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how to start conversation with people. (5)

1 Name: yabaii !/Mv7Egb/jw : 2017-01-27 14:03 ID:xpxC/mBX [Del]

so many times i've tried to communicate with people i always get an awkward situation that i can't handle it and i dont know what to do if they're looking at me with their eyes the problem that i know is im not confident with myself because my face is ugly

2 Name: Boopwrang : 2017-01-27 17:09 ID:Gv33v2oV [Del]

Well if they are able to look at you straight then don't worry about your face

3 Name: Black Reaper : 2017-01-27 19:52 ID:lbHd+g+C [Del]

Look, just be you, if your lame than be lame, have you ever heard the saying if you want to know a person look at their friends... Well if you act the way you usually do people love genuine people. There something that draws humans to someone they trust. Be that person, say hi give your name relate to them so Express ideas hobbies and other common ideals and grounds you have. Then slowly reveal embarrassing factors about yourself, but not to much just so you can get the other person to express they're secrets. And don't reveal them. If you can be that person everyone trusts, then eventually more people will meet you, and you will pick up personalities from all the other friends you encounter. I hope this helped.

4 Name: ShoshanYatogami : 2017-01-28 12:50 ID:rLVxuAH2 [Del]

I was in the same situation, and believe you have two choices as far as I understood your problem right:
You can try not to think to much about it. Just communicate with popele you know and be yourself when you get the chance to talk somebody knew.
Or, if you really want to be that guy that can talk freely without pressure, just try it out as often as possible, believe me you get used to it, whatever your face looks like.

5 Name: Punyama : 2017-01-28 13:44 ID:Txi2Lm+/ [Del]

Pretend you're already good friends with them. Start talking to them like you've known them for a long time. Confuses strangers at first but it's a nice feeling to talk to people who feel like they wanna know you, so that a technique. Also if you think your face is "ugly" just don't trust me when I say a good person doesn't care, as long as you are nice. I honestly believe we are all beautiful if we can be truly nice to one another.