Dollars BBS | Suggestions




















Edit Post Button (28)

1 Name: Phantom : 2011-08-29 15:46 ID:JqTQ4pB8 [Del]

Sometimes I find that after I make a post I have more to say or I made a typo. So I suggest that the forums have the option for users to edit their own posts. Then next the the orginal posted date it will say "Last edited on:" and the date and time.

2 Name: Phantom : 2011-08-29 15:48 ID:JqTQ4pB8 [Del]

>>1 Like right there I typed "the" twice in a row when I wanted to type "to the". If we had an edit post button I could click that and fix it. (No I didn't type "the the" to prove my point but it works out that it does.)

3 Name: Girl A !ONO.x6yoSc : 2011-08-29 15:56 ID:P9nFXvO/ [Del]

If it's possible to do, I agree. We need one.
My OCD would throw a party.

4 Name: Buko !w8tfh0OTj2 : 2011-08-31 02:35 ID:FJ/wfuF+ [Del]

But wouldn't that let other people edit our posts?

5 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-08-31 09:02 ID:Nurp12HM [Del]

>>4 Have you ever tried clicking the delete button on someone else's post? It won't work as the button only works when the clicker's and the post's ID matches. If this was able to be done for the delete button, then it would be simple to do for the edit button if it ever happens.

6 Name: Enni : 2011-08-31 12:49 ID:y+qe3XaN [Del]

I think this is redundant.
First up, if you made a mistake in your posting, just delete it and do it again. It's understandable and very easy to do.

Secondly, this function will be abused like crazy. Imagine having an argument. People can and will just edit their own posts to turn things their way. It will be very, very frustrating.

Lastly, without a function like this, I think it will actually help members be wary of what they post, lest they post something stupid.

7 Name: Phantom : 2011-08-31 17:26 ID:JqTQ4pB8 [Del]

>>6 I do understand what you're saying. I've had a few things in which someone would reply to a post I made and I didn't notice until I deleted it and typed the extra stuff I wanted to say and reposted it. Then the post that was replied to was deleted and nobody else knows what the person who replied to it replied to.

8 Name: Izaya-Sho : 2011-09-02 23:22 ID:G+3A/YiN [Del]

I have the same problem Ive only been here for about an hour and ive done it alot

9 Name: Girl A !ONO.x6yoSc : 2012-02-03 12:45 ID:ZRxoFCbT [Del]

I hate deleting my posts just to fix a simple typo. It breaks up the continuity of the conversation. Pretty much what >>7 is saying.

I also think that you're kinda kidding yourself if you think that not having an easy edit feature will "actually help members be wary of what they post, lest they post something stupid" -- I WISH, but this is the internet. If you look around at all the posts on here, there are VERY FEW people who take the time to try and be literate.

And, in the case where the typo was made in the thread TITLE..... Ugh, it goes around all day, because you have people trying to Ctrl+F and they're not looking for typos. They see no thread on topic, so they make a new one. then, LO AN BEHOLD, they're getting flamed for double-posting, when the thread that's already in use is misspelled and an embarrassment to the group. Now, if we could just edit that post or thread title to make it easier to find and understand.... Bingo! Less multiposts.

Forgive me for calling it (the illiterate post/poster) an embarrassment, but.... I'm a grammar Nazi, and I for one don't want the Dollars being represented by people who -- and I'm not saying anything about people's personality, but you have to understand that on the internet you're perceived how you portray yourself, and grammar is a huge part of that so, no offense but -- If you write like an idiot, you look like an idiot on the internet. It doesn't matter how smart or well-spoken IRL you are. No one knows you in person, they can only read what you wrote, and if you wrote it stupid...... I'd rather not have everyone think that the Dollars are full of people who can't spell or punctuate. u_u;;;

And, if you're worried about "People can and will just edit their own posts to turn things their way." -- How is this any different than any other forum? o_O;;; I see it all the time, and I'd rather have an EditBattle float by than an whole string of "THIS POST HAS BEEN DELETED" flooding the board...... x_x;;;

10 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-02-03 13:19 ID:G/i4Guol [Del]

Honestly speaking, I don't think edit buttons can properly be implemented into the BBS.

It's a Bulletin Board System, like 4chan. When you post something - That's it. It's up there until you take it down. In my experience, I've never known a BBS that had an edit function; though I'd be pleased if someone found one and showed it to me.

