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Money (3)

1 Name: Yuki at Valhalla : 2024-09-24 22:09 ID:HDaOzrrv [Del]


Currently I am 24M, and I am at the best point in my life. But, I need to get some stuff off of my chest. I am horribly scared right now. Due to *Insert way too long of a story* I had to sell my childhood home, because my parents are both, not great people, and the home was split between my brother and I in our father's will. I live with my partner, two cats, and recently graduated from my undergrad. I currently am enrolled in grad school, and came to the realization, that my part time job isn't making enough to keep up my half of the rent. I know I can rely on my partner for awhile, but, I want to avoid that, keeping the dynamics balanced you know? But, I think I don't have enough time to get a different part time job, continue going to grad school, and keep the new life I have built. I am so happy where I am, but I sincerely don't want to lose it all. I have been looking for jobs for the last few weeks, but, fuck, the pressure is starting to mount now with no one calling back. Just venting, but I'm tired of being scared, and worried all the time.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2024-11-03 00:14 ID:mizvBcgd [Del]

Suck it up, you're a guy and you'll never have to endure the struggles that girls/women face.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2024-11-06 05:45 ID:QECtbPB8 [Del]

Looking into sponsorships would be a good idea. If you have skill that you believe could be capitalized on you can see if there are any companies, people, or non-profits near your that are open to giving out sponsorships.

However, you shouldn't dwell on it. Stress causes people to make mistakes. You've run into a problem. Problems only become mistakes when you refuse to correct them.