Dollars BBS | Personal
















Meeting new people (2)

1 Name: Cloud76 : 2017-10-27 01:12 ID:nkZ9iuTp [Del]

So it’s kind of weird for me to ask for advice since im usually the one providing it but im having a difficult time now and I hope someone can help me out. So right now im 21 and I work a full time job. I recently got rejected by someone I was going out with for a while. We hung out but she didn’t want a relationship since her last one was really bad. Thing is I don’t really go out much so meeting people is kinda difficult especially since im always working. Im not a party person so I don’t go to clubs or anything but I find it difficult to find someone to go out with. Im getting tired of always hearing the same things like ohh it’s because you haven’t the right person yet. Ive tried online things but I don’t really like them. People are really fake and im horrible at picture taking. I don’t personally think im unattractive but I don’t know any places I should go to meet people.

2 Name: Rin!W80JVncZoU : 2017-10-27 01:48 ID:k9GQa8Ye [Del]

Just be patient. For that person, its better to be friends for now, only have a relationship in the future if you are serious, lets say about marriage. But still, let that person accept you first, so you have to be genuine and overall nice to her.

For other people, online dating is mostly stupid. Usually sexual predators are there, since all they use those apps are for sex. Male or female honestly. I dont recommend to use such apps. You have your own reasons too it seems.

I personally dont know where to suggest to find someone. For now maybe official places like your workplace. Or maybe randomly on the streets, if youre lucky. Meet them in real life if possible.

Hope that give some valuable insights. Good luck.