so damn lazy

10 Post deleted by user.

11 Name: Girl A !ONO.x6yoSc : 2012-02-03 13:10 ID:ZRxoFCbT [Del]


Wouldn't that only work if I was the one who initially posted the thread? Ctrl+F only searched the text ON the page, it doesn't search inside the threads.

I repeat:

Using the 'Find' function in the browser to find threads only helps if what you're looking for is in the Title of the thread, AND you have to hope that whoever posted said thread was spelling it right. A search function, while you're still SOL about people having bad grammar, at least will search inside the posts, too.

12 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2012-02-03 13:37 ID:YcCOFjvN [Del]

>>11 In the View All threads section, the OP name is listed along with the post title. If you can't figure out the way the title is spelled, then you can try to remember the name of the person who created the thread.

13 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-02-03 13:42 ID:G/i4Guol [Del]

What you're asking for, Girl A, is a function granted by the PHP indexing nature of forums. Much like editing a post in the other thread - I repeat: This is a BBS. It functions differently from a forum.

If we made the BBS function like a forum, it would require a complete overhaul and change of how its structured in the first place... And, in essence, would turn it into a Forum. As opposed to a BBS. This seems self explanatory.

It's best to understand that a forum is not a BBS, and vice versa. Treating one like the other will just serve to cause frustration.

14 Name: Girl A !ONO.x6yoSc : 2012-02-03 13:43 ID:ZRxoFCbT [Del]


But what if I just wanted to find all posts by a certain user?
Or what if I was looking for one post in a thread in particular?

What if I'm not searching for an OP or a Title, but a general thing that may have only been mentioned here and there in random passing posts?

Ctrl+F wouldn't show me that you or I posted in this thread, only that "伊勢平和島" created it, and if I were using ANY term other than "Search" or "Search Bar", or if I were looking for it on a different board entirely....
I'm not saying Ctrl+F isn't a godsend, or that it doesn't work, I'm just saying that having a more comprehensive search would work better to keep the site running smoothly and have less spam.

15 Name: Girl A !ONO.x6yoSc : 2012-02-03 13:45 ID:ZRxoFCbT [Del]


There's absolutely NO way of searching inside the posts without turning it into a forum? o_O;;;

I don't wanna have loging information or anything like that, I just..... Hmn.... There should just be a simple add-on from Googld or something that searches the ENTIRE site....

16 Post deleted by user.

17 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-02-03 14:06 ID:G/i4Guol [Del]

Forums use PHP indexing to allow users to edit their posts - Each post can be considered its own stand-alone data entity. Because it is a stand alone entity, associated with an account or identification process, it can thus be edited by that account - Or an account whose authority associates it. Hence why moderators and administrators can edit other people's posts.

This is the same method it uses to allow you to search for the text within a post across an entire thread or board, or, in some cases, even the entire site. Since each post is treated as a data entity, it can peruse each post for information you search for. It's a matter of classification: Forums are personalized, and thus have an extreme level of classification that allows things to be meticulously indexed, archived and reviewed.

In comparison, the BBS treats each thread as a forum would a single "Post". Whenever someone posts on a BBS, it's just adding more content to that single thread. All of the posts inside of that thread are considered just a part of the thread - Not as separate entities themselves. Because they do not possess an individual identity, they cannot individually be perused VIA a search function.

Which is why View All Threads shows you the thread - the data entity - but not the individual posts of the thread. It is also why you cannot search for "all posts by X". Because the user name is a part of the posts, and since we do not use accounts, the user is not a trackable data entity. Their username is just an aesthetic that lets human readers distinguish between who is posting.

Technologically speaking, they mean very little to the BBS itself.

Now, this isn't to say that it is impossible. When it comes to software, almost everything is possible. The question that follows is simply 'Is it probable?'

You may very well find an add-on that is capable of searching the entire site, every single thread, on all the boards (or just one board), and returning every post that... for example, has the word "pomegranate" in it. I wouldn't be surprised to find if that exists.