One thing that seems to be misinterpreted is the difference between Forums and BBS. Forums are very image orientated, the next generation type of communication. Each user is very personalized and recorded in databases, allowed to have signatures and avatars, private message each other, etc.

We are not a forum, we are a BBS. The members are anonymous outside of any username they particularly feel like having. We don't have signatures or avatars, because the only things really setting us apart from each other is our thoughts and opinions - The contents of our posts.

...I had something going here, but I've lost it. The moral of the story was that Forums have "post editing" features. The BBS is a public domain of "here, have this". While an edit function would be nice for some occasions, I personally don't see it being needed.

Though I may be biased in this regard. Initially we didn't even have the capability to delete our posts (some of us still don't due to dynamic IPs) - and when that was proposed, I was against it then. I enjoyed screw ups being permanent.

So on a personal level - I am against this, simply because I see no need for it.

On a technical level - I've never seen a BBS that implemented a post editing feature. Is it even possible?

11 Name: Girl A !ONO.x6yoSc : 2012-02-03 13:58 ID:ZRxoFCbT [Del]

I see your point, understand, and even kinda agree with you.

But, I have to know..... You're a well-written person, I can tell from your posts...... How do YOU feel seeing all the bad grammar flying around here?
If I never got an edit button, I'd be fine, because I'm one of the rare school of "wary of what they post, lest they post something stupid" type people that were mentioned above.

The thing that gets me though is all the people that AREN'T like that..... And I know that I'm probably lying to myself thinking that an Edit button would do anything for these people..... If they were too lazy to read over it to see if it made sense before posting, why would they edit it after? x_x;;;

I just..... Ugh.... The deterioration of grammar on the internet hurts me.... And I hate thinking that everyone nowdays is just too lazy to care about how they represent themselves to the public..... Like..... I'm sorry, but, WHO MADE TYPOS COOL? Was it the damn LOLcats? x__X;;;

I guarantee right now I could scroll down Page One of any given board on here, and find me some serious typos.

Anyway.... I'm kinda curious.... For all the other people on Dollars who actually take the time out to make sure they make sense..... What's the opinion on all the illiteracy on the internet? x_x;;;

12 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-02-03 14:16 ID:G/i4Guol [Del]

Quite frankly, most of the literate people on BBS are torn between being scared by it, and finding it equal parts humorous and enraging.

And I see it like this - The people who would make good use of the edit button are the ones who logically don't need it. If they cared enough to fix their mistake, odds are they don't often make them, or at the very least, its something they care about and try to avoid.

But even with an edit button, you would still be plagued by horde after horde of "u liek mai piktur 2? :DDDDD", and that is simply how they type. No amount of available tools would change that.

And even the people who do type properly or present themselves intelligently have their own quirks. I, for example, find it almost impossible to make a typo as most people define them. My 'typo' is literally when my thought outraces my fingers and I skip entire words just to catch up.

Arguably, that's worse than adding or dropping a letter to a word. You can't even puzzle out the original spelling of 1 or more words that simply don't exist.

But if you're around similarly minded people, typos become kind of a running joke. A while back, someone screwed up and said "basard" instead of "bastard". Now it's become almost habitual to call someone a "basard" as a self-aware satire and ribbing towards the screw up.

So the people who would use the edit button probably don't need it - And those who need it, would most likely never use it. Or, in particularly infuriating cases, use it for inane things.

IE: "Lol I catn blev u said dat!"
Post Edit: "lol, I cant* blev u said dat!"

they miss the point entirely.

13 Name: Girl A !ONO.x6yoSc : 2012-02-03 14:28 ID:ZRxoFCbT [Del]

I agree entirely, and it makes me smile to read your post.

You're not the only one who skips words. I've done it a few times, though I'm usually only skipping letters for some reason, and my wife is habitual about it -- she's trying to write a book, and sometimes she gets so ahead of herself because she already knows how the story goes that she sometimes skips whole chunks of sentence! XD;;;

I just.... I laugh at the typos that are funny, and I find myself using them as inside jokes, too, but.... I dunno.... I have a weird sort of dread-pity going on over the literacy of the internet.... Like.... If our main form of communication is written now, via FB and IM and BBS..... Why do we, as a whole, suck at it so much now? You'd think people would be more well-written....

It's when they don't even know that what they're doing is wrong that gets to me. Hey, kids, if you can read Twilight and Harry Potter, you KNOW what good sentences look like. --- Or maybe, I have just found a new market in translating literature for the young!

