1 Name: ACRYL !vdBpXikBc2 : 2024-12-18 12:41 ID:HBPu1Ua1 [Del]
Feel free to share about how your personality is or how would you present yourself in front of others or if you may ask, how would you like to present yourself in front of others. The desire to be perfect resides within oneself, doesn't matter how positive you are there will always be something bothering you, there will always be something constantly acting against you within yourself that just doesn't let you grow, so you make another version of yourself to get the same effect. Little do you know, the other self slowly tries to kill the other!
We all are vulnerable, we all want to be something want to be someone in this life. The personification of your perfect self resides within itself being constantly eaten by someone that resides within you. I would like to hear from you. Yes, I Would love to share my consciousness with you to understand you better, to learn about you and most importantly, I would love to chat with the monster residing inside you.
Please do come forward to share yourself. I am all ears