However, the processing power behind it would either be infeasible since the site is not properly indexed to allow stream lined searching like a forum - Or, it would take a very long time to complete. That's if it was client based.

If it's server based, then you are running a wide spread search function that's parsing anywhere from 70 threads to well over a thousand threads, each with a maximum of 1337 posts in it, with words in those posts ranging from a simple one liner to informative or debatable information like this one.

That alone wouldn't mean much, except since it's server side - It would be available to everyone at all times. Meaning it would be perpetually running that same search for different variables often simultaneously for god only knows how many people. This would have a noticeable effect on the site and would in turn increase errors such as the board becoming too busy to load, slowing down the search itself, problems with people uploading images at the time, and in an absurd case I only state for shock value - May crash the server briefly, or cause it to freeze up.

Note: I say that for shock value, that result is absurdly unlikely. It's possible, just like the search software. But it's not probable.

18 Name: Girl A !ONO.x6yoSc : 2012-02-03 14:10 ID:ZRxoFCbT [Del]


Okay... Let me put it this way.... I'm looking for, oh, say....
If anyone's ever mentioned my hometown.
I can't search the whole site, so I use the power of deduction and click the 'Countries' board.
I type my hometown in a Ctrl+F search. No hits. Hmn.
So then I'm left trying to type in nearby towns, or the county, or the state.... And what if I search for California, but the thread title has CA in it instead?
Provided I FIND a thread with my State on it, which there's probably a few if Countries looks the way it used to..... Then I have to click EACH thread, and search in them to see if they mentioned the name of my town?

And what happens if the term I'm searching for has popped up across a few different boards? If I'm only in one place, I'll only get those few results.

I'm asking, how could I just search something like "Alice" and get EVERY mention of the word, whether it's for Alice in Wonderland, Twilight, Gakuen Alice, American McGee, Brady Bunch, or Arlo Guthrie? Just from the top main page of the site, with results coming from all boards and posts.

It has to be possible.
Something like this, maybe?

19 Name: Kuro Neko : 2012-02-04 01:46 ID:jo+5Oy/w [Del]

valid ^ ^

20 Name: 伊勢平和島 : 2012-02-13 14:29 ID:a6cum6IT [Del]

.....well..considering i dont have an actual computer, cut me some slack :| think this thread is invalid....

21 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-02-14 15:23 ID:0u6+5kVp [Del]

>>20 This should help.

22 Name: deathowl : 2012-03-05 14:54 ID:9TfM9k1i [Del]

I agree that would help a lot of people. I am trying to find dollars in Missouri.

23 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-03-05 15:14 ID:W4eX3+Bb [Del]

Thanks for reading the thead dick.

24 Name: tsubaki !yQ3luh1QiU : 2012-03-05 17:39 ID:5Ip5SCkK [Del]

>>21 The link doesn't work :(

25 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-03-05 19:18 ID:nUpa9zef [Del]

>>24 worked fine for me. Are you sure you didnt copy it correctly? Anyways, its the ipod ctrl f thing, which is also linked to in the faq.

26 Name: wolf pack gang leader : 2013-10-31 07:50 ID:25p3C+5z [Del]

Ayanavi post 17

that is a false statment i can name 10 sites of the top of my haed that can use search engins on the site and thay use
PHP indexing so the fact is that the engine can work and will work if you put it on the site

27 Name: Misunai : 2013-11-22 10:48 ID:ZmMXY8H4 [Del]

That's easy, go to anime news ( not the really colorful one with sword art online every where) and there's a list of websites

28 Name: BlueRaven : 2013-11-23 19:22 ID:6y9Elc4+ [Del]

I was just about to suggest the exact same thing :)

29 Name: kanra : 2013-11-29 23:31 ID:VGnuYU03 [Del]

yeah.. that would be a great would also be very convinient ^^ be sure to look up my proposal..i mean if youd not gonna force anyone to do anything ^^ that would be just crude and wrong ^^