Dollars BBS | Suggestions




















A timed Ban System? (8)

1 Name: Zen Kawano : 2011-10-31 07:18 ID:BtXoBg2k [Del]

Has any one noticed that when you ban someone(wether for trolling or something else)they can come right back? I say we should have a ban system where you can choose how long a person is banned from a chatroom(like maybe 5 min increments up to 30 mins.) Anyone else support this idea?

2 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-10-31 07:39 ID:Nurp12HM [Del]

If you've read the other threads regarding the chat, you'll see why anything regarding the chat isn't a priority. Simply put:
>Chat is coded in moonrunes/Japanese
>Reltair can't read moonrunes
So yeah, nothing is going to get done any time soon regarding the chat. Also, wasn't there already a thread regarding this? I swear I've read this before/

3 Name: Zen Kawano : 2011-10-31 14:35 ID:dMKcuUev [Del]

dont think so. i read the view all threads to make sure

4 Name: sleepology : 2011-10-31 15:08 ID:OBMnL1r8 [Del]

^ well start thinking so, because what he's saying is true

5 Name: JakeW !7YpDmXZFeo : 2011-10-31 17:18 ID:0TIMwqgG [Del]

i think it should atleast block them for like 5 minutes when you kick them

OR have the option to mute some1

6 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-10-31 18:36 ID:MrnrH3gc [Del]

>>4 He was saying "dont think so" to "Wasn't there already a thread regarding this?"

And I think this is the first I'm hearing of a timed ban system, though the issue of the "ban" function not actually banning has been brought up, if only as a passing mention. Bottom line being, Pint's other points still hold up.

>>5 Read >>2.

As is said on all threads regarding the chat's issues, Reltair is NOT responsible for fixing those, nor will he likely go to the trouble of doing. The chat was not his own code, it was an open source code made by Suin that he threw on top of the site after popular demand. It is not priority.

The code is still available somewhere for those who are curious, though he took it down already after updating it - but nonetheless, one would have to understand Japanese to be able to mess with the code properly.

7 Name: Zen Kawano : 2011-11-02 07:25 ID:BtXoBg2k [Del]

i just thought it was a good idea since it would keep trolls from coming back immediatley after you banned them. thats just annoying. but maybe its a maturity problem among certain members of the dollars

8 Name: Kaori !!1M/QA3Sq : 2011-11-02 15:00 ID:QxLoLpH9 [Del]

>>7 They're not even members, theyre just the scum and dregs of Dollars-group and some other unhealthy sites. (not that DG is unhealthy or anything >_>) They are like floating objects in a spaceship. They take up space and annoy the heck out of you when there's no gravity, and keep coming back to jab you in the side.

Anyways, I say sure, this is a good idea. However....yes, the process of doing this would be a minor plight. o3o