1 Name: ꙮ Kiyo? !9Ei9BD71rs : 2023-05-23 21:07 ID:y01lBMjR [Del]
For me, its probs been about...5 or 6 years I think? My memeory is pretty bad but I know it's been a while.
2 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2023-05-27 03:43 ID:YWbz24G4 [Del]
Something like 2 years. Hypela might have a more accurate timeline.
3 Name: Vo4 : 2023-05-27 14:48 ID:1A/OqQzc [Del]
Like 10 min ago lol
4 Name: Rein : 2023-05-27 15:22 ID:RdPlalV+ [Del]
I just found it right now thanks to a friend.
5 Name: ꙮ Kiyo? !9Ei9BD71rs : 2023-05-27 20:43 ID:y01lBMjR [Del]
Its nice to know new people are coming here. Eheh~ ^_^
6 Name: Anon-P : 2023-06-14 13:21 ID:iRpvdXSR [Del]
Been here on and off for about 8 or o years by now
7 Name: Anon : 2023-06-15 18:40 ID:rS5ynPwd [Del]
7 years
8 Name: EpicKeith !K31THxH0Es : 2023-06-16 15:18 ID:TIKg6HjP [Del]
I've been here for about 10 years.....
9 Name: Anonymous : 2023-06-21 04:38 ID:StsdI3dY [Del]
since 2011 and was active until about the beginning of 2013.. i still pop in every now and then to see whats up
10 Name: UrbanFlow : 2023-06-24 22:16 ID:0b3gIB4V [Del]
I believe it was sometime in 2017? So about 6 years ago. It's less often that I pop in now, but I wrote some haikus the other day and started reminiscing on the haiku chains here.
11 Name: saphirako!APvPR0kbZk : 2023-08-08 20:17 ID:ige935rC [Del]
It's been probably... 6? 7? years as well. That said I haven't been on in like 4 years. While life has changed dramatically, in some ways this place hasn't at all. Just a little less active I'd say. But that's at a cursory glance.
12 Name: Memento Mori : 2023-08-19 21:31 ID:aWwt6XDh [Del]
5-ish years. I haven't really done much for a while though. I'm usually more of a lurker who randomly might post a meme or 2 and disappear off the face of the earth only to randomly reappear again in a month or so.
13 Name: Jodisan !C2aYxqEoEA : 2023-11-03 08:20 ID:Yv4kYGyJ [Del]
Going on 4 years now haven’t been here in a minute but good to chat and learn
14 Name: Solaris : 2023-11-10 21:18 ID:lezywbmm [Del]
I honestly think its been anywhere between 8&11 years for me and now I check back today and to my surprise it's still here though I wonder what screen names did I use back then i honestly do not remeber
15 Name: CosmicOcean : 2023-11-25 22:21 ID:i4SVCpsv [Del]
About 11 years; I'm just happy to see people somewhat active here
16 Name: Feral : 2023-12-18 21:28 ID:xsNH9e7Y [Del]
Funny I should run into this thread. Never thought I'd see this place up and running again. I started 12 years ago, back in 2011. First post was on the intro page "Hey There!" under the same name.
Think about this place a lot. Met a lot of very good people here. If any of you old timers see this: I hope you're all doing well.
17 Name: Ao !K/gp1PkJHA : 2023-12-23 21:26 ID:ZY42jZSV [Del]
a friend told me about this place back in 2017-2018, when we were still in High School. drrr is one of his favorite anime, and I also read through most of the light novel and loved it (still need to watch the anime). was never active on here though cause of anxiety.
18 Name: old guy !vdBpXikBc2 : 2025-01-04 12:09 ID:o+Q4eZ6v [Del]
probably around 10 years or something