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i broke up (2)

1 Name: Tenshi : 2019-01-16 06:21 ID:y0osVcoT [Del]

the title says it all people.
I broke up with my boyfriend.
It was inevitable, now that I think about it, and I'm glad I did so. I just feel a bit down thinking that my past two boyfriends (the only ones I've had so far) and I's relationships were relatively short and fizzled out the same way—with me breaking up and feeling like the bad guy. But if it had continued it would have hurt us both more anyways.
I don't feel horrible.
I feel fine?
I just feel kinda constricted right now. But as time passes, I think I'll feel alright. More free.
I feel like I'm going to avoid romance from now on. At least until I get to college and get to mingle with people who can actually understand my thought processes.
Just wanted to tell you guys.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2019-01-17 04:51 ID:n4FF0MiV [Del]

Well what's happened has happened, if you initiated the breakup for your previous relationships and don't feel a bit of guilt, future guys may be wary- that's a red flag right there.

Good news is you still have time to change. People usually wait till college before finding their significant other, precisely because of this reason-puppy love. Others understanding your thought process/ how you think is good, it shows a certain level of relationship being formed. But to maintain it is a different story altogether. Communication is key. You seem to like holding back your thoughts in your head, not that it's wrong, but for a successful relationship to work out well communication is key. Guys can't be guessing everything inside your head, we're not mind readers, although we hope to be :)