Dollars BBS | Suggestions




















Just a Few Ideas (20)

1 Name: MKOLLER : 2011-09-05 12:29 ID:6QoNMjtp [Del]

So, taking a general census of the board, here's what I think our next steps should be. Feel free to disagree or challenge.

-Condense the Anime board and Manga Board into one. Have the Board name be Anime/Manga and the extension be /animanga

-Create a Sub-Board under Literature called "Roleplay"

-Combine News and Sports. Name it "News/Talk/Sports" and leave the extension /news

2 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-05 12:40 ID:AV3Nc0Kp [Del]

1) Why condense the two? Can't we rename it to apply to a bigger, western and eastern audience? Like I said in the other thread, Anime -> Animation and Manga -> Comics. And I would think renaming would be easier, it wouldn't take as much effort to delete the boards and then remake the threads and etc.

2) Roleplay could go under Lit just fine, it's considered a type of literature. And we haven't seen any type of abundance of literature anywhere on the site, only just one RP, which is the Hekaton RP. And I saw one anime type RP in the Anime board, but it died. And, judging by the amount of posts in the Lit board, there aren't many traffic going on there, except for me(I used Taro(Donut) in there) Ayanavi, Misuto, king, Sad, etc. Not much traffic.

3) Reason why sports and News should be combined please. It seems like a good idea, since there isn't much traffic going on Sports, but I wanna know the reasoning before I accept it, please.

3 Name: MKOLLER : 2011-09-05 17:22 ID:6QoNMjtp [Del]

1) You have a point. That does seem a lot better.

2)Eh, it's more of a contingency plan.

3) Usually, Sports is bundled in with news programs. If you listen to a radio broad cast, it usually has the header "News, Talk, Sports" and local news broadcasters usually have a dedicated sports section. And as you said, if sports isn't getting much traffic, it could easily be joined in News.

4 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-05 17:25 ID:AV3Nc0Kp [Del]

>>3 Ah I see. Yes, that does sound good, one board less wouldn't hurt, especially with little to no traffic. But we have something of a pattern in terms of board names. All Board names are one word. So what would be the new name for the board, in one word? Unless you want to break this pattern. Iunno, I like to keep to patterns like this, makes more funner(?) or something like that.

5 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-05 17:28 ID:AV3Nc0Kp [Del]

Also, someone should ask Reltair for the renaming of Anime and Manga, unless someone has a counterargument against this. Otherwise, let's email him. I don't wanna do it since I'm a bit preoccupied(in other words, I'm lazy) with other shit and shit. Be sure to make mention about a new board description for the two. Yes, I'm a very lazy person, I know.

6 Name: Kaori !!g7OsKp2x : 2011-09-05 20:18 ID:PiJD9GO0 [Del]

ppbbbttt blooping in here randomly, but maybe 'sports' should just be sub-board under news, since its not really a wide topic a lot of us internet community people do >_> other than maybe martial arts. plus, if we do get sports threads, it won't be as often and might confuse some people, who are constantly seeing general World Wide News/ America News and then suddenly 'what sport team do you lyke dem best?'

Also, wait, did you explain about the 'talk' part in #3? I cant really tell >_> unless i squint...

7 Name: MKOLLER : 2011-09-06 08:35 ID:6QoNMjtp [Del]

>>6 That works to. And yeah, my explanation was basically that Sports gets grouped in with News and Talk generally.

8 Name: Xena : 2011-09-06 16:55 ID:GIoUfjdU [Del]

Merging anime and manga sounds like a good idea because both boards are quite similar. However, role playing is not always related to literature. For example, I've seen many people role playing with movie, anime, manga and video game characters.

Sports seems a bit trivial compared to news, no? I think news should remain as it is. Perhaps the sports board should be removed completely.

9 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-06 17:05 ID:AV3Nc0Kp [Del]

It's still literature even if they roleplay anime/manga/movie characters because you're writing out what the characters do. Manga is drawn works in comic form, role play is not. Anime is animated Japanese shows, Role playing is not. And movies, I think I don't need to say it. So my point is, yes role playing is related to literature, it is a fan made(sometimes) piece of written work. Or some times made in chat, but still written work.

And maybe the sports board should be removed. We don't wanna seem like wusses only bent on internet shit. Just sayin' yo.

And again, and MKOLLER agreed with this, Anime turned into Animation and Manga turns into Comics. If you didn't bother clicking the Entire Thread button or something, then well your loss.

10 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-07 17:25 ID:AV3Nc0Kp [Del]

Bumping this up to ask, did anyone email Reltair this suggestion yet? Just wondering.

Also, inb4 "were did are animu and mango go? *not gonna use the boards Animation and Comics for shit*" And then less traffic for those two boards, and we lose weeaboos. Oh shit, that's a good thing. I'm just kidding, somewhat.

11 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-09-07 19:13 ID:U5pNdEL0 [Del]

>>10 ...I support this.

12 Name: Kaori !!tCuPexyb : 2011-09-07 23:24 ID:PiJD9GO0 [Del]

bump, so maybe this can be considered by the great Reltairius

13 Name: XTealX : 2011-09-07 23:47 ID:eQ6H0FPV [Del]

I gotta say I support everything but putting sports and news together. The news board has people putting up international and local news stories of things they found interesting...personally I'd rather not have the scores be mixed in with that.

14 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-07 23:50 ID:AV3Nc0Kp [Del]

Annnnnnd we have one contender against News and Sports being put together. It's all good though, it's not important in terms of image wise shit anyways.

15 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-14 21:38 ID:vUZMBaZS [Del]

So, I was just wondering the news on the Anime to Animation and Manga to Comics conversion thing. Anything yet? Yes? No? Maybe so?

16 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-15 09:45 ID:LxeXcXSE [Del]

>>15 Just to ask about that, if the Anime Board becomes Animation, would cartoons go there, then? It may or may not confuse where some things might go considering the Films Board, which is for TV and movies. Unless the Films Board becomes only for movies and non-cartoon TV shows? Just wondering...

17 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-15 17:49 ID:vUZMBaZS [Del]

>>16 Everything animated would go there. Hell, you could put in Korean animation, and it'd work, for example. And yes, Films would be for live action shit.

18 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-15 17:50 ID:vUZMBaZS [Del]

*Live action/Film adaptation of anime/whatever.

19 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-19 19:58 ID:vUZMBaZS [Del]


20 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-02 12:59 ID:dJuFDCnT [Del]
