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Lost talent no charisma (2)

1 Name: Strongmid : 2020-09-15 00:15 ID:SJvAgVv9 [Del]

I’m 22 and I feel like I haven’t changed much since I was a kid I find difficult to talk to people and it takes me longer to learn things where back then I could learn things very quickly. Does anyone know any learning methods to pickup things more quickly and to talk to people charisma because I am so lost.

2 Name: Jst : 2020-09-18 12:51 ID:b/IoZfHu [Del]

Hi dude!

Honestly I know what you feel. I use to feel really shitty about how bad I am at socializing but eventually I got better (I hope so anyway lol).

Remember that it's normal that you feel that way but you have to understand we all have our own paces so you don't have to worry about it as much!

Regarding on how to get better, I recommend looking and listening at people more . Normally improving our social skills comes naturally to us, babies learn by just observing their caretakers but the sad truth is that not all of us are exposed to a social setting early on. So that kinda hinders us from developing our skills.

I'm not saying it's all over and it's the universe's fault but instead you have to go back to observing people and start listening to them. You could practice by looking at how you speak in the mirror or watch videos of people communicating well. ( Charisma on Command in YT is my recommendation)

I ain't no expert so take my word with a grain of salt.But honestly, I really hope you do better at it! (as we are all trying to get better)

So don't give up my DUDE!