1 Name: Vincent : 2024-08-12 04:26 ID:k4oFcbuh [Del]
I just feel that it is way too subjective and hinges upon the viewpoint of the judges. Any other opinions?
2 Name: The Fool !vat6z59Wuk : 2024-08-18 00:06 ID:wWrhSAAw [Del]
It doesn't really feel like it fits with the "Olympics" type of activities, to me, since it's more of an art/expression form than, say, sprinting, or archery where you're competing with measurable numbers.
Idk, just how I feel about it. I agree, seems like it would be too subjective to actually measure in a competition
3 Name: electrospider : 2024-08-20 17:15 ID:3AGsFk9O [Del]
they TRIED to make it technical, but really its all vibes for me. did you hear its not coming back for 2028?
4 Name: collection : 2024-09-21 04:03 ID:LPomg9ak [Del]
Its definitely a sport, just like similar sports, ice skating, ballet, and martial arts specifically katas.
these sports require a-lot of practice, strength, and skill. plus with their competitive nature while being physically demanding give it all the qualities of a sport.
I think the real question was whether it should be an "olympic" sport