1 Name: KaeraDav : 2024-10-17 09:16 ID:lTkvgmOG (Image: 1688x1342 jpg, 823 kb) [Del]
(BLUE-ALERT) This is the Federal Bureau of Investigation ( 1-800-CALLFBI ), collaborating with The National Neighborhood Watch (888-NNWI-USA),//////THE FELON HAVE ACTIVE WARRANTS AND CRIMINAL RECORDS on FILE//kidnappings, theft, Transportation of Terrorists, Importation of Drugs, Hacking Crimes, Child Abuse..\\//---NAME: Anthony L Thopmson/ AGE: 42-//EMAILS: tankhead82@aol.com thompsoncornell24@aol.com ankhead82@aol.com-//CURRENT ADDRESS: 812 Saddlebred Dr, Richmond, VA 23223-//ADDRESS: 820 Winnetka Ave, Richmond, VA 23227-2936-//1806 Elkridge Ln, Richmond VA 23223-1817-//CURRENT Phone: (804) 783-2215 -WIRELESS Phone:(804) 516-8470 (*)*(*)*(*)
*IF YOU EXPERIENCED OR WITNESSED CRIMES; SUBMIT at (Tips.fbi.gov {OR} customer_service@nnwi.org)