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Help? (9)

1 Name: M.S : 2018-02-04 00:15 ID:mRlrkVex [Del]

Can anyone give me any advice about how to give a revenge on someone else? This is the story. I has an enemy that really hate me eventhough we used to go at the same school for the past few years.We can be labeled as childhood classmates but she seriuosly hate me like im a piece of shit in front of here. So, one day she embarass me infront of my class saying that i stealing her boyfriend. How the hell that i would steal her boyfriend if im a man?! Then all of my classmate start treating me as gay and yelling faggot most of the time. Any revenge plan?

2 Name: Cara : 2018-02-04 03:59 ID:Tv6dtBIK [Del]

Hi there, sorry to hear that. I don’t know why u guys hv a bad relationship with each other, but her exclaiming that remark does make her very childish... I don’t know though, maybe because I’m older...but I’ll be laughing along with your classmates if I were u. Most probably your classmates were just teasing u, they’ll forget about it soon enough, no worries.

As for revenge, don’t. Don’t need to swoop down to her level of immaturity. Focus on being a better person. I suggest resolving your differences with her, tell her u don’t appreciate her childishness and want her to stop.

Stay classy.

3 Name: Mayonaka : 2018-02-05 04:42 ID:Bo/IhLZF [Del]

Most likely trying to get revenge on her will only make things worse, and could end up getting you in trouble. Just try to avoid her, and don't give her the satisfaction of a reaction. The other classmates will either forget, or aren't actually taking her seriously anyway. I hate to be that person, but if she keeps it up, bring it up to a teacher of the principle. It's not worth getting yourself in trouble over.

4 Name: M.S : 2018-06-24 03:02 ID:mRlrkVex [Del]

thanks for your replies. But i guess its too late,i had my fill ;). as they said karma always come no mater what time or second. i had a happy ending but i dont she is. truth is she want to humiliate her EX boyfriend and me. but poor her,she suffer the same. but more juicy. thnks @misskarma if u out there reading this.

5 Name: Mello : 2018-06-26 16:08 ID:ql1NvsA0 [Del]

Well I for one have grown close to all of my classmates, therefore they all trust me with bits and pieces of their personal life or other's. So one time someone was really being a crappy friend to one of my friends, so I did some digging and got dirt on her and told her what I have learned and kinda blackmailed her into being a better friend or she should back off. But if you do that, make sure you cut off all ties and make sure they can't trace it back to you. Dealing with it peacefully is probably the best option, but if you choose to get revenge, be careful and sneaky.

6 Name: kaiyo !Q7D/Cr2T.M : 2018-06-30 22:21 ID:NeAp2ow/ [Del]

A lot of the time getting revenge never ends well it may feel good to do it now but in my experience taking the high road and choosing to not let that person's comments affect you by not reacting to them or really giving them any attention at all is the best way to both irritate them and make you the better person at the end. it always pays to treat hate with kindness or at least peace

7 Name: Rat : 2018-07-01 16:35 ID:s0cDwEcv [Del]

Just stab her.=)

8 Name: Izaya Gaten : 2018-07-05 15:23 ID:OxSmYayA [Del]

Kaiyo gives cuck advise and cara ia a girl

If shes annoying you, fucking spit on her face and defend yourself verbally (most likely cucks wiöl come to aid her) and if so just let your rage out on them, bullys never lern and ignoring simply isnt enough

9 Name: M.S : 2018-07-06 01:45 ID:mRlrkVex [Del]

hahhaha,thank you guys. I'm satisfied with what i do. And yes,ID:ql1NvsA0 i've done the same thing. No trace at all;] cant spit at her tho ID:OxSmYayA , i cant meet her again XD. She's gone not just from my mind but also my life. also thanks ID:s0cDwEcv ID:NeAp2ow/.