1 Name: Tsu : 2025-03-10 02:10 ID:Zgsvjn4K [Del]
When I was 2 my parents divorced. Dad remarried a woman with Munchausen by proxy who drugged me numb for years. Mom killed herself in depression and mania and I took the blame for getting into fights at school. I was just trying to act tough.
The same year my mother died I had a half brother and the Munchausen Woman didn't want me in the family anymore so she had me prescribed more drugs for illnesses I didn't have further numbing me, but the numbing didn't help numb the guilt I felt at the time.
It wasn't long for guilt to wear down my mind and I tried to follow in my mother's footsteps. The problem was I wasn't even 6 yet and I had no idea how to end my own life, but I did know that my brain was important for living so I smashed it into the wall until I would pass out.
Obviously, this would make anyone think I was crazy. So I got sent to psychiatric hospitals where I would learn quite a bit about how fucked up people can be and my view of the world only darkened more.
Since my parents didn't want me around they left me there until the insurance stopped paying. As soon as I got home I would try again and I would be sent back to those hospitals at least 2 times a year and held there for about 3 to 5 months up until my 13th birthday.
When I turned 13 I was officially disowned and every moral I had went out the window. I locked myself in my cell with only my books to keep me company.
Maximum Ride by James Patterson was the series I was reading for along time. I found it oddly relatable and it founded my interest in genetics.
If they tried to pull me out of my room I would attack everyone until they put me back in isolation, but sometimes they would take my books from me and I would spend days screaming in the cell. They would inject me with tranquilizer but I guess the adrenalin would outlast it.
I wouldn't eat so they force-fed me with tubes after a successful sedation. After a while, I got moved to another place on the outside of Lubbock where things got so much worse.
It was the first government "RTC" I had been in. The place is shut down now. It was a living hell. However, most wouldn't live long. No one had any freedom. The floors were covered in shit, piss, and blood. No one out could go outside. Kids died often from beatings or illnesses.
We had no contact with the outside world, no phones no computers, nothing. Thankfully I still had my books. One day I managed to slip past the locked doors called my case worker and reported what I saw. I was moved and the place was shut down.
The other places were similar in the abuse but not to the same extreme. Mostly just beatings now. I still wouldn't eat and stayed held up in my room reading. The other kids got upset with me for that for some reason and would destroy my books, so I did the same to their faces, and then they left me alone.
That went on for about 4 more years during the time I didn't want anything to do with other people so I never tried to make friends. I got beaten up. I dropped out of school as soon as I could, and sooner or later I found myself eating again. Then got a GED.
After the GED I aged out of the system. Now I'm going to college with a roof over my head. I still have major social issues seeing that I didn't socialize in the system and when I aged out COVID started and I do all my schooling online.