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karate vs judo (6)

1 Name: beatrice : 2012-10-28 03:24 ID:2jpce7gN [Del]

not really a sport, lol but need advice-- I'm starting out in martial arts and I just want to know which form of martial arts is best for high school (like getting bullied and stuff) based on your REAL experience

2 Name: Kaisuke : 2012-10-28 07:27 ID:r2/mdWl5 [Del]

From what I know Judo will help you learn how to fall safely as it meanly about grappling and throws, where Karate can be used more offensively if needed, but all martial arts are only as good as the person who trains long and hard at them.

3 Name: Ayko : 2012-11-04 12:03 ID:Xwn4ThOI [Del]

Muay Thai from Thailand is the best martial arts for a fight you use all weapons of the body because of thai a other name from muayh thai is the 6 Bounds martial arts or something like that because you use the 2 hands , 2 legs , 2 knees and 2 elbows in the street fight its a dangerous martial art. MMA is not good for a fight again a group because you fight at mma at the bottom many times try muay thai ;)

4 Name: Rhiannon : 2012-11-05 12:19 ID:tc1bu/AJ [Del]

judo is all joint locks specifically karate is much more broad.

5 Name: SadLittleWoodpecker : 2012-11-22 20:45 ID:QQwx932V [Del]

Martial Arts is a form of sport.

But out of experience, Wing chun Is perfect for that situation.
It teaches control and balance. It defends in all positions and it is one of the few fighting styles that wait for attack then counter, it works in hand to hand like face to face fights, group fights (defending yourself against a group which useually happens in school) ground defence (when knocked on ground or when you have knocked an opponent on the group) as well as shadow boxing ( not literal its just a term for fighting an unseen enemy its just basicly practice against groups)

So yeah you fight with fists and legs primarily but it also has grappling, well counter grappling. A move called numlock is amazing haha, you put your knee on theri throat (when they are on the ground) and your other leg on their hand, you then pull their other hand up your body and you can dislocate their shoulder. but more people give in after like 30 seconds of it. ahaha but yeah best of luck I hope this has helped good luck against the scum that bully you ( if you are the one being bullied ) And im aware that karate and judo are the options but wing chun is quite common if you look hard enough Im sure you'll find a place to do it.

6 Name: SadLittleWoodpecker : 2012-11-22 20:46 ID:QQwx932V [Del]

Opponent on the GROUND*