Ah god, what would novels look like translated into internet speech? x_x;;;

14 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-02-03 14:37 ID:G/i4Guol [Del]

Etymologically speaking, internet speech such is "u" and "2" came about due to the advent of texting. Initially, and even somewhat today, the character limit and the very nature of 'instant messaging' meant that it was socially acceptable and expected to cut corners for speed and condensation of a message.

Which is understandable... Until it carries over to a medium where the character limit is a moot point. It also shows how conditioned to the shorthand communication when most posts are simply one-liners.

People are used using text for condensed conversation and statuses, not discussion and extrapolation.

15 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-07-20 21:34 ID:jURy6CFL [Del]

I'm ultra-necro-posting this, but I don't think there's a good argument against this. I think it'll be helpful is two aspects.

1) In the RP thread, it'll allow us to edit our posts if we screw up.
2) It'd be useful in thread such as Country Index and FAQ.

Face is, none of us is perfect, but nobody wants to retype an RP post.

People get tired of looking through the comments in the country index to find the most up-to-date version.

It helps when Insert fucks up on the FAQ because he's in a rush.

I don't think I can give a reason against this. Longer posts are likely to be fucked up and I know people will want a chance to edit that. Threads like the Country Index will be most useful if the up-to-date version was in the OP and not the comments. If we want more description, we can leave a comment asking them for better description of their topic and they can just edit the OP instead of making a whole new thread.

16 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-07-21 08:44 ID:nUpa9zef [Del]

Seriously leigha? Read >>10

17 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-07-21 14:16 ID:tO60+2cR [Del]


Anything that can implement deletion of posts via IP, can without a doubt have an edit button. It's just getting a small system hooked up that would not delete other posts/mess up other posts, or screw up the boards as a whole. But it is indeed possible.

18 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-07-21 14:17 ID:tO60+2cR [Del]

>>17 In a sense a "post merger" may be better than an actual EDIT button. Because if we can't exactly get it working to edit posts, a thing clicked where if your IP is the same, or a password is the same (like 4chan) it'll merge your current text you're wanting to enter, with the post you're wanting to work on.

19 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-01 09:51 ID:0459Za4L [Del]


20 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-01 09:53 ID:0459Za4L [Del]


21 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-03 10:22 ID:0459Za4L [Del]


22 Name: BarbieSama!!rS0jsQh7 : 2012-08-03 16:43 ID:IY7OmGNp [Del]


23 Name: Count_Duckula !z.S9KJmHTI : 2013-01-01 22:26 ID:tWNPbMQb [Del]

Instead of having a edit button that uses our IP would it be possible to have one that prompts us to enter in our tripcode as validation. There's a lot of big threads that go on a while where important information changes and gets updated in a later post, meaning, if members want to see any updates they have to read through hundreds of posts to find any.

If there was an edit button that used trip codes you could keep all the important information in the first post, where it's easier to see and you'll be able to carry on doing this even when your IP resets.

This would be useful for threads like:

  • The FAQ

  • The Texting Chat (For all the changes and problems its had)

  • Meet ups

  • Indexes of important threads (Such as the one in countries)

  • TV Show threads (So the main picture can be updated)

  • Missions/Services still in planning (E.g. Dollars Radio, Dollars 2013)

  • Etc.

24 Name: Count_Duckula !z.S9KJmHTI : 2013-01-01 22:28 ID:tWNPbMQb [Del]

Oh and also a small line of text can be at the end of the message saying the last time it was edited.

25 Name: Tiger : 2013-01-02 19:14 ID:Q8z+KyfZ [Del]

That would be hard because of the hole no need for an account thing.

26 Name: Ranguna !bUMCaSNWgQ : 2013-01-03 15:27 ID:Y+CAmFxw [Del]

There is no need to have and edit button you can just copy your comment del it, past it in the reply space, fix anything you like and reply to the thread again, easy

27 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2013-01-03 18:37 ID:z/tGBfXC [Del]

That's not the point. The point for an edit button is so you can edit in important information into the first post, so people won't have to scroll through hundreds of posts just to find out what's up.

28 Name: Ranguna !bUMCaSNWgQ : 2013-01-05 05:35 ID:JwZ9f60m [Del]

>>27 ohh, right, right, that would be cool, it's a mess when you forgot to put something in the first posrt and there is already a bunch of replys..
I agree with this.