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How does depression feel like (5)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2017-02-09 02:42 ID:xmun754h [Del]

Hey guys,what does depression feel like to you guys. I been feeling down these past 2 years and maybe I could just begone and it would be a good thing.Also some stresses could begone. My family might be happier but then again they spent a lot of money raising me so I have a duty to pay them back.But hey I'm only 16,it's probably just hormones or something lol. Man I accidentally pressed new reply instead of new thread,I'm sorry about that.

2 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2017-02-09 03:46 ID:ktp0wAbx [Del]

Wait a few years, 'cause you've already waited 2.
If you still feel like shit, and you know it's not hormones, go see a professional.
Sure, we can help you cope through it, but we can do really little to help cure you of anything.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2017-02-09 03:56 ID:xmun754h [Del]

Oh I'm not looking for a cure just what it feels like to other people. What I'm feeling will go away sooner or later probably

4 Name: Anonymous : 2017-02-09 05:52 ID:Nslodf5D [Del]

You should probably see a professional if you think you're depressed because it is very dangerous to self diagnose it. In your mind, if you THINK that you are or you feel this way, your body will react the same way and basically make you feel what you're thinking. You may think you have it, but not actually have it. I took a psychology course and that's what I was taught. When people think they're depressed when they're really just having a crummy day, they're body reacts and makes them feel sadness only furthering their "I must be depressed" when they really aren't.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2017-02-09 05:54 ID:Nslodf5D [Del]

Just do what you enjoy, you're still growing as a person too. You're at an awkward stage in your life for some people. Still finding who you are. I believe in you.