Dollars BBS | Suggestions




















Fanfic Sub-Category (16)

1 Name: Shokua : 2011-12-20 06:08 ID:20ft8kJB [Del]

I think there should be a Fanfiction sub-category under either literature or comics. Anyone with me?

2 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2011-12-20 08:40 ID:+kXdeRTi [Del]

Interesting idea. I think it would be worth the sub board.

3 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-12-20 10:46 ID:l5YudWPg [Del]

Well... I haven't seen a real need for it. And by need, I mean lots and lots of threads being made of it. Realistically speaking, boards that were created because of a couple of people wanting it, but no real threads being made, or just a few, get underused if used at all.

Let's take a look at the following boards: Visual Novel. Someone suggested a VN board. It got put. It's at under 100 threads, since... Oh shit, last year, two days ago. Anyways.

Sports board. If I recall correctly, no one actually posted any such type of threads about any type of sports or sport discussions. But it got put anyway because it might have gotten some results. It didn't though, and that was put in october of last year. Or at least by results, I mean breaking 100.

... I was gonna list the tech board as my last reason, but it broke 100, so it, at least using my scale of which is used and underused, it's being used. And I forgot if people posted any type of tech related stuff threads in other boards... So yeah.

Also, I feel like I might get commented, so I'll just cover my bases. No I am not rude. Thank you. Herp derp. Just coverin' my bases.

4 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-12-20 10:51 ID:l5YudWPg [Del]

Oh, I got bored and so I counted how many threads got above 10 replies. Sports board had 16 threads that had done so out of 66 threads.

And Tech board has 43 threads over 10 replies out of 122 threads. Just makin' that comment.

5 Name: Murlouwph : 2011-12-20 15:21 ID:pcvy+Ugw [Del]

yea cause im not rele interested in "playing Dollars" i wanna BE "The Real Dollars" so this culd help keep u separate. this would be a good idea.

6 Name: Lt. Dodger : 2011-12-20 20:35 ID:inZyGuqJ [Del]

What's the point though? You can just post them in literature/comics. To top it all off, half of the boards in this site aren't even active, lol. Why add more?

7 Name: sleepology : 2011-12-21 02:12 ID:RLdvUo9G [Del]

>>6 could not have said it better myself.
Since im super people would end up abusing the ability of a fanfic board, i suggest making a super fanfic thread, where people can post theres, with a link, and a lil decs about it, instead of making a brand new one thatll get one or two replys

8 Name: sleepology : 2011-12-21 02:12 ID:RLdvUo9G [Del]

**since im sure

9 Name: Yukio !DboM3.beAE : 2011-12-22 14:47 ID:sc0IpeML [Del]

I vote no.

10 Name: tome : 2011-12-22 20:57 ID:o9H8IXo4 [Del]

I agree

11 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2011-12-26 01:03 ID:+vNhT167 [Del]

I don't really care for a Fanfiction sub category because it might encourage people to think this is a fan site.

12 Name: Xissx : 2011-12-26 01:28 ID:3d+oway0 [Del]


13 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2011-12-26 13:03 ID:Zu05O013 [Del]

The only way people would think that is if they don't read. New people think it's a fansite. New people only search Main and hardly ever read anything on there as it is. If they learned to go onto any other board, they are smart enough to learn it isn't a fansite. Having a fanfiction section wouldn't hinder us or help us in anyway.

14 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-12-26 16:15 ID:HFc9aFfU [Del]

By that logic, Thiamor, renaming the anime and manga boards to animation and comics was all for naught as well. The whole reason for that was to leave that first impression, in the case that they didn't read.

We do say that if they don't read they are inherently stupid for not understanding a basic concept, but we're allowed to help them understand as well. That was the whole reason for things like the FAQ thread, the board descriptions, and the additional topics in the first place. That said, >>11 is a legitimate counterpoint to the suggestion, along with other things that have been said.

I think general consensus, in any case, is that a fanfic sub-category is not needed at the moment, if ever?

15 Name: Midnight : 2011-12-28 20:21 ID:+rTHbrBK [Del]

I totally support this :D!

16 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-12-29 16:27 ID:HFc9aFfU [Del]

Care to explain why, then, Midnight? In light of arguments to the contrary, I mean. It's not going to happen unless we get some sort of consensus on it, and so far it doesn't seem like that's likely unless you have a point we overlooked.