1 Name: JackOfAllTrades : 2025-01-06 10:42 ID:wZUDe8Vd [Del]
My fiance doesn't like when I draw, when I do I take about 2-5 hours doing it. I limited myself to only drawing 3 times a week but I got bored so I started writing during my times I'm bored and doing nothing except staring at a wall. He doesn't like that either and wants me to only do that on days I draw. What should I do? He works on computers, security cameras, etc. I'm the artsy type, so our interest don't match. I don't want to do what he's doing because it's boring and makes no sense to me.
2 Name: Jijii : 2025-01-07 06:22 ID:JDVoZn8b [Del]
Hey! That sounds really tough. A few questions: why does he care that you are drawing and what do you mean he doesn't like it when you draw? Is he telling you that he wants your attention elsewhere? And if so, doing what instead?