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Generation gap (2)

1 Name: Kanna : 2023-04-21 11:11 ID:b9ghiIjc [Del]

So I'm not sure if this is common in other countries, but in my country, old people often say things like "you're only better than me at computer" or like "if only we had computer back then, I'd probably be very rich now" (yes, in my country, they like saying computer rather than modern technology or something). And when I say old people, these people are usually around ages 55+. These are also the people who oftentimes invalidate other people's struggles, most especially when it comes to mental health. I understand how technology made things more convenient and how much current society relies on modern technology. But I don't know why they always say those kind of lines. They always bring up those statements when they feel like they're being belittled by younger people or when their egos are stepped on for hypocritic behavior (if they're not telling tales of their old experiences). Isn't it them who look down on themselves when they bring up those lines? They're the ones defining their value based on computers, yet they get mad at/blame younger people. I just don't understand. Everyone will always know something that you don't and you will always know something that everyone doesn't. Using computers is just one of those, and I don't think it's that big of a deal if we're only talking about personal value. I often hear/read things from people of all ages that mistakes, grades, failures, disabilities, etc. don't define you, but somehow knowing how to use a computer does? I don't understand.

What are your thoughts on this?

2 Name: Anon : 2023-05-10 05:45 ID:nDuDlGFR [Del]

Don't listen to old people you are wasting your time. Yes, old people might say shit things about us Gen Z because we haven't had to deal with the same problems as they did in the last century. And I'm glad we didn't have to deal with those problems lol. But that doesn't mean we don't have our own problems to deal with in this century. So, when an old person tells you that you have it easy, just ignore them or politely explain that life is different now. We will all get old one day, and we'll need to learn from the young people who come after us about how life works at that time. I don't know how things work in your country or region, maybe you are surrounded by people/family members that have a particular thinking on computers. I have heard those comments before but not that many in the way you mentioned. Like I said, old people have a lot of stuff we can learn from but as for today's world they might say stupid shit. Don't take it so seriously.. just /ignore..