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I need help (3)

1 Name: Sir Nicholas : 2019-05-17 13:38 ID:gRsYh3sM [Del]

So lately, my life has been turning to hell. My grades have been shit, i may not graduate on time, i failed to get into an AP class, i very well may not get into college, i keep pushing people away, tons of people are angry at me, my crush rejected me, and i legit just want to die.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2019-05-17 14:08 ID:rAbAzYar [Del]

Hey man, this is probably the most basic advice ever, but... you just have to keep going. I know this is corny, but it's true– they say it does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop. It's okay that you're not in that AP class. It's okay if you don't graduate on time, or if you take a gap year before college, or even if you never go to college at all. Just go at your own pace, and you'll get it figured out.

Whenever we complained about something like this, my high school Spanish teacher would tells us "No es como tanto!" even though at the time we didn't know what it meant, both literally (it doesn't translate easily) and figuratively. It basically means "It's not a big deal." Which was totally not what I wanted to hear when school was literally making me suicidal... but it's much easier to have that attitude in retrospect. If you keep on pushing, you'll have a moment like that eventually. Where you'll look back at this point in your life and think "That fucking sucked, but I'm through it now and I'm stronger for it. No es como tanto."

I understand how you feel being ostracized. I don't know why people are angry at you, but whether it was your fault or theirs, that can be righted. My advice is to remind yourself that anger is a secondary emotion. It's caused by some other emotion that came before it– maybe they were feeling hurt, betrayed, guilty, shameful, afraid... Whatever it was, you will have to deal with it after the anger is gone. Make sure you don't ignore that if you want to try rebuilding your relationship with those people.

It's hard not to push people away, but trust me... It's worth it to put the effort into connecting or reconnecting with people. Don't let yourself fall into that lifestyle where you're so complacent with loneliness that you don't even realize you're lonely. I was there for years. Living as a passive bystander seems fine for a while, but it'll crack anyone eventually.

If it's easier for you than going to family/close friends, you can consider talking to a teacher or a counselor about this. You don't have to tell them if you're suicidal– I don't know whether they're obligated to report that– but definitely consider talking to one about the things contributing to you feeling that way. A good teacher can probably give you great advice that's more specific to your situation.

Don't give on yourself. You still have so much time ahead of you to make things right. Find a balance between pushing yourself, and being kind to yourself. I always tell myself to be the person I needed when I was at my lowest. Try to treat both yourself and other people that way.

Again, don't give up. I'm rooting for you, and I hope my input here wasn't too cheesy.

3 Name: Sir Nicholas : 2019-05-17 15:54 ID:gRsYh3sM [Del]

Thanks I'm okay even if its a bit corny, but ill try to take your advice even if itll be hard to change some things