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Worried for a Friend (4)

1 Name: AFM : 2016-12-24 03:08 ID:2meeqkso [Del]

I have a really close friend that I've gotten along with a lot, sometimes we have fall outs but we usually always make up, recently a lot of drama happen between me and this girl and my ex-best friend, now my ex-best friend and threatening to drop her from his life if she dost cut me out of it, i'm worried that he might be trying to control her fully and use her in some manipulation thing, i'm just really worried for my friend what should I do?

2 Name: Devil's Counsellor : 2016-12-24 15:40 ID:+BA1nUuG [Del]

I'm not sure if there is much you can do honestly. Hopefully this girl know better than to listen to your ex-best friend who kinda sounds like a bitch. But in the case that she does listen to your ex-best friend, the most you can probably do for her is try and talk her out of it with logic. Any half-decent human being would not try and tell someone else who they can be friends with, as long as they're not trying to befriend some shady people or something like that. Also I would not recommend it either if she tries hanging out with you in secret and hiding it from your ex-best friend. She hopefully knows to cut him out of her life and not you.

I wish you the best of luck.

3 Name: AFM : 2016-12-27 07:47 ID:2meeqkso [Del]

Thanks for the advice, unfortunately i couldn't talk her out of it, and shoe choose to listen to him, so i decided to remove myself from the whole situation and move on, although thats tough on its own, but thank you for listening to my problem :)

4 Name: Devil's Counsellor : 2016-12-27 08:34 ID:+BA1nUuG [Del]

I'm sorry to hear that. But I think you made the right choice by getting away from them. I don't think she will have a very healthy relationship with your ex-best friend since he does sound very manipulating and extremely petty from what you've described, but there is only so much you can do to try and help her.

Anyways, I honestly think you made the right choice, and try not to feel guilty or bad about it. It is what it is, and you've done what you can. And I'm sure that you'll be able too meet new friends too so don't worry.

I wish you the best of luck.